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Văn Trung 12A4

1. If you don’t keep silent, you will wake the baby up.
2. If you don’t stop talking, you won’t understand the lesson.
3. if I knew her number, I would ring her up.
If Peter didn’t eat so many chips, he wouldn’t be fat.
5. Unless you like this one, I will change you another.
6. Unless she hurries, she will be late.
7. If he didn’t have to study for his exam, he could go out.
8. If she weren’t lazy, she could pass the exam.
9. If he pay me tonight, I will have enough money to buy a car.
10. If he didn’t smoke too much, he could get rid of his cough.
11. if she weren’t very shy, she could enjoy the party.
12. if I don’t get a work permit, I won’t stay for another month.
13. if he took any exercise, he wouldn’t be so unhealthy.
14. if you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the exam.
15. if you are impatient, you will make the mistakes.
16. if I had seen the film last night, I could tell you now.
17. unless they invite me, I won’t come.
18. Had he revised all this lessons, he wouldn’t have failed the exam.
19. unless you leave me alone, I will call the police.
20. Should you arrive at the office earlier than I do, please turn on the air-conditioner.
21. if it didn’t snow, the children could go to the school.
22. Had he not died so young, he would be a famous musician by now.
23. unless you tell me the whole truth, I won’t help you.
24. were I to take good care of the car, it wouldn’t break down so often.
25. if he weren’t very bad-tempered, his wife wouldn’t left him soon after marriage.
26. Should you tell lies to your boss, you will be fired at once.
27. Had she not got married at such an early age, she would be at university now.
28. Were she to have a college degree, she could be employed.
29. Were I to have enough money, I could go on a long holiday this year.
30. Had he not been tired, he wouldn’t have made a mistake.
31. if it doesn’t stop raining, we won’t go out.
32. unless you give back my bicycle, I will call the police.
33. if he weren’t very slow, we would give him such an important task.
34. if he had shaved more often, he would have looked a lot better.
35. were everything not very expensive, city life would be enjoyable.
36. if the thief hadn’t left his gloves at the scene, he wouldn’t have been arrested.

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