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Área personal / Mis cursos / 2024-C-1-1536-472-ING-0040 / EXAMS / MIDTERM EXAM 2

Comenzado el Saturday, 16 de March de 2024, 12:27

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Saturday, 16 de March de 2024, 13:00
Tiempo 33 minutos 12 segundos
Calificación 8.75 de 10.00 (88%)

Pregunta 1

Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 2.25 sobre 2.50

Match the word with the correct sentence.

Ruth doesn’t like vegetables; she’s such a ………….……………… eater.

fussy 

There are so many possible uses for nanotechnology; it’s ………….………………!

mind-boggling 

The trainer is able to ………….……………… the shark into various poses.

manipulate 

I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only ………….………………, but taste good, too!
edible 

David ………….……………… the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked it.

marinated 

That ………….……………… meat has a terrible stench; put it in the garbage bin outside!
rotten 

Time travel may be a rather ………….……………… idea, but one day it could be possible.
far-fetched 

The beautiful gypsum crystals ………….……………… in the light.

glittered 

I think you should cook the meat a little longer; it’s still ………….……………… in the middle.
raw 

Alfred is a really ………….……………… child; he always gets what he wants.

manipulate 

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Ha seleccionado correctamente 9.
La respuesta correcta es:

Ruth doesn’t like vegetables; she’s such a ………….……………… eater. → fussy,

There are so many possible uses for nanotechnology; it’s ………….………………! → mind-boggling,

The trainer is able to ………….……………… the shark into various poses. → manipulate,

I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only ………….………………, but taste good, too! → edible,

David ………….……………… the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked it. → marinated,

That ………….……………… meat has a terrible stench; put it in the garbage bin outside! → rotten,

Time travel may be a rather ………….……………… idea, but one day it could be possible. → far-fetched,

The beautiful gypsum crystals ………….……………… in the light. → glittered,

I think you should cook the meat a little longer; it’s still ………….……………… in the middle. → raw,
Alfred is a really ………….……………… child; he always gets what he wants. → spoiled

Pregunta 2


Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

This time next week, I ......... to England in order to attend the World Science Fair.

a. will have flown

b. am flying

c. will fly

d. will be flying 

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:
will be flying

Pregunta 3


Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

The planetarium ......... at 10 o’clock every day.

a. is opening

b. opens 

c. will be opening

d. will have opened

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:

Pregunta 4

Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

These boots are a perfect fit. I think I ......... them.

a. ’ll have bought

b. ’ll be buying

c. ’m buying

d. ’ll buy 

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es:

’ll buy

Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 0.50

Get out the way! Those rocks ......... on you!

a. will fall 

b. are going to fall

c. are falling

d. will be falling

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es:
are going to fall

Pregunta 6


Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

I promise I ......... you to the science festival tomorrow.

a. will be taking

b. take

c. am taking

d. will take 

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:
will take

Pregunta 7


Se puntúa 2.50 sobre 2.50

Match the word with correct sentence

Last night Fred had terrible ………….……………… and couldn’t sleep all night. insomnia 

You will be ………….……………… in dangerous waters if you try to climb the mountain after dark.
treading 

He ………….……………… softly while reading the comic book.

chuckled 

I felt so ………….……………… after a day at the spa.

refreshed 

She kept ………….……………… nervously through the magazine in the dentist’s office. flipping 

You may experience some ………….……………… from the medication, such as drowsiness. side effects 

The laughter was so ………….……………… that I couldn’t stop myself from laughing too.
contagious 

Tim has ………….……………… from eating a lot of spicy food at dinner.

indigestion 

Sue has a ………….……………… headache and is lying down at the moment.

splitting 

She ………….……………… the baby and made him smile.

tickled 

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:
Last night Fred had terrible ………….……………… and couldn’t sleep all night. → insomnia,

You will be ………….……………… in dangerous waters if you try to climb the mountain after dark. → treading,

He ………….……………… softly while reading the comic book. → chuckled,

I felt so ………….……………… after a day at the spa. → refreshed,

She kept ………….……………… nervously through the magazine in the dentist’s office. → flipping,
You may experience some ………….……………… from the medication, such as drowsiness. → side effects,

The laughter was so ………….……………… that I couldn’t stop myself from laughing too. → contagious,

Tim has ………….……………… from eating a lot of spicy food at dinner. → indigestion,

Sue has a ………….……………… headache and is lying down at the moment. → splitting,

She ………….……………… the baby and made him smile. → tickled

Pregunta 8


Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 0.50

You ......... exercise more often if you want to reduce stress.

a. had better

b. are likely to 

c. need

d. are bound to

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es:
had better

Pregunta 9


Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

Jean ......... go on the trip to the nature spa because she is working.

a. wouldn’t

b. can’t 

c. needn’t

d. doesn’t have to

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es:


Pregunta 10

Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

Students ......... attend the lecture; it’s not required by the university.

a. mustn’t

b. don’t have to 

c. can’t

d. shouldn’t

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:
don’t have to

Pregunta 11


Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

It’s possible that Sam ......... feel sleepy after taking the medication.

a. should

b. must

c. has to

d. might 

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:

Pregunta 12


Se puntúa 0.50 sobre 0.50

You ......... enter the building; it’s prohibited.

a. don’t have to

b. needn’t

c. mustn’t 

d. wouldn’t

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:


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Vocabulary: Criminals ►

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