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Assorted Veggie Chips

1. Customer Segments
• Who are the customers? What need are you fulfilling?
o General Public
o Kids and Families
o Healthy Lifestylists
o Medical Patients

2. Value Propositions
• Why do customers buy/use?
o Nutritious Snacks
o Cheap and Affordable Price
o Help out local community with new business opportunities
o Ingredient and Distribution Innovation

3. Channels
• How are these sold and delivered?
o Online Shopping Websites (Shopee and Lazada)
o Social Media (Facebook)
o Physical Store
o Partner Events

4. Customer Relationship
• How do you interact with your customers?
o Customer Interaction
o Customer Feedbacks and Customer Service

5. Revenue Streams
• How does the business earn revenue?
o Advertising
o Free Taste
o Bulk Buyers and Loyalty Discount
o Referral Discount
o Online Discussion
o Customer Feedback Hotline
6. Key Activities
• Strategic things
o Branding
o Employment – Local Community
o Produce enough chips quantity to sell to generate an income

7. Key Resources
• What unique strategic assets must the business have to compete?
o Brand
o Sources of raw food ingredient (local)
o Start-up money
o Team
o Premises
8. Key Partnership
• Relationship with other business
o Farmers (Food Ingredient Suppliers)
o Supermarkets
o Staff
o Online Retailers
o Distributors
o Retail Partnerships
o Packaging Partners

9. Cost Structure
• Cost and expenses
o Equipment and Facilities
o Ingredients
o Advertising
o Staff Salaries
o Packaging

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