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The Crop Journal 9 (2021) 249–256

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Synergistic and antagonistic interactions between potassium and

magnesium in higher plants
Kailiu Xie a,b, Ismail Cakmak c, Shiyu Wang a, Fusuo Zhang d,e, Shiwei Guo a,d,⇑
Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Solid Organic Waste Utilization, Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Solid Organic Wastes, Educational Ministry Engineering Center of
Resource-saving Fertilizers, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, China
School of Land Resources and Environment, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, Jiangxi, China
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey
International Magnesium Institute, College of Resources and Environment, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Fujian, China
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Magnesium (Mg) affects various critical physiological and biochemical processes in higher plants, and its
Received 11 March 2020 deficiency impedes plant growth and development. Although potassium (K)-induced Mg deficiency in
Revised 27 September 2020 agricultural production is widespread, the specific relationship of K with Mg and especially its compet-
Accepted 3 November 2020
itive nature is poorly understood. This review summarizes current knowledge on the interactions
Available online 25 November 2020
between K and Mg with respect to their root uptake, root-to-shoot translocation and distribution in
plants. Their synergistic effects on certain physiological functions are also described. The antagonistic
effect of K on Mg is stronger than that of Mg on K in root absorption and transport within plants, indi-
Functional replacement
cating that the balanced use of K and Mg fertilizers is necessary for sustaining high plant-available Mg
Magnesium and alleviating K-induced Mg deficiency, especially in plant species with high K demand or in high-
Potassium available-K soil. The relationship between Mg and K in plant tissues may be antagonistic or synergistic
Synergy depending on plant species, cell type, leaf age, source- and sink organs. There are synergistic effects of
K and Mg on photosynthesis, carbohydrate transport and allocation, nitrogen metabolism, and turgor reg-
ulation. Definition of optimal K/Mg ratios for soils and plant tissues is desirable for maintaining proper
nutritional status in plants, leading to a physiological state supporting crop production. Future research
should concentrate on identifying the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying the interac-
tions between K and Mg in a given physiological function.
Ó 2020 Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

2. Interaction between Mg and K during root uptake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
3. Interaction between Mg and K during translocation and distribution in shoots . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
4. Functional synergism between Mg and K in photosynthesis, phloem loading, and nitrogen metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
5. Effects of balanced fertilization of K and Mg on crop yield and quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
6. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
CRediT authorship contribution statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Guo).
2214-5141/Ó 2020 Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Science, CAAS. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
K. Xie, I. Cakmak, S. Wang et al. The Crop Journal 9 (2021) 249–256

1. Introduction to correct the pH; however, in the case of calcitic limestone, this
agronomic practice may alter the availability of K+ and Mg2+ to
Magnesium ion (Mg2+) is one of the most abundant cations in plants owing to several chemical processes occurring after liming,
living plant cells, which usually require 1.5–3.5 g kg 1 for optimal such as increased soil adsorption and reduction in root uptake
plant growth [1]. Magnesium is vital for several plant physiological owing to competition from Ca2+ [20,21]. Continuous excessive
and biochemical processes, including photosynthesis, carbohy- application of K+ and NH+4 fertilizers in cropping systems can
drate partitioning, and protein synthesis, that affect plant growth increase the risk of Mg deficiency, resulting from antagonistic
and yield formation [2–5]. In addition to being the centrally bound interference with plant Mg2+ uptake [11,22]. As the best-known
ion of the chlorophyll molecule, Mg is an activator of more than nutrient interaction in plant mineral nutrition, the antagonistic
300 enzymes (Fig. 1) [1,6]. The early response of plants to Mg defi- interaction between K and Mg has been widely studied and is con-
ciency is an impaired partitioning of photoassimilates between sidered the main cause of Mg deficiency. Accordingly, this review
source and sink organs, resulting in accumulation of carbohydrates focuses on this interaction.
in leaves (source organs) and inhibition of growth of sink organs The locations commonly associated with K-induced Mg defi-
such as roots, nodules, and seeds [4,5,7,8]. Symptoms of Mg defi- ciency are usually found in tropical and subtropical regions with
ciency appear as leaf interveinal chlorosis, with the development high rainfall and soil acidity as well as high soil concentrations of
of chlorotic and necrotic lesions in later stages, particularly under cationic nutrients such as K and Ca [11,12,23]. K-induced Mg defi-
high light intensity [9,10]. ciency often occurs in crops with high demand for K for the forma-
Magnesium deficiency can be simply a consequence of very low tion of yield and quality, such as banana, potato, and sugarcane,
amounts of plant-available Mg in soils, resulting, for example, from especially at their critical developmental stages with rapid carbo-
the loss of soil Mg via leaching, especially in acidic and sandy soils. hydrate accumulation [5]. For example, up to 1.6 t of K application
Because of its large hydrated ionic radius and its correspondingly per ha was required for banana [24], and imbalanced nutrition
weak adsorption to soil colloids, Mg2+ is highly prone to leaching with Mg in banana due to excessive application of K fertilizers
[11,12]. Leaching losses of Mg2+ below the root zone can be up to may impair the nutritional composition and value of banana fruits.
90 kg Mg ha 1, as shown in a sugarcane-cultivated soil in Brazil In South Africa, use of high amounts of K fertilizers induces Mg
[13]. An absolute Mg deficiency might also be associated with deficiency by reducing root Mg2+ uptake [25]. In some instances,
long-term unbalanced crop fertilization neglecting input of magne- growers and crop advisors fail to recognize K-induced Mg-
sium fertilizer, and intensive production systems leading to severe deficiency symptoms in leaves, especially in the case of greenhouse
Mg depletion in soil caused by Mg removal by crops [11,12,14]. crops in North China, where high amounts of K fertilizers are com-
Removal of Mg with the harvested part of plants may reach up to monly applied [26]. Although calcareous soil is usually considered
100 kg MgO ha 1 [15]. to be rich in available Mg and K in North China, K-induced Mg defi-
Remarkably, because of the complex competition between Mg2+ ciency frequently occurs because excessive K fertilizer increases
and other soil cations, high soluble concentrations of Mg2+ in the soil-available K to over 600 mg kg 1, higher than its optimum soil
soil solution do not necessarily mean that it is plant-available. concentration (240–300 mg kg 1) [26,27]. Insufficient or unbal-
Acidic soils are usually highly saturated with cations such as H+, anced fertilization with K and Mg is widespread in agricultural pro-
Al3+, and Mn2+, which induce Mg deficiency in plants by interfering duction, resulting in imbalances in their distribution in plants and
with root Mg2+ uptake [11,16,17]. Addition of high Mg2+ alleviates thereby limiting plant growth as well as the nutritional quality of
the inhibition of plant growth and development by many toxic edible parts of plants [28].
heavy metals, such as copper and cadmium [18,19]. An antagonis- Elucidating K–Mg interactions in plants may help to clarify their
tic relationship between iron and Mg has also been described [19]. physiological consequences to plant growth and yield improve-
Application of liming materials to acidic soils is common practice ment, and provide a theoretical basis for balancing fertilization

Fig. 1. The major physiological functions of K and Mg in plant cells. (1) Free Mg2+ and K+ together regulate cation–anion balance and serve as osmotically active ions in
turgor regulation of cells. (2) Both K and Mg play critical roles in photosynthesis, and functional synergy or functional substitution between K and Mg in photosynthesis has
been found in plants. (3) Both K and Mg are activators or cofactors of key enzymes controlling plant physiological and biochemical processes. (4) Mg plays a vital regulatory
role in cellular energy balance, interacting with the pyrophosphate moiety of nucleotide tri- and diphosphates. The energy-rich compounds Mg-ADP and Mg-ATP, which is in
equilibrium with the free Mg2+ pool and is required for K+ absorption across root cell membranes, represent the primary complexed Mg pools in the cytosol. (5) and (6) As
cations, Mg2+ and K+ play important roles in maintaining cellular pH balance, and K+, a major osmolyte in vacuoles, is essential for stomatal opening.

K. Xie, I. Cakmak, S. Wang et al. The Crop Journal 9 (2021) 249–256

with K and Mg. The competition between Mg2+ and K+ is generally affinity plant K+ transporter (HKT) family is divided into two sub-
considered as unidirectional and governed only by K+, an increase groups (HKT1 and HKT2). Most HKT2 members function as Na+/
in K+ concentration reduces Mg2+ uptake, and this inhibition occurs K+ transporters with a role in maintaining Na+/K+ homeostasis in
mainly in plant roots [29]. Evidence is now mounting that their plants, but HKT2;4 seems to be an exception, as it shows perme-
interaction occurs not only during root uptake but probably also ability to a wide range of cations. The two members of class II
during root-to-shoot translocation, distribution, and utilization transporters responsible for K transport, OsHKT2;4 in rice and
[12,30,31]. TaHKT2;1 in wheat, have been suggested to mediate Mg2+ trans-
Although K–Mg interaction in plants has been extensively stud- port in plants (Fig. 2) [38,39], and it can be limited and depend
ied, the synergistic and antagonistic relationships between K and on competing K+ concentrations in plants [38]. In plants, Mg2+
Mg and its agronomic and physiologic relevance in crop nutrition uptake by roots is mediated mainly by MGT family members,
have not been well characterized and reviewed. The objectives of and OsMGT1 in rice and AtMGT6 in Arabidopsis have been identi-
this review are (i) to summarize and analyze the current knowl- fied as plasma membrane-localized transporters mediating root
edge of K-Mg interactions with respect to the root absorption, Mg uptake [40,41]. Mg2+ uptake is also facilitated by a non-
translocation, and distribution of these cations in plants; and (ii) selective ion channel (NSCC), which is also permeable to K+
to highlight important future research areas including the physio- (Fig. 2) [42]. Guo [43] reported that AtCNGC10 (Arabidopsis thaliana
logical and molecular mechanism underlying K–Mg interaction, cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 10), located in the plasma mem-
and functional synergism between Mg and K. brane, is involved in Mg2+ uptake and long-distance transport. In
contrast to MGTs, AtCNGC10 is not specific for Mg2+ transport,
given that it also regulates K+ transport (Fig. 3) [43–45]. These
2. Interaction between Mg and K during root uptake molecular mechanisms provide direct evidence for K–Mg antago-
nism in the process of root absorption. A high-affinity K transporter
Root absorption of Mg2+ may involve two mechanisms, which gene (OsHAK1) was prominently up-regulated in Mg-starved rice
are either highly specific and insensitive to K+ or highly sensitive root, and expression of a putative Mg transporter gene (OsMGT)
to K+ [12,32]. In previous studies [33,34], Mg2+ uptake at the root was markedly up-regulated under K starvation [46], suggesting
surface was inhibited at K+ concentrations greater than 20 lmol that K-Mg interaction might regulate expression of the genes,
L 1. The generally accepted competition mechanism of Mg2+ with which thus control K+ or Mg2+ uptake (Fig. 2). In response to defi-
K+ is a lack of specificity of the individual uptake systems for the ciency of a given nutrient, plants may indirectly increase the
two cations [1,35]. The inhibitory effect of K+ on Mg2+ uptake uptake of other nutrients by overexpressing or up-regulating non-
may result from competition for metabolically produced binding specific transporters with the effect of improving the uptake of the
compounds or active sites present on the plasma membrane [36]. deficient nutrient [47]. The study of K or Mg transporter genes
In Arabidopsis, the Shaker K+ channel AKT1 and KUP/HAK/KT under corresponding deficiency conditions contributes to under-
transporter HAK5, which are expressed primarily in roots and standing K–Mg interaction at the molecular level. The above-
function in K+ uptake from the external environment, mediate mentioned mechanism, such as competition for active sites or
almost all K+ absorption in roots [37]. Under most conditions, the transporters, could partly explain the synergism or antagonism
majority of K+ is taken up by AKT1, not HAK5, because AKT1 func- between K+ and Mg2+ in root uptake or transport in plants. The
tions in both the low-affinity and high-affinity ranges. The high- molecular basis of K–Mg interaction during root uptake awaits fur-
ther study.
Indirect results or effects in K–Mg interaction during root
uptake are also reported from many studies. Mg2+ uptake was
stimulated at low K+ concentration and inhibited at high K+ con-
centration [29]. In rice, Mg2+ concentration in shoot and root was
significantly reduced with increasing K+ concentrations in growth
medium [48], and a similar negative effect of high K supply on
Mg2+ uptake was found in safflower [49]. Reduction in root Mg2+
uptake by high K+ concentration may involve blocking of nonspeci-
fic Mg2+ transporters by K+ [12]. In contrast, the effects of increas-
ing Mg supply on K+ uptake in plants are inconsistent, and usually,
no or a slight inhibitory effect of high Mg2+ on K+ uptake has been
reported [11,12]. At low K levels in the growth medium, K+ concen-
tration in rice leaves showed no change with increasing Mg2+ sup-
ply; however, an increase in Mg2+ concentration in the medium
significantly reduced K+ uptake at high K levels [30,48]. At ade-
quate K levels, K+ concentration in plants under Mg deficiency
was increased or not affected. For example, K+ uptake was signifi-
cantly increased under insufficient Mg supply in sugar beet, sun-
flower, onion, banana, and Citrus sinensis seedlings [4,50–53],
whereas in perennial ryegrass and safflower, Mg supply had no
effect on K absorption [49,54]. Plant K+ concentrations were
Fig. 2. Possible competitive effects and mechanisms of Mg2+ with K+ in plants.
decreased with supply or resupply of Mg in coffee and maize
(1) Mg2+ uptake is facilitated by two systems: a non-selective ion channel (NSCC)
and an H+/Mg2+ exchanger (MHX). NSCC is also capable of K+ transport in leaves and [55,56], whereas increased levels of Mg showed a minimal effect
roots cells [42]. (2) and (3) The two members of class II transporters (OsHKT2;4 and on leaf K levels in sugarcane [25]. These conflicting observations
TaHKT2;1) in rice and wheat were originally described to transport K+, and evidence suggest that there is a moderate synergistic, an antagonistic, or
[38,39] suggests that they also transport Mg2+ in plants. (4) and (5) A high-affinity even no effect of Mg2+ on K+ uptake, and the inconsistency among
K+ transporter gene (OsHAK1) was up-regulated under Mg starvation in rice roots,
and expression of a putative Mg transporter gene (OsMGT) was up-regulated under
research groups likely depends on the ratio of K to Mg used in the
K starvation [46], suggesting that an interaction between Mg and K regulates the growth medium and plant species used in the experiments. Mg2+
expression of genes controlling their uptake. (AKT, a K+ selective channel). exerts little effect on K+ absorption, in part because very specific
K. Xie, I. Cakmak, S. Wang et al. The Crop Journal 9 (2021) 249–256

Fig. 3. Interactions between Mg and K in plants. (A) Uptake, translocation, and distribution. K+ has a strongly antagonistic effect on Mg2+ uptake, but there is no consistently
verifiable influence of Mg2+ on K+ uptake, owing to the nonspecificity of Mg2+ uptake systems. In general, K+ inhibits Mg2+ translocation from roots to shoots, but the
mechanism remains unclear. Guo [43] reported that AtCNGC10, localized in the plasma membrane, is involved in Mg2+ uptake and long-distance transport, and it also
regulates K+ transport in Arabidopsis. However, because not all transporters responsible for root-to-shoot translocation of Mg2+ have been identified, the effects of Mg2+ on K+
translocation are not well characterized. The antagonistic effect on ionic distribution was most significant in older leaves. (B) Synergism or substitution in function. K and Mg
nutrition greatly affects photosynthetic electron transport, formation of photo-assimilates, phloem sucrose loading, and nitrogen metabolism. (SKOR, the K+ loading
transporter in xylem; CNGC10, cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 10, involved in long-distance Mg2+ transport; AA, amino acid; NRT2, nitrate transporter 2; NR, nitrate
reductase; NiR, nitrite reductase; GS, glutamine synthetase; Glu, glutamic acid).

K+ transporters belonging to the high-affinity transport systems in was depressed with increasing K supply because of the inhibitory
root cells are not competitively blocked (antagonized) by Mg2+ effect of K+ on Mg2+ translocation; however, Mg supply did not
[38]. The effects of Mg2+ on root K+ uptake might be explained by affect the total uptake or concentration of K+ in plants. It is clear
effects on the active absorption of K+ across root cell membranes, that K exerts a strong antagonistic effect on Mg transport, while
given that this process depends on ATPase activity, which is dis- Mg exerts either a synergistic or no effect on K transport into
rupted under Mg deficiency [2,55]. In brief, the antagonistic effect shoots. Karley and White [61] showed that K+ and Mg2+ behave dif-
of Mg on K absorption is not as strong as the inhibitory effect of K ferently during xylem and phloem transport, although both are
on root Mg uptake, and the magnitude of K and Mg antagonism highly mobile cations. Compared with K+, Mg2+ is more easily
seems to be greatly affected by the K/Mg ratio in the growth absorbed by parenchymal cells owing to its higher valence. When
medium. the K/Mg ratio becomes imbalanced because of high K+ concentra-
tions, the transport rate of K+ may be much higher than that of
Mg2+ [62]. The major contributor to K+ translocation to the shoot
3. Interaction between Mg and K during translocation and is the SKOR channel, which is involved in xylem K+ loading [63].
distribution in shoots The transcript levels of SKOR in tomato and Arabidopsis were
downregulated under N, P and S deprivation, partly contributing
Nutrients are transferred to shoots via xylem loading after to the reduction in K+ translocation to shoot [64]; however, to date,
uptake from the soil by roots. Synergistic and antagonistic effects there is little evidence that K+ transport is affected by Mg2+. There
between K and Mg also occur during their transport from root to is an overall lack of knowledge of the effects of K+ on Mg2+ trans-
shoot and distribution within plants (Fig. 3). Mg2+ transport from port because the Mg2+ transport proteins in plants are yet to be
roots into shoots markedly decreased with increasing K supply in identified [39,65]. One candidate, the cation channel AtCNGC10
wheat plants [57,58]. Similar depressive effects of high K+ on involved in xylem-mediated long-distance Mg2+ transport, might
Mg2+ transport were also found in rice [48], tomato [59], and Pinus allow K+ to inhibit Mg2+ translocation [43,45]. The physiological
radiate [60]. In tomato, the K/Mg ratio in the shoots increased sig- and molecular mechanisms mediating the transport of Mg2+ and
nificantly under high K+ and was higher than that in roots, indicat- K+, including the transporters involved in root-to-shoot transloca-
ing that high K+ inhibits Mg2+ root–shoot translocation [59]. A tion of Mg, should be studied to further elucidate the relationship
reduction in the translocation of Mg2+ may be an indirect conse- of K+ and Mg2+ during root-to-shoot translocation.
quence of a reduction of its uptake at the root. In contrast, K+ Another link between K+ and Mg2+ is their distribution in plant
translocation was not affected by Mg2+ concentration in wheat for- tissues after root-to-shoot translocation. The distribution of K+
age [58], and there was even an increase in K+ translocation with among shoot organs was affected by low Mg supply in sugar beet
increasing Mg2+ [48]. Ohno and Grunes [58] reported that both in [4]. In most cases, when the K/Mg ratio supplied to plants is unbal-
soil and hydroponics experiments, Mg2+ concentration in shoot anced, the relationship between K+ and Mg2+ is often found to be
K. Xie, I. Cakmak, S. Wang et al. The Crop Journal 9 (2021) 249–256

antagonistic in source organs but synergistic in sinks. For example, status of plants strongly affects these physiological processes in
in potato, high K application was effective in reducing Mg concen- plants.
trations in leaves, but not in roots and tubers [66]. In pear, an A deficiency of K or Mg resulted in a substantial decline in pho-
antagonistic effect between K and Mg occurred in leaves, but syn- tosynthesis [69,80]. Given the differing forms and roles of the two
ergetic effects of K on Mg in fruits were observed [67]. The positive elements in plants, their effects on photosynthetic rate may vary in
relationship in sink organs was attributed partly to the synergistic different ways. As a dominant osmolyte, K+ accumulating in guard
and positive effects of K and Mg on the export of photoassimilates cells regulates stomatal morphology and function [81], thus affect-
into sink organs such as fruits [68,69]. After root-to-shoot translo- ing stomatal conductance. Given that K+ plays vital roles in main-
cation, both K+ and Mg2+ are preferentially delivered to developing taining chloroplast osmoregulation and pH stability, its deficiency
tissues (the sink); moreover, a K/Mg imbalance in tissues can trig- may reduce the activity and content of the Rubisco enzyme and
ger the redistribution of these two mobile elements among leaves lead to chlorophyll degeneration [79,82]. In contrast, most Mg2+
(the source), requiring phloem-targeted Mg transporters that also is bound in or incorporated into cellular compartments [76], with
remain to be identified. In the case of typical source organs such the highest concentrations in chloroplasts [61]. Mg2+ is probably
as mature or old leaves, strong antagonism was more obvious best known for its central position in the chlorophyll molecule,
(Fig. 3) [55,70], suggesting that the regulation of K and Mg remobi- and facilitates a well-structured organization of grana and stroma
lization from source organs might depend on the K/Mg ratio in tis- lamellae. Accordingly, Mg deficiency exerts adverse effects on the
sues. For example, Diem and Godbold [70] reported that the K/Mg structure and function of chloroplasts, the activity of Rubisco, the
ratio in elongating (sink) leaves of Populus trichocarpa was capacity of light reactions in the stroma, and the partitioning of
increased from 3.75 at 0 lmol L 1 K to 8.31 at 4000 lmol L 1 K carbon among sink organs [31,68,69], and thereby on carbon
supply; however, in older (source) leaves, the same ratio was assimilation. Although K and Mg differ in their physiological roles
increased more sharply, from 0.25 under low K to 13.35 under high associated with photosynthesis, their interaction may have syner-
K. Similarly, in Arabidopsis, short-term Mg deficiency reduced the gistic effects on regulation of leaf photosynthetic capacity [48,66],
contents of K in mature but not in expanding (young) leaves, a which needs a balanced supply of K and Mg [59]. The few studies
finding attributed to the stimulated nutrient retranslocation [71]. that have investigated the effects on photosynthesis of the interac-
Most minerals are sorted into vacuoles for subcellular compart- tions between K and Mg have not identified their mechanisms.
mentation after transport into cells [72]. Both intracellular K and Both K and Mg play critical roles in phloem loading and trans-
Mg are important for maintaining osmotic balance, enzyme activa- port of sugars into sink organs, and their deficiency led to the accu-
tion, and cellular pH control (Fig. 1). Transport of Mg2+ or K+ into mulation of sucrose in source leaves [2,5,83–85]. K promotes
vacuoles has been proposed to act in maintenance of cation–anion loading of sucrose into phloem channels and activates H+-ATPase,
balance and osmotic potential, as well as to store excessive Mg2+ or which resides in the plasma membrane of sieve tube cells and con-
K+ [6], where they could substitute for each other (Fig. 1). For tributes to the maintenance of sucrose loading into phloem chan-
example, under serpentine-rich growth conditions (high Mg:Ca nels [69,86]. As with K, there are two potential reasons for the
ratios but N, P and K deficiency), Mg2+ as the dominant cation is impaired phloem loading of sucrose under Mg deficiency: (i) a
responsible for turgor regulation [73,74]. Diem and Godbold [70] reduction of Mg-ATP availability, which leads to impairments in
reported that an increase of Mg2+ concentrations in vacuoles com- the H+-ATPase activity and proton gradient formation [3,68,87],
pensated the reduction of K+ at low K levels, but that K+ deficit in and (ii) a direct effect on sucrose symporter activity (BvSUT1, a
the cytoplasm was not balanced by Mg2+. This observation sug- sucrose/H+ symporter expressed in companion cells in sugar beets)
gests that K+ in vacuoles responsible for maintaining ionic and [83]. Koch [66] suggested that although both low K and Mg supply
osmotic balance can be substituted by Mg2+, but that K+ in cyto- increased transcript levels of H+/sucrose symporters, the increase
plasm responsible for physiological and biochemical reactions was less pronounced during Mg deficiency, which probably owing
may not be. Conn and Gilliham [75] compared ion distribution in to sugar accumulation in different cell compartments. These obser-
monocot and dicot plants, showing that Mg2+ concentration in vations indicate that adequate Mg and K supply is required to guar-
mesophyll was greater than in epidermis in monocots, whereas antee sufficient re-translocation of assimilates into harvest
Mg2+ in dicots was accumulated mainly in epidermis. However, products, such as grain, fruits, and tubers.
in Arabidopsis (a dicot) leaves, Mg2+ concentration was highest in Magnesium and K are also required for protein biosynthesis and
vacuoles of the mesophyll rather than of epidermal or bundle affect root absorption, utilization, and metabolism of N in plants
sheath cells [73], and after Mg supply to leaves was increased, [88–90]. Nitrate uptake in roots can be affected by Mg2+ and K+
Mg2+ concentration increased primarily in the vacuoles of palisade [50,91,92] via regulation of NRT2 (nitrate) transporters in Ara-
and spongy mesophyll cells [76]. These results suggest that the bidopsis [92] and soybean [93]. K is crucial to the activity of key
antagonistic or synergistic relationship between Mg and K in dif- enzymes required in protein synthesis (such as nitrate reductase)
ferent tissues of plants depends on plant species, sink- and source [89,92], ribosome synthesis, and mRNA turnover [94,95]. Approxi-
organ, leaf age, cell type, and the roles of these elements in plants. mately 75% of leaf Mg appears to be associated either directly or
indirectly with protein synthesis, owing to its roles in ribosomal
structure and function and N metabolism [33]. Mg deficiency
reduced the activities of nitrate reductase and glutathione syn-
4. Functional synergism between Mg and K in photosynthesis, thase (Fig. 3) [48,96], resulting in a decrease in protein concentra-
phloem loading, and nitrogen metabolism tion and an increase in amounts of amino acids and amines in tea
and soybean mature leaves [72,90]. However, there are few reports
Focus is also given to the effects of K and Mg on formation, of functional substitution between Mg and K in N metabolism.
transport, and distribution of carbohydrates and nitrogen (N) Ding et al. [48] reported that Mg could partially replace K in nitrate
metabolism. The productivity of plants is greatly affected by their reduction and ammonium assimilation (Fig. 3).
capacity i) to fix atmospheric carbon into organic carbon by photo- These results support the hypothesis that certain non-specific
synthesis, ii) to translocate the assimilated carbon from source into functions in the plant, at least in part, can be performed by one
sink organs such as roots, flowers, and seeds, and iii) to use the cation in the absence of another. The function of K and Mg in plants
assimilated carbon in sink tissues for growth and development is characterized by crosstalk and redundancy. In summary, there
[6]. It is well known [68,69,77–79] that the K and Mg nutritional are synergistic effects of Mg and K on physiological processes such
K. Xie, I. Cakmak, S. Wang et al. The Crop Journal 9 (2021) 249–256

as photosynthesis, carbohydrate allocation, and nitrogen metabo- ticular attention should be paid to balanced nutrition with K and
lism (Fig. 3), and Mg can partially replace K in some functions. Mg. Ranges for optimal K/Mg ratios should be defined for both soils
The commonality of these functions appears to be responsible for and plant tissues. However, determination of such K/Mg ratios is
physiological synergism between K and Mg in plants. challenging, because they are influenced by multiple soil chemical
and physical conditions as well as plant factors. The physiological
and molecular mechanisms proposed in this review do not fully
5. Effects of balanced fertilization of K and Mg on crop yield and
explain the nature of K-Mg interaction, particularly in the context
of translocation from roots to shoots. Future research should focus
on clarification of the physiological and molecular mechanisms
Because of the antagonistic interactions of K+ and Mg2+ in the
underlying the antagonistic and synergistic interactions between
process of their absorption, translocation, and distribution, plants
K and Mg, during their transport within plants and in their physi-
need to maintain a homeostatic balance between K+ and Mg2+
ological functions, with the ultimate goal of increasing nutrient-
response to changing nutrient status in the soil for optimal growth
use efficiency in crops.
and development. In soils, a K/Mg imbalance (such as may be
caused by unbalanced fertilization) limits the growth and survival
of many plant species. Ertiftik [97] found that certain combinations CRediT authorship contribution statement
of K and Mg (80 kg K2O ha 1 and 40 kg MgO ha 1) maximized the
yield components of maize. Gerendás and Führs [28] concluded Kailiu Xie: Visualization, Writing - original draft. Ismail Cak-
that quality parameters decisive for horticultural crops, such as mak: Writing—review & editing. Shiyu Wang: Visualization.
total soluble solid concentrations and acidity, often more closely Fusuo Zhang: Conceptualization. Shiwei Guo: Conceptualization,
correlated with K/Mg ratios than with Mg2+ concentrations alone. Funding acquisition, Project Administration, Writing—review &
The fertilizer ratio of K/Mg required for best yield may be different editing.
from that for quality in the same crop. Zengin [98] reported that
maximum potato tuber yields were achieved with a K/Mg fertilizer
Declaration of competing interest
ratio of 3 (120 kg K2O ha 1 with 40 kg MgO ha 1) applied to acidic
soils deficient in K and Mg, whereas a K/Mg ratio of 1.6 led to the
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
highest starch concentration in tubers, reflecting good potato qual-
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
ity [99]. These findings emphasize the potential of a balanced
to influence the work reported in this paper.
between K and Mg fertilization to increase crop yield and quality.
Suchartgul [100] reported that when the K/Mg ratios in the soil
and leaves were 2.0 and 3.0, respectively, the growth of rubber Acknowledgments
was best. When the K/Mg ratio in the shoot reached 22, dry matter
of rice attained its highest value [48]. Maximum values were gen- This work was supported by the National Key Research and
erally obtained with combined K + Mg applications, which adjusted Development Program of China (2016YFD0200901 and
defective balances between soil exchangeable K and Mg cations. 2016YFD0200305), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Cen-
The positive effects of balanced K and Mg nutrition are most likely tral Universities (KJQN201514 and KYZ201625). We specially
represented by the maintenance of phloem loading and the trans- appreciate Prof. Chunjian Li of China Agricultural University for
portation of sugars from source to sink organs. helpful comments that helped us to greatly improve the
The saturation values of K and Mg were respectively 5% and 10% manuscript.
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