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A very useful application of derivatives is slope of tangent and normal at a point on a curve. Slope of Tangent The slope of tangent to a continuous curve, y = f(x), is given by ay y=fix) slope =~ Gxlo. yy © at a point P (x, y,) on the curve yy a KPC ry) From the diagram (zi), = tan0 * ‘Tangent parallel to x axis : then, qj.) 0 saimial dy dx! Tangent perpendicular to axis : then 4,|, approaches e or qy| Slope of Normal We know normal & tangent are perpendicular to each other. Hence 1 = Slope of tangent at P Slope of normal Now since we know the slopes, finding the equation of tangents & normals at a point is really simple. As we have done it earlier also in chapter like Straight lines ete. Equation of tangent at a point (x,, y,) = y—y (2) (x-x1) ay Equation of normal at a point (x, y,) = y~y1=— (¢) (xm) an Angle of intersection of 2 curves is defined as angle between the tangents to the curve at their point of intersection We require 0, as it is the angle between the 2 curves. 0=0,-0, also we know that tan 0, & tan 0, are the slopes of tangents to the curve C, & C, respectively at point P (x,, y,). taking tan of the previous equation tan 0 = tan (0, ~ 0) tam 0, —tan O = 14 tand, tand (Eh, - (oe dx, \dxJeo “(89,2 1+(2 ay dx Joy dxJo, Generally we take acute angle as the angle of intersection. We will get 2 answers 0 & 180 - 0, & we select the smaller of 2. If2 curves intersect at right angles i.e. the angle of intersection of 2 curves is a right angle, then the two curves are said to be orthogonal curves. ice. the two tangents are perpendicular (2, @.,- Axo, \AX oy a Let y = <%= tany dx 1. Length of tangent at a point : The portion of the tangent which is intercepted between the point of contact P and x-axis is called the length of the tangent at P. In the given figure, length of tangent at P = PL = \LM? +PM? = ly cotw? +y? = |y|Veot*y +1 1 = |v yet [tan ¥ = y]) Subtangent at a point : Projection of LP on the positive direction of x-axis is called the subtangent at point P. Subtangent at P = LM = ycotw =, subtangent at a point may be positive or negative. Thus the subtangent at P is positive or negative according as M lies on the right or left side of L. Length of subtangent at P Length of normal at a point : The portion of the normal at P intercepted between the point P and xaxis is called the length of the normal at P. In the given figure, length of normal at P PK = \PM? + MK* Vy? +(y tan y)? = |y|yl+ tan? y =|y|yl+ 94 Subtangent at a point : The projection of PK on the x-axis is called the subtangent at P. Subtangent at P = MK = y tan ¥ = yy, subtangent at a point may be positive or negative. The subtangent at P is positive or negative according as K lies on the right or left side of M. Statement : If a function f(x) is (i) continuous in the closed interval [a, b] i.e. continuous at each point in the interval [a, b]. (ii) differentiable in an open interval (a, b) ie. differentiable at each point in the open interval (a, b) and (ii) fla) = f(b), then there will be at least one point c, in the interval (a, b) such that £(c) = 0. Geometrical Meaning of Rolle’s Theorem fig (i) fig (ii) oL M X If the graph of a function y = f (x) be continuous at each point from the point A (a, f(a)) to the point B (b, f (b)) and tangent at each point between A and B is unique i.e. tangent at each point between A and B exist and ordinates i.e. y co-ordinates of points A and B are equal, then there will be at least one point P on the curve between A and B at which tangent will be parallel to x-axis. In fig. (i) there is only one such point P, where tangent is parallel to x-axis, but in fig. (ii) there are more than one such points where tangents are parallel to x-axis. Note : Converse of Rolle’s theorem is not true i.e, if a function f (x) is such that f* (c) = 0 for at least one c in the open interval (a, b) then it is not necessary that (i) f (9 is continuous in [a, b] Gi) £ (x) is differentiable in (a, b) (ii) f(a) = f(b) Algebraic Intepretation of Rolle’s Theorem for a function f(x) which is continuous & differentiable and follows Rolle’s theorem. i.e. f(a) = f(b) = 0, where a, b are roots of the function then we say there exists c < (a, b) such that f'(c) = 0 or we can say c is the root of f(x. Between any two roots of a polynomial function fix) lies a root of its derivative f(x). For a function f (x) defined over [a, b] such that (i) it is continuous on fa, b] (ii) it is differentiable on (a, b) £(b) - f(a) =a then there exists a real number ce (a, b) such that fc) = Note : Rolle Theorem is a special case of this theorem, when f (b) = f (a) ie. f(c) = 0 Geometrical Meaning of Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem Let A (a, f (a) and B (b, f (b)) be two points on the curve y = flx) Then OL = a, OM = b, AL = f (a), BM = f (b). Now slope of chord AB BK _ f(b) tano=aE = f(b fla) a By Lagrange’s Mean Value theorem =1)= slope of tangent at point P (c, f (c)) from (i), tan @ = slope of tangent at P slope of chord AB = slope of tangent at P Hence chord AB || tangent PT. Thus geometrical meaning of mean value theorem is as follows : A in t L M xX OoL M X Pn) If the graph of a curve y = f (x) be continuous at each point from the point A (a, f (a)) to to the point B (b, f (b)) and tangent at each point between A and B exists ie. tangent is unique then there will be at least one point P on the curve between A and B, where tangent will be parallel to chord AB. In fig. (i) there is only one such point P where tangent is parallel to chord AB but in fig. (ii) there are more than one such points where tangents are parallel to chord AB. Let f (x) = 3 + ax® + bx +c be the given cubic polynomial, and f (x) = 0 be the corresponding cubic equation, where a, b,c ¢ R Now, f(x) = 3X + Qax +b Let D = 4a? — 12b = 4 (a? — 3b), be the discriminate of the equation f’ (x) = 0. Then the following cases arises, Case I:IfD <0 > fW>0y xR y =f), ife> 0 That means f (x) would be an increasing function of x. Also lim f (-x)=- and lim f (x) f y =flx), ife<0 x It is clear that graph of y = f (x) would cut the x-axis only once. That means we would have just one real root, (say x). i ec Case II : Clearly x,> 0 if e < 0 and x,<0ife>0 If D > 0, f(x) = 0 would have two real roots (say x, and x, let x, < x) => f(x) = 3 (x — x) &— x) Clearly, f(x) < 0, x € (x, x) * * x, - OX f(x) > 0, x %, x) U(X, 0) That means f (x) would inerease in (~~, x,) and (x,, ») and would decrease in (x,, x,). Hence, x = x, would be a point of local maxima and and x = x, would be a point of local minima. Thus the graph of y = f (x) could have these five possibilities @ Y co) y fixi) > 0, fixa) < 0 fix,) > 0, fix.) > 0 Here fix) = 0 with three f(x) = 0 with one real root distinct real roots x = a, B, 7 x = a@ and two imaginary root (ii) Y (iv) Y fixy) < 0, fxg) <0 fix) > 0, fixe) = 0 £ (x) = 0 with one real root f(x) = 0 with three roots x = a and two imaginary roots X = G, Xy X (x, being repeated root) (wv) y fix) = 0, fix2) <0 f (x) = 0 with three real roots X, @ (x, being repeated root) ‘Thus following results are obtained from above graphs, (a) fix,) f (x) > 0, f (x) = 0 would have just one real root. (b) fix,) f (x,) < 0, f G9 = 0 would have three real and distinct roots. (©) fix,) £ (e,) = 0, £ (x) = 0 would have three real roots but one of the root would be repeated. Case III : If D = 0, f(x) = 3 (x - x,)? where x, is root of f’ (x) = 0 = fix) =(s-x)*+k Then f(x) = 0 has three real roots, if k = 0 fix) = 0 have one real root, if k + 0 There are 2 types of functions according to their behaviour / monotonicity. (1) Increasing function (2) Decreasing funetion We further divide them into 2 subcategories, (a) strictly increasing function (b) increasing or non decreasing function / decreasing or non increasing function 1. Increasing functions As the name suggests these functions are such that there value at a point on the curve keeps increasing or stays constant as we increase the value of x. ‘APPLICATION OF DERIVATIVES x = ie ifx>x, flx,) > fix.) Some examples : ede (a) b) Now let us talk about sub categories. Strictly Increasing function : Since we have used the word “strictly” here, the function is always increasing i.e. its value increases as x increases. ie. as X > % fix) > flxy) Note, there is no equality sign in the second inequality. Necessary condition : If we see by the adjacent diagram, the tangents drawn to an increasing function always form acute angles. Hence the required condition is ® f(x) > 0 for all x «< (a, b),|for a function to be strictly increasing in interval (a, b). Increasing or non decreasing : Here the functions value may be constant for some values and then increase and this cycle continues. It is not necessary that value increases for every input. For example : the curve in the above figure is an example of this. The value of curve is constant for the period (a, b) & (c, a) Note : The value never decreases though it may remain constant. As x,>%5 f(x,) 2 fl) @) Decreasing functions : As the same suggests the value of function keeps on decreasing as the value of x inerease. (a) Strictly decreasing function : In this case the value of the function decreases continuously as the value of x increase. As xy > Xp fe) < f(x,) note the change in equality sign. Example a Also note the tangent to such curves always forms obtuse angles that means = or f(x) = tan 0 < 0 as @ is obtuse. Necessary Condition : Hence the necessary condition required is f(x) < 0 for all x. (6) Decreasing or non decreasing functions : Here the value of function might be constant for some period & then will reduce and this cycle goes on, but remember never the value of function starts increasing. Example : Notice that during the interval (a, b) & (c, d) the value remains constant whereas it has decreasing values for other inputs. So the required condition is as xy > xy f(x,) sf) Note the equality sign. In ease we find out that f'(x) is greater than zero in some part of domain & less than zero in other, then what can we say ? ie. for f (x) be continuous in [a, b] & differentiable in (a, b) & then f(x) >0 for xe (a,c) <0 for xe(c,b) where ¢ ¢ (a, b) for example for y = sin x curve, it is increasing function x x } and decreasing function from (5. *), wht (1) If £ (x) is continuous on [a, b] such that {” (c) > 0 for each ¢ € (a, b), then f (x) is monotonically increasing function. Similar definition goes for monotonically decreasing function. (2) If (9 is strictly increasing function on [a, b] then f (x) exists & is also strietly increasing on [a, b]. Similar result follows for strictly decreasing functions. (3) If£ (x) & g (ware two continuous & differentiable functions, then we can relate fog (x) & gof (x) by the following table. fix) gx) fog/got + + + + - - - + - - = + + denotes increasing function — denotes decreasing function Generally we come across questions where we are asked to compare two functions i.e. we need to know which one is greater. So if we need to find the greater of two functions viz f (x) & g (x), then follow the steps : Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: assign ® (x) = f (x) — g (x) find ® (x) If ® (x)>0 = @ (x) is increasing function, which is only possible if f(x) > g (x) for that domain ®’ (x)<0 = @ (x) is decreasing function, which is only possible if f(x) < g (x) for that domain Before going on to find maximum & minimum value of a function. Let us discuss some basic definitions & results which will help us later on. An interior point of the domain of a function where f’ is zero or undefined is a critical point of f. Also the function can attain a maxima or minima only at critical points or at end points (of domain). There may be points in the domain of the function where function does not attain the greatest (or the least) value but its value it greater than or less than the values of function at neighbouring points. Such points are known as local maxima or local minima or combined known as extreme points. The values at these points are called local maximum value, local minimum value and extreme values respectively. Let us take the following diagram to understand the concept. Points P, R T are points of local maxima Points Q, S are points of local minima. Points to notice : 1. All the points of local maxima / minima are critical points i.e. tangent to the curve at these points is parallel to axis or f(x) = 0 at these points. 2. They are local maxima / minima, but remember they are not the maximum & minimum values of the functions. Local minimum might not be the least value of function. 3. A value of local minimum can be greater than value of local maximum. For example in our case value at S (local minimum value) is greater than value at P (local maximum value). Method 1 : First derivative test Step 1: Step 2: Find the critical points of the function by putting f(x) = 0 For each of the critical points obtained in step 1 do the following : for a critical point x = a Casel =: = a is local maxima if £() changes from + to ~ as x passes through a i.e. at every point to the left of a f(x) > 0 & at every point to the right f(x) < 0 iN f>o ' 1 £<0 x=a ' ' xa x= ais local minima if the sign of (x) changes from — to + as x passes through a ie. at every point to the left of a, f(x) < & at every point to the right of a, f(x) > 0 oN r 0 in the interval (a, b) then the function f (x) is concave upwards in the domain (a, b). (Concave Upward) If f(x) < 0 in the interval (a, b) then the function f (x) is convex upwards in the domain (a, b). A point of inflection is point where the curve changes its shape from convex to concave or from concave to convex. A point x = ¢ is a point of inflection if 1 f@= 2. But if there is a sign changes across c, then with f”(c) = 0, f”(c) # 0 should also be true. Let f be a differentiable function on interval I & let c be any point in the domain of f such that QM f= fe) =f)... PT (©) = 0 and (2) fc) # 0 and exists. then or not defined and there is no sign changes across c. if n is even £(c)< 0 x= cis a local maxima £"(c) >0 > x=cisa local minima & if n is odd = x = c is a point of inflection. for example, to understand it better if ¢, is the root of f(x) ¢,) <0 then x = c, is local maxima >0 then x=; is local minima = 0, then we will find f(x) If f(c,) #0 then x =, is a point of inflection & £“(c,) = 0, then we will find FY, if fV(c,) < 0, then x = ¢, is local maxima... & this cycle goes on, Remember we talk about maxima & mimima for even derivatives of f whereas for point of inflection we look for odd derivatives of f (x). We earlier discussed local maxima & minima which were restricted to their neighbourhood. Now we need to find the (greatest / least) of the function over its whole domain. That value is known as global maxima / absolute maxima or global minima / absolute minima. Steps to find Global Maxima / Minima Step 1: Find all critical points. Let say c, ¢, ... ¢, are n critical points. Step 2: Find the value of the function at all these critical points. Step 3: for maximum = max {f(a), f (¢1), f (62)... f(¢y)sf )} Minimum = min{f(a), f(c,), f(c9)... f(¢,),f(b)} Note : The introduction of end points of domain. As told to you earlier also, the function attains extreme values at critical points or at end points. There are 5 steps to draw a curve, y = fix) Step 1: CHECK FOR SYMMETRY 1. Check whether function is even. (a) Replace x by ~ x (b) If no change in f(x), then function is even (©) Graph is symmetrical about y-axis. Cheek if funetion is odd (a) Replace x by ~ x (b) If f(x) = - f(x), then funetion is odd (©) Graph is symmetric about origin Replace y by — y, if no change, then the graph is symmetrical about x-axis, If function is periodic, draw graph only in the period, as the remaining curve is a repetition of this one. Step 2: POINTS OF INTERSECTION (a) Find points of intersection with x-axis & y-axis. for x axis, put y = 0 y axis, put x = 0 (b) Special care of double & triple roots for example, if f (x) = (x — a)? g (x) here x = a, is a double root of f (x) or you can also say repeated root of f (x) = 0 note in this case f (a) = 0, f(a) = 0 but f” (a) # 0 ie. can be point of local maxima / local minima now take f (x) = (x ~ a)® g (x) > a is a triple root of f (x) here, note f(a) =0 f(a) = 0 £ (a) = 0, but f(a) #0 => ais the point of inflection (as shown in diagram) ie. the point where shape of the curve changes from convex to concave & vice-versa. TIP : if f (x) = & nth derivative is the first non zero derivative then x — a)" g (x) if n is even ___, x = a is a point of local maxima / minima n is odd ___, x = ais a point of inflection let us take another example yex(e-1? we can see that x = 1 is a double root of f (x) Step 1: no symmetry Step 2: has double root at x = 1 Step 3: put f(x) > 0 => x(x-)?>0 Tt double root so no sign change across it, => for xe (0,~)y>0 xe(nd)y<0 so approximate graph would be Ww’ from this we can also deduce that x = 1 will be point of local minima & not local maxima. If it was local maxima then the curve will come in the negative half. Step 3: SIGN OF GRAPH (a) Put y > 0 & see where the graph is above x-axis & where it is below x-axis for example if f (x) = x (x - 1) (x - 2) put x (x- 1) (x-2)>0 — st (using wavy curve) So corresponding to it the graph will be above x-axis where region is +ve & below x-axis where region is represented by — ve sign. Further x (x — 1) (x ~ 2) is a polynomial function, so it will be continuous & hence the following will be the curve. Check the domain : Find the domain (especially in cases where denominator can become zero). Draw the curve only in its domain. Examples of asymptote y=Logx x=0 is a vertical asymptote here x = 0 is a vertical asymptote & y = 0 is a horizontal asymptote (a) Horizontal asymptote * If lim f(x) =cy, where c, is finite then ¢, is horizontal asymptote in right half. + if lim f(x) =c2, where c, is finite then y = c, is horizontal asymptote in left half. for example yetantx here w/2 is a horizontal asymptote in right half, y =~ w2 is a horizontal asymptote in left half. (b) Vertical Asymptote + af lim 8(9) <1, where , is finite, then x = c, is a vertical asymptote. OR in normal words, if for a finite value of x, y approaches (0 or ~ »») then x asymptote, eg. c is a vertical y= Log x x = %,, a vertical asymptote x = 0, a vertical asymptote Take special care in case of (a) when denominator can be zero. Put denominator = 0 to get the value of x for which vertical asymptote will be formed. (b) Logarithmic functions for log (f(x)) = 0, find f (x) = 1 & for those values of x it will be a vertical asymptote. Step 5: . Find the points of maxima, minima. . find the shape of curve, i.e. either concave or convex. E\ Se Concave Convex No line segment lies above the graph No line segment lies below the graph A twice differentiable function f defined on interval I is (a) concave if and only if f(x) < 0 for x < I (b) convex if and only if f(x) > 0 for x

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