Vocabulary 121

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Answer: 我平時喜歡去海灘度假,享受陽光、沙灘和海洋的美景。
(I usually like to go on beach vacations, enjoying the sunshine,
sandy beaches, and the beauty of the ocean.)
2. 你對廣東話電影有冇興趣?
Answer: 是的,我對廣東話電影非常有興趣,特別是喜劇和動作
片。(Yes, I am very interested in Cantonese movies, especially
comedies and action films.)
3. 你最喜歡嘅廣東話小吃係乜嘢?
Answer: 我最喜歡嘅廣東話小吃係煎釀三寶,包括煎釀雲吞、煎
釀腸粉同煎釀韭菜盒。(My favorite Cantonese snack is "Jin
Neung Saam Bo," which consists of pan-fried stuffed wontons,
pan-fried stuffed rice rolls, and pan-fried stuffed chive
4. 你平時喜歡去邊度放鬆心情?
Answer: 我平時喜歡去公園或大自然中放鬆心情,享受大自然的
寧靜和美景。(I usually like to relax and unwind in parks or in
nature, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the outdoors.)
5. 你對當地傳統節日有冇了解?
Answer: 是的,我對當地傳統節日有一些了解,例如中秋節、春
節和端午節等,我喜歡體驗當地的傳統活動和飲食文化。(Yes, I
have some knowledge about local traditional festivals such as
Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year, and Dragon Boat
Festival. I enjoy experiencing the local traditional activities and
culinary culture during these festivals.)

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