Africa's Leaders Summative

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My 5 Year Personal Leadership Development Plan


This planning guide is designed to help you plan your personal leadership growth in
the next 5 years. In the Africa’s Leaders Class you learned alot about leadership,
from leadership theory to contemporary and future leadership related issues across
the GCGOs within the African context. This plan is the culmination of your learning
journey in the class, and you are now going to set goals for yourself to become the
type of servant leader who will make a positive impact in your GCGO.

No plan is perfect. You cannot control all the variables of your life. However, your
plan can be like a navigating instrument of a pilot. It will help you prioritise growth
in certain areas of your life and ensure that you maintain self-awareness throughout
your leadership journey.

This Summative Assignment has 3 Sections. Complete each section:

1. Part 1: 3 Cs Reflection.
2. Part 2: Goal Setting.
3. Part 3: Personal Leadership Statement.


Before setting goals for the next 5 years of leadership growth, respond to the
following questions based on the 3 Cs we learned in class: Character,
Competence, and Chemistry.
[Refer to the previous exercises we did for content: Temperament Test, Self Evaluation
Exercise, Reviewing Life Domains, Life Turning Points]

CHARACTER: The Soul of a Leader.

As a leader who wants to make a significant approach, I want to live by the core
values of integrity, empathy, and vision. My top 3 convictions in life are continuous
learning, resilience, and service to others. Some of the values I see in my mentors
that I would like to imitate are effective communication, empowerment, and Humility.

COMPETENCE: The Mind of a Leader.

1.The top 3 skills I need to develop/improve to be successful in my

vocation/mission are:

A. Effective communication skills as it is a cornerstone of success. Being able
to convey ideas, express thoughts clearly, listen actively, and engage with
others meaningfully is crucial.
B. Adaptability and problem-solving to changing circumstances and
effectively solving problems are essential in today's dynamic and fast-paced
world. Challenges and unexpected situations are inevitable in my vocation or
C. Time management and organisation. Success often hinges on how well you
manage your time and organise your tasks. Being able to prioritise, set goals,
and manage my workload efficiently will significantly impact my productivity
and overall achievement.

2.What areas of my work ethic do I need to improve? (write a short 2-3

sentence reflection on each area of improvement)
a. Productive routine/system of work: Prioritize tasks based on their
importance and urgency, and then create focused work sessions,
minimizing distractions. Regularly evaluate my progress and adjust your
strategies to optimize my workflow and achieve better results.
b. Persistence: To enhance persistence, set specific, achievable goals that
provide a clear purpose. Break down these goals into smaller,
manageable steps to maintain a sense of progress. Cultivate a growth
mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and adapt,
helping me stay committed despite setbacks.
c. Excellence: To cultivate excellence, I will focus on continuous
improvement by seeking feedback and learning from your experiences.
Set high standards for me and consistently challenge myself to exceed
them. Embrace a mindset of dedication and discipline, always aiming to
refine my skills and deliver exceptional results.
d. Collaboration: To enhance collaboration, actively listen to others'
perspectives and demonstrate empathy to foster mutual understanding.
Communicate openly and transparently, sharing information and
clarifying expectations to prevent misunderstandings. Embrace a
cooperative mindset, valuing diverse input and working towards common
goals, which can foster a more effective and harmonious collaborative
e. Responsibility: To strengthen responsibility, clearly define my roles and
commitments, ensuring I understand my expectations. Take ownership
of my actions by acknowledging mistakes and seeking solutions to rectify
them. Cultivate a proactive approach by anticipating challenges and
taking initiative, demonstrating reliability and accountability in all my
3. classes I need to take to help build knowledge and competency in my
Mission are:
I. Environmental Science and Sustainability: Courses in environmental science
and sustainability will provide a foundational understanding of climate change, its

causes, and its environmental impact. You'll learn about renewable energy, carbon
emissions, and sustainable practices.
II. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: These classes will delve
into the ethical considerations of business actions and how companies can take
responsibility for their environmental and societal impact. You'll learn about the
triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit.
III. Climate Policy and Environmental Law: Understanding the legal and policy
frameworks related to climate change is crucial. These courses will help you grasp
the regulations businesses must adhere to and how they can contribute to positive
IV. Sustainable Business Practices: Explore how businesses can implement
sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint. Topics may include green
technologies, waste reduction, energy efficiency, and circular economy principles.
V. Renewable Energy and Energy Management: Gain insights into various
renewable energy sources and how businesses can transition to cleaner energy
options. Understanding energy management will help you assess ways to improve
VI. Environmental Economics: Learn about the economic factors driving climate
change and how businesses can make environmentally responsible decisions that
also make sense financially.

CHEMISTRY: The heart of a Leader.

1. Based on my temperament type which is choleric, areas of my personality I
need to improve are :
I. Flexibility and Openness: Working more open to different ideas and being flexible
in my approach can enhance my ability to adapt to new situations and collaborate
II. Empathy and Listening Skills: it's essential to develop my empathy and listening
skills actively, take the time to genuinely understand others' perspectives and needs,
and ensure that I'm not dominating conversations.
III. Delegation and Trust: As a leader with a worker leadership style, delegating
tasks and responsibilities to my team members is important. Trusting others to
handle specific tasks empowers them and relieves me of unnecessary burdens.
IV. Conflict Management: Controlling tendencies can sometimes lead to conflicts;
others may feel stifled or undervalued. Focus on developing healthy conflict
resolution skills, finding win-win solutions, and creating an environment where
differing opinions are valued.
V. Recognize Limitations: While power and leadership are essential, it's also crucial
to recognize that you don't always have to have all the answers. Acknowledge my
limitations and seek input and expertise from others when needed.
VI. Work-Life Balance: Choleric individuals can sometimes be workaholics due to
their drive and determination. It's important to prioritize a healthy work-life balance,
taking time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones.

VII. Empowerment and Development: Shift my focus from controlling to
empowering others. Help my team members grow, learn, and take ownership of their
VIII. Communication Skills: Effective communication is key to building solid
relationships and conveying my intentions.

2. Relationships that distract me from my goals are mainly bad peer relationships
where I came along with people who don’t have goals and determination in
their lives.
3. New relationships that are needed in my life are constructive relationships. I
want friends that are determined in achieving their goals, who try not to
procrastinate and have constructive conversations with them.




1. 3 SMART goals in My life domains which are personal, professional and

health and wellness domains are:
A. Personal Domain:
1. Specific: Improve my communication skills by participating in a public
speaking course, Achieve better sleep quality by establishing a consistent sleep
schedule, and improve mental well-being, and Strengthening my relationships
by spending quality time with my friends at least 3 times a week.
2. Measurable: Deliver a 5-minute speech confidently and without significant
hiccups by the end of the course, Use a sleep tracking app to monitor sleep
patterns and ensure an average of 7-8 hours of sleep per night,Meditate for at
least 10 minutes each day and track the reduction in stress levels using a
mood tracking app. Document the time spent with friends and improve
3. Achievable: I have identified a reputable public speaking course in my area
and have some prior experience in speaking, I can gradually adjust my bedtime
routine to promote better sleep quality, I have read about mindfulness
techniques and can start with short meditation sessions, and I have a flexible
work schedule that allows for family time and can plan activities ahead.
4. Relevant: Enhanced communication skills will boost my self-confidence and
benefit my personal and professional interactions, Improved sleep quality
positively impacts energy levels, mood, and overall health Improved mental
well-being will positively impact all areas of my life, including personal
relationships and work, and Strong family bonds align with my values of
cherishing relationships and creating meaningful memories.

5. Time-bound: Enroll in the course within the next month and complete it
within three months, Implement a consistent sleep schedule within the next
two weeks and maintain it for three months Start the daily practice within the
next week and maintain it for at least three months, and Schedule family
activities every Sunday for the next six months.
B.Mission Domain: Contributing to Reducing Climate Change
1. Specific: Reduce my carbon footprint by adopting sustainable practices such
as using public transportation, reducing single-use plastics, and conserving
energy at home.
2. Measurable: Track my carbon footprint reduction through a carbon calculator
app and aim for a 20% reduction within the following year.
3. Achievable: I have access to public transportation and can make conscious
choices to reduce plastic usage and energy consumption.
4. Relevant: Contributing to climate change mitigation aligns with my mission to
positively impact the environment.
5. Time-bound: Start implementing sustainable practices within the next month
and maintain them consistently over the next year.
C.Family Domain: Including My Mom and Brother
1. Specific: Strengthen family bonds by scheduling a monthly family day,
involving my mom and brother in shared activities.
2. Measurable: Organise and participate in at least one family activity each
month, and observe the improvement in our relationships.
3. Achievable: I can coordinate schedules and plan enjoyable activities for all of
4. Relevant: Nurturing strong family relationships is a personal value and
contributes to a supportive family environment.
5. Time-bound: Begin the monthly family day this month and continue it for the
following year.
6. Specific: Support my brother's education and personal development by
dedicating weekly time to help with his studies and discuss his goals.
7. Measurable: Track his academic progress and assess his increased
engagement and motivation.
8. Achievable: I have knowledge of the subjects he's studying and can provide
guidance and mentorship.
9. Relevant: Investing in my brother's education aligns with my family values
and long-term aspirations for his success.
10. Time-bound: Start the weekly study sessions this week and continue
throughout the academic year.
D.Community Domain:
1. Specific: Engage in local environmental initiatives by volunteering for
community clean-up events and advocating for sustainability practices.
2. Measurable: Participate in at least three community clean-up events within
the next six months and track the amount of waste collected.
3. Achievable: I can find local organisations hosting clean-up events and join
their efforts.

4. Relevant: Contributing to a cleaner environment aligns with my mission to
address climate change and improve the community.
5. Time-bound: Volunteer for the first clean-up event within the next month and
continue participating regularly.
6. Specific: Organize a workshop on sustainable living for my community,
sharing practical tips on reducing waste and conserving resources.
7. Measurable: Plan and host the workshop within the next three months, and
measure attendance and participant feedback.
8. Achievable: I can research and prepare informative content for the workshop.
9. Relevant: Empowering my community with sustainable living knowledge
supports my climate change reduction mission.
10. Time-bound: Start planning the workshop this month and host it
within the next three months.

2.Once you set a big goal, ask yourself what 5 practical steps you need to take to
reach that goal- write those steps down under each goal. See the example in the table

Goal setting example

Communication skills Big Goal: I will become good at communicating

Step 1: I will be practicing public speaking daily
Step 2: I will expand my vocabulary and clarity by leading books, articles, listening
to music,etc.
Step 3: I will ask thoughtful questions in every domain
Step 4: I will enhance nonverbal communication
Step 5: I will practice constructive feedback
Goal: Achieve a better sleep quality
Step1: Establish a consistent sleep schedule
Step2:create a relaxing bedtime schedule
Step3: optimize my sleep environment
Step2:limit heavy meals before bed
Step 5:Engage in a regular physical activity
Goal: strengthen my relationship with friends
Step1: initiate regular communication
Step2:Plan meaningful activities everyone enjoys to foster shared moments
Step3: Listen to them and show empathy
Step4: Be reliable and trustworthy
Step5: Resolve conflicts peacefully.
Goal: Reduce climate change
Step1: calculate my current carbon print
Step2: use public transportation
Step3: reduce single-use plastics
Step4: conserve energy at home by turning off lights, electronics and appliances
when they’re not in use.

Step5: practice Energy-efficient habits like using cold water.
Goal: Strengthen family bonds by scheduling a monthly family day, involving
my mom and brother in shared activities.

Step1: Discuss and plan together

Step2: select diverse activities
Step3: set a fixed schedule and applicable for everyone
Step4: Alternate responsibility
Step5: Reflect and adapt
Goal:: Support my brother's education and personal development by dedicating
weekly time to help with his studies and discuss his goals.

Step1: understand his needs

Step2: create a weekly schedule for study sessions
Step3: design structured study sessions
Step4: offer guidance and clarification
Step5: Discuss with him personal goals
Goal: Engage in local environmental initiatives by volunteering for
community clean-up events and advocating for sustainability practices.

Step1: research local initiatives

Step2: sign up for clean-up events and keep track of the date, place and other
required materials
Step3: attend workshops and seminars
Step4: Advocate for change
Step5: collaborative network
Goal: Organize a workshop on sustainable living for my community, sharing
practical tips on reducing waste and conserving resources.

Step1: define the workshop objective

Step2: Research and prepare content
Step3: secure a venue date
Step4: promote the workshop via newspapers, online forums and social medias
Step5: Execute the workshop



My Personal Leadership Statement reflects my steadfast dedication to ethical

leadership. Guided by unwavering values of integrity, compassion, and
accountability, I am resolute in my commitment to leading myself in a way that
upholds these principles and positively influences those around me.
Integrity will be the bedrock of my leadership philosophy. I hold myself to the highest
standards of honesty and transparency, recognizing that authentic leadership
demands consistent alignment between words and actions. Respect for diverse

perspectives is equally integral to my values, fostering an inclusive environment
where every voice is heard and valued.
My goals are centered on continuous growth and fostering ethical leadership in
myself and others. I aspire to refine my decision-making processes, ensuring they
reflect a solid moral foundation and long-term impact. Simultaneously, I will seek to
empower others by offering mentorship and creating opportunities for them to excel
as ethical leaders.
At the core of my leadership philosophy is the belief in servant leadership, the idea
that leadership is about serving the needs of others. Through empathetic
understanding and active listening, I aim to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect
and collaboration. I believe in leading by example, showcasing the values I hold dear
in every facet of my life.
I am committed to nurturing an environment of ethical growth where individuals are
empowered to thrive. By embodying my values, pursuing meaningful goals, and
embracing servant leadership, I will strive to create a positive impact in both my
personal journey and the broader community I am privileged to lead.

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