ELT 4 - 4th Written activity-CODE SWITCHING - 2nd Sem-2021-2022

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Instructions: Answer the following questions using RACE.

1. Discuss code switching based on the following ideas:

a. How it affects identity in terms of building realationship…
- Code switching can affects in term of building a realationship in a way
that code swithing can be a language barrier. For an instance if I am a
bilingual and my friend is monolingual, then assuming we are talking to
each other then I suddenly forgot what is the English term of some
specific word then suddenly I did code switch, my friend may be confuse
because she can’t understand me. Hence this can be a difficulty in building
a realationship with others because of having language barrier.

b. Does it interfere with language learning?

- Yes, code switching interfere in language learning in a way that instead of
we’re trying to be fluent in other language we tend to do code switch
because we find it easier to expess our selves. Hence because of it we are
now used in using code switching. In this manner we are not able to
enhance our fluency in an specific language.

c. Does it affect the society in general?

- Yes, code switching can affect the society. For an example, in one society
or in a group of people and there are two of who are bilingual then their
having conversation, and they always do code switching there is tendency
that other may not understand what are they saying. Assuming that aside
from them they also have other friend who’s with them. In that case
people surround’s them may feel left out of the conversation since they
can’t catch up with the two.

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