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Answer: 我平時喜歡睇各種類型嘅電影,包括動作片、喜劇片、
愛情片、科幻片等。(I usually enjoy watching various types of
movies, including action, comedy, romance, and science
2. 你對傳統中醫有冇興趣?
Answer: 是的,我對傳統中醫非常有興趣,特別是它的治療方法
和中藥的應用。(Yes, I am very interested in traditional Chinese
medicine, especially its treatment methods and the application
of herbal medicine.)
3. 你最喜歡嘅廣東話歌手係乜嘢?
Answer: 我最喜歡嘅廣東話歌手係容祖兒。(My favorite
Cantonese singer is Joey Yung.)
4. 你平時喜歡去邊度放鬆心情?
Answer: 我平時喜歡去公園散步或坐在咖啡店裡閱讀一本書,放
鬆心情。(I usually like to relax by taking a walk in the park or
sitting in a café and reading a book.)
5. 你對廣東話方言有冇研究過?
Answer: 是的,我對廣東話方言有一些研究,了解一些不同地區
之間的發音和詞彙差異。(Yes, I have done some research on
Cantonese dialects and have an understanding of the
pronunciation and vocabulary differences between different

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