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By now you should have already briefly read the supplied journal articles (available via the module reading list on
blackboard). We are going to be implementing a simplified version of the methods used in these papers to locate
suitable sites for windfarm development in the Bristol region.

We are going to be using a version of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methodology. This was introduced
during the introductory lecture slides. You should have now completed the table below identifying what you will
define as suitable locations for development.

Criteria Not suitable Suitable Weighting

Areas of suitable
>25% <25% 0.1
Areas of suitable Tangent to wind Westerly (wind
orientation facing)
Distance from
environmental assets
<1000m >1000m 0.2
Distance from human
<2000m >2000m 0.2
Distance from a main
<400m >400m 0.2
Remember the suitability columns should contain information such as >500m or <10% slope. The weighting column
refers to the relative importance of each criteria (in total this column should add up to 1). You will have to defend
the values you enter into this table during your poster presentation.

This document presents a step-by-step process for completing the required analyses and presenting the results
cartographically. Work through them very carefully. If you choose not follow the suggested naming conventions in
the instructions, make sure that you note the names of the datasets you create at each analytical step. I would also
suggest that you tick off the steps are you complete them as this will help you keep track of where you are.


ArcGIS is a suite of applications – meaning that there are a number of programs that together provide the full GIS
functionality (similar to the way that the Microsoft Office has many component programs e.g. Word, Excel &
PowerPoint). The mapping and analysis application is called ArcMap. ArcMap has similar tools to PowerPoint (and
many more) because it is the program for looking at GIS data graphically. The ArcMap interface will be explored in
some detail during this practical session.

The data creation and management application is called ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog looks very similar to the Windows
Explorer, except that it only shows data formats that can be used in ArcGIS (spatial datasets in a variety of formats
and tabular datasets).

1. Define an appropriate working folder location. This is where you will create your geodatabase to store your
work. We highly recommend that you create this folder and keep all your work on a USB stick. Do not save
your work to the D:Drive of the machine you are working on. This drive is unique to this computer. If you save
here you will not be able to access the work elsewhere and it will be wiped.

2. Create a new folder on the in the location you have identified (ideally a USB stick). It is important in GIS that you
do not have spaces in filenames. This can lead to lost data and errors later on. I would suggest naming the folder
something like GIS_Windfarms or Windfarm_Assessment.

3. Copy the zip file called Windfarm_Data to your new working folder. The Windfarm_Data zip file will be located
on the module blackboard site.

4. Unzip this folder by right clicking and selecting unzip. You will not be able to see the spatial data in the windows
folder viewer as they are stored in special database (a Geodatabase). We need to use specialist software to view
the data.

5. Now open ArcCatalog. Click ‘Start’, ‘Programs’, ‘ArcGIS’ and ‘ArcCatalog’.

6. When you start a new GIS project you will usually have to ‘connect’ to your working folder in order to access
your data. To do this click the ‘connect to folder’ icon you can now navigate to your working folder and
select the Windfarm_Data folder and click ok. Go into the folder and locate the Data.gbd (geodatabase).

For you to be able to compile effective maps and perform valid analyses, it is vital that you have a thorough
understanding of the data available to you. To facilitate the development of this understand you are going to
develop a quick data dictionary – a list of available datasets and description of some of their basic characteristics.

7. Open Word and create a table like the one presented below. Use this table to document the all the data
available for the project. Once this is complete you can close ArcCatalog (there is no need to save anything).

Name Format (Vector, Raster) Geometry (Point, Line, Polygon, Grid)


The data you have been supplied with came from three sources, each of which has different copyright requirements.
The data can be split into four categories based on their sources. These must be present on any map that includes
data from any given source. Remember that the copyright statement must always be included on maps and must
conform exactly to the stipulations of the data provider.

The Table below shows the appropriate copyright requirements for the different data.

Category Source Copyright Statement

This work is based on data provided through EDINA UKBORDERS with
Administrative UKBorders the support of the ESRC and JISC and uses boundary material which is
copyright of the Crown.
©Crown Copyright/database right 2018. An Ordnance Survey/EDINA
Infrastructure Digimap
supplied service.
Source: National Statistics website: Crown
Census information National Statistics
copyright 2018.

1. Open ArcMap, (click ‘Start’, ‘Programs’, ‘ArcGIS’, ‘ArcMap’).

Below are four more commonly used ArcGIS toolbars, annotate them in a similar way to the one above before
proceeding with the exercise – you can find out what a button does by hovering the pointer above it.

In conjunction with the data dictionary task, this section is designed to enable you to get a thorough knowledge of
the spatial and attribute data you have with which to complete the project.

1. Set the default geodatabase. We need to tell ArcMap to look in your database for your data. Select File – Map
Document Properties – Use the file locator button (towards the bottom of the window) to navigate to your data
folder and add the data.gbd database. Once you have done this close Map Document Properties.

2. Click the ‘Add data’ button … …. . Because you have set the default geodatabase this should now automatically
connect to your data. If it does not, use the connect to folder icon to navigate to your data.

3. Highlight all the data in the data.gbd database and select add.

4. Using the Table of Content (the left hand panel) turn off all the data.

5. From the ‘Geoprocessing’ dropdown menu select ‘Environments’. Select ‘Processing Extent’. Change the extent
from default to ‘Same as Layer Unitary Authorities’. Now scroll down and select ‘Raster Analysis’. Change the
mask to ‘Unitary Authorities’. Click ok to save and exit the environment settings.

6. Activate the roads dataset. Then right click on the roads data and select ‘Zoom to Layer’.

7. Open the attribute table of the Roads layer by right-clicking on the layer name and choosing ‘Open attribute
table’. How many fields of attribute data are associated with this feature class? 19431

8. Which of these contains information about the category of the road segments? Feature description

9. It is possible to set the properties for each of the layers. The properties relate to how the data is displayed as
well as considerations such as data joins (linking spatial and non-spatial information) and whether there are
active selections (definition queries) and some other fundamental properties. Do not worry if these terms are
unfamiliar to you – they will become clearer as the practical progresses. Open the properties of the Roads layer
by either double-clicking the layer name, or right-clicking the layer name and choosing ‘Properties’ from the list
(it is the last item on the list).

10. Click on the Symbology tab. This is where you specify how the data is to be drawn. You will notice that there are
various ways of symbolizing the data. We want to examine the roads in terms of the category of road. Select

11. The next step is to choose the field in the database that contains the road categories. Choose the field you
identified in Step 8 from the list. Click on the button ‘Add all values’. If you have the correct field selected you
should get a list of four categories of road in the Legend window. Assign a symbol to each of the categories by
double clicking on the symbol currently assigned. Once you are happy with your choices – click ‘OK’. The roads
layer will be redrawn using the symbols you assigned.

12. At this point save your work in the working folder you created earlier. Give the project a meaningful name, using
no spaces (use an underscore instead). Save your project regularly as you work through this practical.


1. Turn off the roads layer by unticking it in the Table of Contents. Turn on the DTM_50m dataset. This is a 50m
resolution Digital Terrain Model of the Bristol region. You will see that elevation is shaded black to white, with
black representing very low-lying areas and sea level, and white representing areas of higher elevation.

2. Open ArcToolbox
3. In the ‘Spatial Analyst Toolbox’ select the ‘Surface’ category, and open the ‘Slope’ Tool.

4. The input raster is the DTM. Save the output as ‘Slope’ in your geodatabase. You can navigate to your database
using the folder icon. Make sure that the output measurement is in degrees or percent rise (depending on the
unit of the values you have included in your decision matrix). Click ok to run the tool.

5. You should now see a new raster dataset showing the slope of the region on a 50m grid.

6. Reopen the ArcToolbox.

7. In the ‘Spatial Analyst Toolbox’ select the ‘Surface’ category, and open the ‘’Aspect’ Tool.

8. The input is the DTM, and the output should be named ‘Aspect’ in your geodatabase. Click ok to run the tool.

9. You should now see a new raster dataset showing the orientation of the slope on a 50m grid.


Now that we have slope and aspect calculated for the region, we need to reclassify the datasets to only show the
areas that are suitable for windfarm development in terms of slope and aspect (this will be based on the values you
have entered in the decision matrix at the start).

1. Open the ArcToolbox.

2. Select ‘Map Algebra’ and then open the tool ‘Raster Calculator’.

3. Enter an equation that will calculate the areas of suitable slope. This will be something like “Slope < 10”. Entering
this equation would only show areas that have slope less than 10 degrees/percent rise. Enter the value you
decided upon earlier in the project.

4. Save the output in your geodatabase as “Slope_Suitable”.

5. The new dataset will have two values, 0 and 1. Areas with a value of 1 represent areas that meet the criteria you
have entered into the raster calculator.

6. Reopen the raster calculator.

7. Use the raster calculator to extract the areas of suitable orientation from the Aspect raster. This is slightly more
complicated because there is an upper and lower constraint (expressed in degrees where north is equal to zero).

a. What is the minimum value for your selected aspect? 180

b. What is the maximum value for your selected aspect? 270

8. Using the same method as you used to extract the slope constraint, extract the areas that satisfy the aspect
constraints. This is a three-step process:

a. Extract all the areas greater than the minimum suitability value (save this as Aspect1)

b. Extract all the areas less than the maximum suitability value (save this as Aspect2)

c. Use the raster calculator to multiply (*) the two resultant layers together – save the output as
“Aspect_Suitable” - this raster will show the areas of suitable orientation you have defined.


1. Turn off all of the datasets you have been working on, and display the woodlands, environmental_assets and
lakes datasets.
2. Currently these features are spread across three different datasets. We need to merge them into one to perform
our analysis.

3. To do this select ‘Merge’ from the ‘Geoprocessing’ dropdown menu.

4. The three inputs are the woodlands, environmental_assets and lakes datasets. Save the output in your
geodatabase as “Environment_Assets_Merged”. Click ok to run this process. You will now have one dataset
representing all environmental assets in the region.

5. We now need to calculate distance from these features. Open the ArcToolbox. From the ‘Distance’ toolbox,
select ‘Euclidean Distance’.

6. The input dataset is the merged environmental assets one you have just created.

7. Save the output in your geodatabase as ‘Environmental_Assets_Distance’. Change the ‘Output cell size’ to 50
(this will match the DTM analysis we performed earlier”. Leave all other fields as the default settings and click ok
to run this tool.

8. You now need to reclassify this data. Using the raster calculator, calculate areas of suitable distance from these
environmental assets. Hint: the equation will be something like “Environmental_Assets_Distance >100” (this
would show all areas with a distance greater than 100m away from an asset).

9. Save this as ‘Environmental_Assets_Suitable’. As before areas in this new raster will have values of 0 and 1.
Areas of 1 meet your criteria that you have entered in Step 8.


The UK Census is observed in small areas called census output areas (roughly 150 households). To ensure anonymity
to people some of the sensitive variables are not published for these small areas, but are presented at different
levels of aggregation. This means that data is only presented in a summarized format for larger areas than those in
which it is was observed.

We will use the ability to join to non-spatial datasets to link Census derived data with spatial data, allowing us to
examine the spatial distribution of the Census data items.

1. Turn off any active datasets in the ArcMap display.

2. Add the Census_age.csv table to your project. This is in the broader data folder you downloaded, not the
geodatabase, so may not appear when you immediately open the Add Data tool.

3. Turn on the spatial census data – the Census_LSOAs layer. This contains the spatial element, while the table
contains the numerical values. So we need to join the two. When we join spatial and tabular data there needs to
be an identifiable code that is consistent across the two datasets.

4. Open the properties of the spatial dataset, and click on the ‘Joins & Relates’ tab. We want to join the age profile
table (Census_age.csv) to the spatial data. In the ‘Joins’ section, click ‘Add’.

5. In the first field select LSOA_Code. In the second field select the .csv table. In the third field select LSOA_Code.
Click ok. You can now close the ‘Layer Properties’ window.

6. Right-click the name of this layer in the Table of Contents, and choose ‘Data’, ‘Export data’, navigate to the
geodatabase in your working folder and save the layer with a suitable name, e.g. Census_with_pop.
7. Open the attribute table of the Census_with_pop layer. You will see a field called ‘popdens’. We will calculate
the population density in this field. To do this we need to know the number of people in each LSOA. Write the
name of the field containing this information in the space provided. ALL

8. We also need to know the area. Write the name of the field containing this information in the space provided.

9. Write the full formula for calculating population density (as people per square meter) in the space provided.

No. of people/area

10. Now right-click on the field name ‘popdens’ and select ‘Field Calculator’ from the list. Use the interface to enter
the formula you developed in Step 3 above. Click ok to calculate this field when ready.

11. Visualize the census areas using the population density value you calculated, using a Natural Breaks classification
and 10 classes. You have created a new layer of information that shows where people actually live in the study

12. Look at the distribution of values in the Table of Contents related to the population density. We want to
eliminate all the areas in the lowest class. This means we want to select all the area where the population
density is greater than: 0.000613.

13. Open the ‘Select by attributes’ tool. Click ‘Selection’, ‘Select by attributes’.

14. Create the query to perform the selection.

15. Once you have performed the query all the polygons that are NOT in the lowest class should have a bright blue
outline. This means that they are selected. We will create a new dataset that exists only of the selected
polygons. Right-click on the layer name (Census_LSOAs), and click ‘Data’, ‘Export Data’. Make sure that the
output feature class is being saved in the geodatabase. Change the name to ‘Settlements’. Click ‘OK’. Add the
new layer when prompted.

16. Finally, clear the selection from the Census_LSOAs layer by clicking ‘Selection’, ‘Clear selected features’.

17. Use the Euclidean distance tool you used in the Environmental Assets section to calculate a raster dataset
showing the distance from human settlements. Remember to set the cell size to be 50.

18. Now use the raster calculator to reclassify this new Settlements_Distance layer. Remember the equation will
look something like ‘Settlements_Distance” > 100. This would show areas (and give them a value of 1) that are
more than 100m away from a settlement. You will enter the distance based on whatever value you entered in
the decision matrix at the start, remember you will need to justify all of these decision in the poster
presentation. Save this output as “Settlements_Suitable”.


1. Turn off all of the datasets current is the ArcMap display. Turn on the ‘Roads’ dataset.

2. Open the ‘Select by attributes’ tool. Click ‘Selection’, ‘Select by attributes’.

3. Select ‘Roads’ to be the layer for selection. Double click [Feat_Des]. Click ‘Get Unique Values’. Now double click
“Motorway”. The equation window at the bottom should now show [Feat_Des] = Motorway.

4. Now click the ‘Or’ icon. Now build a similar equation to include A-Roads. The final equation should look
something like “[Feat_Des] = Motorway or [Feat_Des] = A-road”.
5. Click apply. Now the main roads will be highlighted in a bright blue colour.

6. Close the Select by Attributes window.

7. Right click on the roads layer in the Table of Contents and select Data and then Export. Save this dataset in your
geodatabase as “Main_Roads”. Select yes when asked if you wish to add this data to the project. Turn off the
roads layer. You should now have a new dataset visible which only shows the main roads in the Bristol region.

19. Use the Euclidean distance tool you used to calculate a raster dataset showing the distance from main roads.
Remember to set the cell size to be 50.

20. Now use the raster calculator to reclassify this new Roads_Distance layer. Remember the equation will look
something like ‘Roads_Distance” < 100. This would show areas (with a value of 1) that are less than 100m away
from a main road (remember ideally you probably want to be closer to a main road rather than far away). You
will enter the distance based on whatever value you entered in the decision matrix at the start, remember you
will need to justify all of these decision in the poster presentation. Save this output as “Roads_Suitable”.


You should now have 5 raster datasets:

 Slope_Suitable
 Aspect_Suitable
 Environmental_Assets_Suitable
 Settlements_Suitable
 Roads_Suitable

In these datasets values of 1 meet your criteria, values of 0 do not. We now need to combine these to create a
dataset showing areas that meet all of your criteria for windfarm development.

However, we do not simply multiply these together as we need to adjust each criteria depending on the weighting
you have assigned each component.

1. Open the ArcToolbox. Open the ‘Spatial Analyst Tools’ and open the ‘Map Algebra’ category. Open the raster
calculator tool.

2. We need to enter an equation that will perform a weighted sum of the 5 criteria.

3. To do this enter the criteria in the following format:

(Slope_Suitable*X) + (Aspect_Suitable*X) + (Environmental_Assets_Suitable*X) + (Settlements_Suitable*X) +


Where X is the weight for that criteria

4. Save the output as ‘Combine_Analysis’.

You should now have a raster surface with values between 0-1. If you do not have values like this please ask for help
now. It may be that you have entered the equation above incorrectly.

5. Use the raster calculator to extract areas that have a value of 1. Name this raster ‘Combined_Analysis_Equal1’.
Areas which have a value of 1 in the output raster are areas meet all of your criteria perfectly

6. It may be that in the output dataset you have no areas that have a value of 1. This does not mean that you have
not completed the process correctly – it just means that no areas have a perfect score. If this is the case you
could extract areas with values greater than 0.8 (or another value). This would show areas that meet your
criteria 80% of the time. You could also possibly redo Steps 1-4 and adjust the relative weightings of criteria.


We can now perform a visibility analysis to assess the visual impact of building a windfarm in your suitable areas.

1. Open the ArcToolbox. Go to ‘Conversion tools’, select ‘From Raster’ and open the ‘Raster to Point’ tool.

2. The input raster is the ‘Combine_Analysis_Equal1’.

3. Save the output in your geodatabase as ‘Bestareas_Points’.

4. Click ok to run the tool. This will create a point dataset representation of your best areas.

5. Go to ‘Selection’ and open the ‘Select by Attributes ‘function.

6. Enter an equation that will select all of the points which had a value of 1 in the original raster.

7. Right click on the ‘Bestareas_Ppoints’ and select ‘Export Data’. Save the output in your geodatabase as

8. Open the ArcToolbox. Go to the ‘Spatial Analyst’ folder, select ‘Surface’ and open the ‘Viewshed’ tool.

9. The ‘Input Raster’ is the ‘DTM_50m’ dataset.

10. The ‘Input Point Features’ is the ‘Windarm_Final_Points’ dataset.

11. Save the output in your geodatabase as ‘Viewshed_Analysis’ and click ok to run the tool. This may take a few
minutes to execute.

12. Perform a Hillshade analysis (‘Spatial Analyst’, ‘Surface’, ‘Hillshade’). Set the Input Surface to ‘DTM_50m’, and
name the output ‘Hillshade’. Place this layer below your Visibility analysis, set the display settings of the
viewshed so that it is slightly transparent (this is in the properties of the later) and the topography of the study
area will be visible.


The following set of instructions are to help you plan your maps. The selection of maps needs to show the process of
analysis (i.e. some key analytical steps) and the product.


The first thing is to plan your maps as thoroughly as possible. Before starting your maps:

 Decide on how many maps you are going to make (remember you may submit no more than five maps).
 Write down the purpose of each map.
 Write down suitable titles for each map.
 List the datasets that you are going to use in each map.
 What is the overall style of the maps going to be?
 What fonts(s) are you going to use?

Once you have made the general decisions regarding the maps you are going to create, and established a basic style
for them, you can plan them in a little more detail.


Here are a few questions to help guide you in the planning process. Work through them for each map you are
intending to produce before starting.

 What shape is the area to be depicted on the map?

 What page orientation best suits the focus area orientation?
 What scale will be suitable for the maps?
 What map furniture am I going to use?
 Where am I going to place them? On the map body or as items outside of the map body?
 How am I going to symbolize the various aspects of the datasets on the map?
 What type of measurement scale am I going to use to symbolize my layers?
 Do I need to group some of the categories together?
 Are there any mapping conventions to which I should conform?
 Does the symbol I selected suit the message I am trying to get across?
 Do I need all the maps I have planned? How much repetition is there?


1. So far, we have been looking at our spatial data in the Data View of ArcMap. To create a page layout you need to
switch to the Layout View. You can switch between the two views using the buttons in the bottom left hand
corner of the map window.

2. The Data view is activated by clicking on the small Globe icon. The Layout view is activated by clicking on the icon
that looks like a sheet of paper

3. The third icon, showing two arrows arranged in a circular pattern is to refresh the current view (which can be
either the Data or Layout view)

4. The fourth icon (pause) will stop the redrawing of the display – useful if you are working on a graphically
complex map composition and do not need to wait for it to be refreshed.

5. The Data view tools remain active when you are in the Layout view, and operate on the map body area of your
layout. Similarly, any properties that you set for the various layers on you map are automatically portrayed on
the layout view.

6. The Layout tools, though, are not active when you are in the Data view. You can recognize the Layout tools by
the sheet of paper in the icons.

7. If you have not already done so, click the Layout view icon. Note how the map view is now presented in the
context of a page (shown by the black line.) The printable area of the page is presented by the dotted grey line,
do not have any elements of you map outside of this line as they will not print. It is best to keep about 1cm
within the printable are of the page.


This is very easy – all map furniture is added to the layout from the ‘Insert’ menu item. The slightly more difficult bit
is setting the properties for the various elements.


Click ‘Insert’, ‘North Arrow’. Choose a North Arrow style that suits your stated objectives and defined map style. Click
OK. You may need to resize the arrow once it has been placed on the page.

Since the legend is a slightly more complex map element than a north arrow, the process for adding one is slightly

1. Click ‘Insert’, ‘Legend’. The Legend Wizard window contains two lists; one has all the map layers in the view
listed, the second has a selection that will be displayed in the legend. Use the arrows between the two windows
to move map layers to and from the Legend items. Click ‘Next’ once you are sure that only the layers you want
are going to be in the legend. Only layers that are visible (ticked) in the view will appear in the legend.

2. In the next window you can set a title for the legend – the default is ‘Legend’. Change it if you want to. Click
‘Next’ to continue.

3. Set a border and a background colour for your legend in the next window.

4. The next window allows you to customize the patches representing the features in the legend. Accept the
defaults for now. But you might want to experiment with these on your own later. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

5. The next window manages the spacing between legend items – again accept the defaults. Click ‘Finish’ to place
the legend on the map.

6. Position the legend in a sensible place on the map composition.

Some of your layers may have an entry of ‘All other values’ in the legend. To remove this, open the layer properties,
select the Symbology tab and unclick the tick-box next the label ‘All other values’.


1. Click ‘Insert’ and ‘Scale bar’. Select a style and click OK. The scale bar is placed on the map, move it to a sensible

2. Use the Zoom tool on the layout toolbar (it looks similar to the data toolbar except that there is a sheet of paper
drawn behind each of the tools) and zoom in on the inserted scale bar. Are the units and interval sensible? Using
the ‘Select element’ tool, double-click the scale bar to open its properties (double clicking on any of the map
elements will open its Properties). Click on the ‘Scale and Units’ tab. Set the scale bar to ‘Adjust number of
divisions’ when resizing and set the interval and units to a suitable value.


Click ‘Insert’ and ‘Title’. Type a suitable title for your map. You will probably want to set the properties (size, font,
bold, italics) to suit your specific map style. The basic rules for the map title is that is should say ‘where it is and what
it is’, nothing more. If you are inserting your map into a report, you might want to have the title as a figure title in
the report rather than as an element on the map.


A well-balanced design combines intention, content, symbology, map furniture and aesthetic considerations into a
harmonious unit. Now that you have all the map elements on your map, you will need to experiment with moving
them around, and changing the visual weight of things until you come up with a balanced map design. Remember
that you are creating a map series and the stylistic conventions you adopt must be consistent across all the maps in
the series.

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