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History Exam Paper

By Numayr Manzoor

1) List down the definitions/explanations for the following keywords.

(1 x 6 = 6)
a) Messiah - ________________________________________
b) Pope - ________________________________________
c) Constantine - ________________________________________
d) The Holy Ka’ba - ________________________________________
e) Quran - ________________________________________
f) Barbarian - ________________________________________

2) How did many people from Western Europe become Christian? (3)

3) Fill in the blanks –

(1 x 6 = 6)
a) Prophet Muhammad married a rich woman named
b) The Jews had hoped for a warrior for their Messiah not a man of
c) Christians to avoid Roman Persecution used secret signs. Two
examples of the Secret signs are ________ and _________
d) Islam began in the 7th Century AD in _________
e) The chief of the towns near the coast in Arabia was ________
f) Charlemagne named his empire the _________________

4) Draw the organizational Hierarchy of the Catholic Church (4)

5) Who was Constantinople? How did he contribute to spread



6) Write any 2 differences between Orthodox Church and Catholic Church


7) How did the Roman empire break up into different countries? (2)

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