Honda Et Al 2001 Effect of Long Term Low Dose Acyclovir Suppressive Therapy On Susceptibility To Acyclovir and

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Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy 12:233–239

Effect of long-term, low-dose acyclovir suppressive

therapy on susceptibility to acyclovir and frequency of
acyclovir resistance of herpes simplex virus type 2
Mariko Honda1*, Tomoko Okuda2, Tomomi Hasegawa2, Masahiko Kurokawa2, Kimiyasu Shiraki2,
Koma Matsuo1, Makoto Komatsuzaki1 and Michihito Niimura1
Department of Dermatology, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan;
Department of Virology, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama, Japan

*Corresponding author: Tel: +813 3433 1111 (ext. 3341); Fax: 813 5401 0125; E-mail:

We have examined the susceptibility to acyclovir differences in the susceptibility to acyclovir, the
and frequency of acyclovir-resistant viruses in frequency of acyclovir-resistant virus and the
herpes simplex virus type (HSV) 2 clones isolated ratio of thymidine kinase-deficient viruses in acy-
directly from genital lesions of 11 patients who clovir-resistant viruses between the two groups.
had taken suppressive therapy (200 mg/day) for The frequency of acyclovir-resistant clones was
1–9 years and 15 patients naive to acyclovir. about three per 10000 plaque forming units
Suppressive therapy significantly reduced the (PFU), and genital lesions contained up to 3x106
incidence of recurrence and the severity of the PFU of replicating virus in the specimens from the
skin lesions. HSV samples from genital lesions patients with genital herpes with or without
were directly inoculated into Vero cells, and viral acyclovir-suppressive therapy. Thus, the low dose
clones were isolated in the absence and presence of acyclovir suppressive therapy did not affect
of 10 µg/ml acyclovir. Five-hundred-and-ninety- the susceptibility to acyclovir or increase the fre-
two clones, isolated in the absence of acyclovir, quency of acyclovir-resistant viruses in the geni-
were subjected to the acyclovir susceptibility tal lesions.
test, and 155 clones isolated in the presence of
acyclovir were analysed for the mechanisms of Keywords: genital herpes, herpes simplex virus,
resistance to acyclovir. There were no significant acyclovir, susceptibility


Acyclovir (Elion et al., 1977) is one of the current treatments patients with genital herpes the mean rate of recurrences
of choice for herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection and is caused by HSV-1 is 1.0 per year, while that for HSV-2 is 9.7
used mainly for short-term treatment in acute or recurrent per year. We use 200 mg oral acyclovir once a day for daily
infections. Long-term continuous acyclovir therapy for low-dose acyclovir suppressive therapy in our patients with
recurrent herpes simplex is considered effective and safe genital herpes caused by HSV-2 who have six or more recur-
(Straus et al., 1984; Mostrow et al., 1988; Kaplowitz et al., rences per year. Thus, this study is designed to characterize
1991; Fife et al., 1994; Kimberlin et al., 1995; Centers for the affect of long-term, low-dose acyclovir suppressive ther-
Disease Control and Prevention, 1998). However, an apy on susceptibility to acyclovir and frequency of acyclovir-
increasing number of chronic HSV infections in immuno- resistance for HSV-2 isolated from genital lesions. In order
compromised hosts, such as patients in the late phase of to perform this investigation, HSV-2 was isolated as clones
HIV-infection, require long-term treatment. In such cases, directly from a smear of genital lesions in the presence and
the emergence of drug-resistant viruses might occur (Straus absence of 10 µg/ml acyclovir. Then the amount of total
et al., 1988; Erlich et al., 1989; Gray et al., 1989; Englund et virus and the frequency of acyclovir resistant virus in the
al., 1990; Kaplowitz et al., 1991; Balfour et al., 1994; smear samples was determined in patients on suppressive
Chistophers et al., 1998; Swetter et al., 1998). therapy and in those naive to acyclovir therapy. We could not
An oral acyclovir was licensed for the first time in Japan find any affect of long-term, low-dose acyclovir suppressive
in 1988, but suppressive and preventive administration for therapy on the susceptibility to acyclovir and on the frequen-
genital herpes is not permitted. The only recommended reg- cy of acyclovir-resistance of the virus population isolated
imen for episodes of recurrent infection is acyclovir 200mg directly from lesions of genital herpes. This finding suggests
orally, five times a day, for 5 days. In our 379 Japanese that long-term, low-dose acyclovir suppressive therapy for

©2001 International Medical Press 0956-3202/01/$17.00 1

M Honda et al.

Table 1. Isolation of acyclovir-resistant virus from the artificial mixtures of acyclovir-sensitive and thymidine
kinase (TK)-deficient acyclovir-resistant viruses
Test sample No ACV(PFU) 10 µg/ml ACV Ratio
ACV-sensitive 7401H strain 3.19×107 1.10×103 3.45×10-4
TK-deficient strain 2.60×106 1.90×106 0.730
Mixture 1 2.82×10 1.51×105 5.35×10–3
Mixture 2 2.58×107 7.00×104 2.71×10–3
7 4
Mixture 3 2.93×10 2.70×10 0.92×10–3

Diluted TK-deficient acyclovir-resistant virus was mixed with acyclovir-sensitive virus at three different concentrations as indicated: mixture 1
(undiluted TK-deficient virus), 2 (twice dilution) and 3 (5 times dilution). Virus titre was determined in the presence and absence of acyclovir
(10 mg/ml) and the ratio indicates the comparative values of the virus titre with acyclovir over the titre without acyclovir. ACV, acyclovir; PFU,
plaque forming unit.

1–9 years has not altered the nature of the latent virus in the virus from the artificial mixtures of acyclovir-sensitive and
ganglia, even using highly sensitive assay methods to detect thymidine kinase (TK)-deficient, acyclovir-resistant viruses.
acyclovir-resistant virus in the genital lesions. Acyclovir-resistant and -sensitive viruses were mixed at the
different ratios and inoculated into Vero cell cultures. One
Materials and Methods set of monolayers was overlaid with methylcellulose without
acyclovir and another with methylcellulose containing 10
Patients µg/ml of acyclovir. When the plaques appeared, the number
Sixty-two patients (25 women, 37 men; mean age 44 years, of plaques was counted under a dissecting microscope.
range 26–73 years) who had given informed consent, had
HSV-2 isolated from the genital lesions and had six or more Direct isolation of HSV-2 as clones from the
recurrences per year, were taken from a cohort of Japanese lesions of genital herpes
patients with recurrent genital herpes who had received acy- Vero cells were grown in Eagle’s minimum essential medi-
clovir therapy and had been followed between 1990 and um supplemented with 5% bovine serum and maintained
1998. The patients had been assigned a dosage of 200 mg with 2% bovine serum. The procedures for the isolation of
once daily between 1990 and 1998. Single daily doses pro- virus clones and their susceptibility assay have been report-
duced less complete suppression of genital herpes. Eighteen ed previously (Hasegawa et al., 2001). Smears from genial
of the 62 patients (29%) had not experienced a herpes lesions were suspended in 1 ml of PBS and centrifuged at
episode in 1998, and 18 (29%) had a single episode, 12 (19%) 12 000 rpm for 5 min at 4°C. The supernatant was 10-fold
two episodes, seven (11%) three episodes, five (8%) four serially diluted with PBS, and 0.2 ml from each dilution
episodes, one (2%) five episodes and one (2%) six episodes. was inoculated into two sets of Vero cell monolayers in
Therefore, among 62 patients who have been receiving sup- 60mm plastic dishes for 1 h. One set of monolayers was
pressive therapy in 1998, 44 (71%) had one and more recur- overlaid with methylcellulose without acyclovir and anoth-
rences. Eighteen of the 44 patients who revealed sympto- er with methylcellulose containing 10 µg/ml of acyclovir.
matic recurrences could visit our hospital, and specimens for When the plaques appeared, they were counted under a
HSV culture were obtained from their genital lesions. dissecting microscope, and clones were directly isolated
We also selected 16 patients (12 women and four men: from the monolayers with and without acyclovir. The iso-
mean age 49 years, range 25–77 years) with genital herpes lated clones were grown in Vero cell cultures and subjected
and a history of six or more recurrences per year. The 16 to a susceptibility assay to antiviral agents. Virus titres in
patients had HSV-2 isolated from genital lesions, and had the samples were determined from the cultures without
not received acyclovir therapy. All patients were healthy and acyclovir, and the numbers of acyclovir-resistant viruses was
received no immunosuppressive medications. Thus, we determined from the cultures with acyclovir. The frequen-
obtained specimens from 18 patients treated with acyclovir cy of acyclovir-resistant viruses in the sample was defined
suppressive therapy, and from an additional 16 patients who as the number of resistant virus per 104 viruses.
had not received treatment with antiviral agents.
Determination of susceptibility to antiviral
Isolation of acyclovir-resistant virus from the drugs
artificial mixtures of acyclovir-sensitive and The susceptibilities of viruses to antiviral drugs were deter-
thymidine kinase-deficient, acyclovir-resistant mined by examining the inhibitory concentration for 50%
viruses plaque reduction (IC50) (Crumpacker et al., 1979; Biron &
We have performed the quantitation of acyclovir-resistant Elion, 1980; Kurokawa et al., 1993, 1998; Hasegawa et al.,

2 ©2001 International Medical Press

Safety of long-term, low-dose acyclovir suppressive therapy

Table 2. Characterization of isolated clones from genital lesions of patients who had suppressive therapy with
Suppressive Frequency
Patient age period of acyclovir-
Sample [years (sex)] (years) IC50 (µg/ml) Virus titre (PFU/ml) resistant virus
2 44 (M) 9 0.42± 0.11 (10) 1.6×106 0.1
3 54 (F) 4 0.42 (1) 1.7×100 ND
4 30 (F) 3 0.81± 0.16 (10) 5.1×10 0.0
6 50 (F) 6 0.50± 0.08 (10) 5.0×101 ND
6 6 0.97± 0.22 (14) 2.5×10 9.9
7 66 (M) 7 0.66± 0.09 (10) 2.7×103 0.0
7 7 0.67± 0.10 (10) 1.1×10 0.1
10 33 (M) 3 0.63± 0.09 (2) 3.3×106 0.0
11 36 (F) 6 0.76± 0.06 (3) 5.0×100 ND
13 37 (M) 3 0.80± 0.16 (10) 2.5×10 ND

15 44 (M) 9 0.71± 0.11 (10) 2.3×106 1.1

21 60 (F) 2 0.68± 0.08 (10) 5.2×102 ND

22 28 (M) 1 0.83± 0.12 (13) 3.9×103 6.4

Mean± SD 0.68± 0.16 3.38± 2.35 (log10) 2.51± 4.0

IC50, inhibitory concentration for 50% plaque reduction; ND, not determined; PFU, plaque forming units; M, male; F, female. IC50 is expressed
as the mean ± SD of the clones isolated directly from lesions. The figures in parentheses indicate the numbers of the isolated clones examined.

2001). Antiviral drugs used were acyclovir (kindly supplied mixed with acyclovir-sensitive virus at three different mix-
by Nippon Wellcome KK, Osaka, Japan), iododeoxyuridine tures: (1) undiluted TK-deficient virus; (2) twice dilution;
(IDU) and phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) (purchased from and (3) five times dilution. Thus, the artificial mixtures
Seikagakukogyo, Japan). Briefly, confluent cell monolayers were prepared at the various mixtures of acyclovir-sensitive
in 60 mm plastic dishes in duplicate or triplicate were and -resistant viruses, and the ratio of acyclovir-resistant
infected with 100 plaque forming units (PFU) of virus for viruses per total virus titre was consistent with the mixing
1 h, and incubated in a nutrient methylcellulose medium ratio of the two viruses. The artificial mixture experiment
containing different concentrations of the drugs. After the verified the quantitative assay system for detecting acy-
appearance of cytopathic effect, the cells were fixed with clovir-resistant virus in the samples containing acyclovir-
5% neutral formalin and stained with methylene blue, and sensitive and -resistant virus.
the number of plaques was counted with a dissecting
microscope. The IC50 was determined graphically. Efficacy of low-dose suppressive therapy
Virus titre and frequency of acyclovir-resistant virus in
Statistical analysis genital samples. HSV-2 clones of 13 samples were isolat-
The Student’s t-test and χ2 Fisher test was used to evaluate ed from the genital lesions of 11 out of 18 patients on acy-
the statistical significance of the difference in the IC50 val- clovir treatment and from 15 out of 16 patients without
ues among the isolates, and probability values (P) less than treatment. Table 2 summarizes the results of virus isolation,
0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. the susceptibility to acyclovir and the frequency of acy-
clovir-resistant virus in the samples directly isolated from
Results genital lesions of patients on suppressive therapy. The mean
IC50 of clones from genital lesions was similar among 13
Isolation of acyclovir-resistant virus from the samples from the 11 patients on acyclovir therapy. Total
artificial mixtures of acyclovir-sensitive and TK- virus amount, expressed as PFU per ml per smear, from
deficient, acyclovir-resistant viruses skin lesions ranged from 1 to 2×l06 PFU per smear, and six
The quantitation of acyclovir-resistant virus from the arti- samples of 13 contained more than 104 PFU. This variation
ficial mixtures of acyclovir-sensitive and TK-deficient, acy- in virus titre may be mainly due to the stage of the skin
clovir-resistant viruses is shown in Table 1. Acyclovir- lesions. Acyclovir-resistant virus was defined as viruses
resistant viruses showed 73% of virus titre in the presence with an IC50 of more than 10 µg/ml of acyclovir. The fre-
of 10 µg/ml acyclovir. Diluted TK-deficient virus was quency of acyclovir-resistant viruses in the samples ranged

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M Honda et al.

Table 3. Characterization of isolated clones from genital lesions of patients naive to acyclovir therapy
Patient No./age Frequency of
Sample (years)/sex IC50 (µg/ml) Virus titre (PFU/ml) acyclovir-resistant virus
12 46 (M) 0.83± 0.11 (10) 1.6×105 7.8
18 66 (F) 0.71± 0.18 (14) 3.5×101 ND

19 64 (M) 0.59± 0.06 (10) 1.8×102 ND

20 77 (F) 0.54± 0.10 (15) 4.0×10 0
23 42 (F) 0.63± 0.11 (10) 1.7×102 ND

24 31 (F) 0.69± 0.06 (2) 5.0×100 ND

25 68 (F) 0.67± 0.09 (10) 2.8×103 ND

26 56 (F) 0.45± 0.08 (10) 7.1×10 ND

27 25 (F) 0.48± 0.05 (10) 1.6×106 1.0

28 28 (F) 0.48± 0.15 (10) 2.5×101 ND

29 52 (F) 0.57± 0.09 (10) 8.9×103 ND

30 33 (F) 0.71± 0.12 (14) 1.2×10 13.5
31 31 (M) 0.58± 0.07 (10) 6.4×105 0.5
32 47 (F) 0.57± 0.04 (10) 3.0×106 0.2
34 69 (F) 0.45± 0.00 (2) 1.0×10 ND

Mean± SD 0.60± 0.11 3.52± 1.92 (log10) 3.38± 5.59

IC50, inhibitory concentration for 50% plaque reduction; ND, not determined; PFU, plaque forming units; M, male; F, female. IC50 is expressed
as the mean ± SD of the clones isolated directly from lesions. The figures in parentheses indicate the numbers of the isolated clones examined.

from 0.0 to 9.9 PFU per 104 PFU of the isolated clones in amount and frequency of acyclovir-resistant virus per I04
the samples with more than 104 PFU and with acyclovir- PFU of the sample between the two groups.
resistant virus. Table 3 shows the results of virus isolation,
the susceptibility to acyclovir and the frequency of acyclovir Characterization of acyclovir-resistant viruses in
resistant virus in the samples directly isolated from genital the genital lesions
lesions of patients naive to acyclovir therapy. Similar results In order to characterize the mechanism of acyclovir resist-
from patients on suppressive therapy were observed for ance in the viruses from the skin lesions, we categorized
each item in Table 3. these acyclovir-resistant viruses by the pattern of suscepti-
Comparison of the results between patients on suppres- bility and resistance to IDU and PAA as shown in Table 4.
sive therapy and those naive to acyclovir is summarized in The acyclovir-resistant viruses were defined as those with an
Table 4. There was no significant difference in the virus IC50 value of more than 10 µg/ml of acyclovir. TK-deficient

Table 4. Summary of virus isolation and resistant viruses in the lesions of genital herpes
Patients on suppressive therapy Patients naive to acyclovir

Subjects 18 16
Samples 22 16
Virus isolation 13 15
Virus titre (>104) 6 6
Mean virus titre ±SD (log10) 3.38±2.35 (log10) 3.52±1.92
(1.7×100–3.3×106) (5.0×100–3.0×106)
Cases with resistant virus 5 5
Case without resistant virus 1 1
Resistant viruses cloned 88 72
Frequency of resistant viruses 2.51±4.00 3.83±5.59
(per 10000 PFU in the sample)

PFU, plaque forming units.

4 ©2001 International Medical Press

Safety of long-term, low-dose acyclovir suppressive therapy

Table 5. Characterization of acyclovir-resistant clones

isolated directly from skin lesions
is related to one of the following four mechanisms: complete
deficiency in viral TK activity (TK-deficient), viral TK pro-
Clones from Clones from tein with altered substrate specificity (TK-altered),
patients with patients
suppressive naive to
decreased activity or production of low amounts of viral TK
therapy acyclovir (TK-low producer) and viral polymerase with altered sub-
Clones examined 88 72 strate specificity (Sasadeusz et al., 1997; Hasegawa et al.,
TK deficient 84 67 2001).
In conventional virus isolation, virus is isolated as the
TK altered 1 3
mixture of individual clones in skin lesions. The sensitivity
DNA polymerase 4 2
altered of the isolated virus to acyclovir is conventionally evaluated
by IC50 and IC90 values, IC90 indicating the presence of less
TK, thymidine kinase.
sensitive virus in the virus inoculum. However, at least 10%
of the inoculum virus sample should exhibit less sensitivity
viruses were resistant to IDU but were similarly as sensitive to acyclovir in order to affect the value of IC90. In this study
to PAA as the acyclovir-sensitive viruses. TK-altered virus we used a highly sensitive method to detect acyclovir-resist-
was partially resistant to IDU but sensitive to PAA. DNA ant virus in the specimens from the genital lesions. We
polymerase altered virus was sensitive to IDU but resistant directly evaluated the amount acyclovir-resistant virus
or hypersensitive to PAA. The majority of the acyclovir- clones in 104 PFU of virus in the specimens. In this aspect,
resistant viruses were TK-deficient viruses in both patients our assay system is at least 1000 times more sensitive than
groups, and both groups contained some TK-altered and IC90 in detecting acyclovir-resistant virus in clinical speci-
DNA polymerase-altered viruses. There was also no signif- mens. This highly sensitive method was used to assess and
icant difference in the pattern of resistance to acyclovir compare the frequency of acyclovir-resistant virus directly
between patients with suppressive therapy and those naive isolated from genital lesions of patients on acyclovir-sup-
to acyclovir (Table 5). Thus, no significant difference pressive therapy, with the frequency of resistant virus isolat-
between the two groups of patients was observed in the fre- ed from patients naive to acyclovir. This method may be
quency of acyclovir-resistant viruses in 104 PFU of the sam- powerful in detecting the increase in acyclovir-resistant
ple from genital lesions and their pattern of acyclovir resist- virus in the lesions in the early phase of replacement from
ance in the TK and DNA polymerase genes. This finding acyclovir-sensitive virus to acyclovir-resistant virus.
suggested an absence of induction of acyclovir-resistant The experiment using the artificial mixtures of acyclovir-
viruses in patients with genital herpes during chronic low- resistant and -sensitive viruses verified the assay system for
dose suppressive therapy with low-dose acyclovir. the quantitative detection of acyclovir-resistant viruses from
their different mixtures. Based on this assay system, we
Discussion report the comparison of acyclovir-resistant isolates from
patients who had genital herpes treated with suppressive
Acyclovir is an effective and selective inhibitor of HSV acyclovir therapy, and isolates from patients who had not
replication. The mechanism of action of this purine nucleo- received treatment with antiviral agents or any other treat-
side analogue against HSV implies an initial drug phospho- ment. There was no significant difference between the two
rylation by the viral TK. Acyclovir-monophosphate is then groups in the frequency of resistant virus and their pattern
phosphorylated by cellular enzymes to the triphosphate of resistance to acyclovir. This is consistent with previous
form. The latter is a competitive inhibitor of viral DNA studies concerning the susceptibility of clinical isolates from
polymerase and also acts as a chain terminator. Several patients on acyclovir suppressive therapy in the aspect of
analyses of immunocompetent patients cohorts have been IC50 values (Al-Hasani et al., 1986; Lehrman et al., 1986,
reported that establish the long-term safety and efficacy of 1986; Mertz et al., 1988; Kroon et al., 1990; Molin et al.,
suppressive acyclovir therapy (Mertz et al., 1988; Kroon et 1991; Baker 1994). Furthermore, the pattern of acyclovir
al., 1990; Wald et al., 1997; Baker et al., 1999). Clinically resistance of the acyclovir-resistant viruses was similar for
significant resistance to acyclovir has been almost exclusive- the TK and DNA polymerase between the two groups.
ly seen in the immunocompromised population. Acyclovir- HSV has widely occurring natural variants, and Parris
resistant HSV have been reported in patients with immun- and Harrington (1982) reported the presence of acyclovir-
odeficiency in the IC50 assay (Erlich et al., 1989; Englund et resistant virus in the clinically isolated virus stock at about
al., 1990; Christophers et al., 1998). The degree of immuno- 10–4 as determined by plating efficiency. Interestingly, most
suppression, and low doses and prolonged use of acyclovir of them contained alterations in the DNA polymerase gene
are considered important factors for the development of locus. In our study, we have directly isolated the acyclovir-
drug resistance. Phenotypically, viral resistance to acyclovir resistant variants as clones in the presence of acyclovir from

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Received 30 May 2001; accepted 19 July 2001

Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy 12:4 7

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