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Present Simple
 Mówiąc o czynnościach typowych, rutynowych, powtarzających się. Opisujemy cechy i
stany ludzi i przedmiotów, np. John never drinks alcohol.
 Opisujemy rzeczy, które zawsze są prawdziwe; zjawiska, np. Water boils at 100°C
 Czynności dziejące się przez dłuższy czas, np. Tom lives in NYC.
 Opisywanie, streszczanie filmów, książek, itp. np. Joe Bill comes to the town.
He knows that money is here. He raids the bank, kills the Sheriff and leaves Texas.
 Mowiąc o rozkładach itp. np. The train leaves at 8 a.m.
podmiot Czasownik w formie podstawowej lub z końcówką „-s” w 3 os. L.p. Reszta zdania
I cook everyday.
you cook everyday.
he cooks everyday.
she cooks everyday.
it cooks everyday.
we cook everyday.
you cook everyday.
they cook everyday.

podmiot Przeczenie Czasownik w formie podstawowej Reszta zdania
I Don’t cook everyday.
you Don’t cook everyday.
he Doesn’t cook everyday.
she Doesn’t cook everyday.
it Doesn’t cook everyday.
we Don’t cook everyday.
you Don’t cook everyday.
they Don’t cook everyday.

Do/does podmiot Czasownik w formie podstawowej Reszta zdania
do I cook Everyday?
do you cook Everyday?
does he cook Everyday?
does she cook Everyday?
does it cook Everyday?
do we cook Everyday?
do you cook Everyday?
do they cook Everyday?

Typowe wyrazy:
always, almost always, nearly always, generally, normally, regularly, usually, frequently,
often, sometimes, occasionally, almost never, hardly ever, rarely, scarcely ever, seldom,
not ...ever, never, once, twice, three/several times (a day/week/month)
hourly / daily / weekly / fortnightly / monthly / yearly / annually
on Mondays, Fridays, weekdays
every morning / afternoon / evening, every other day, every 3 years

podmiot przysłówek czasownik reszta

He always cooks dinner.
Present Continuous
 opisując czynności, które dzieją się w momencie mówienia o nich, np. We are
waiting for the doctor.
 Present Continuous służy także do opisu czynności, które nie muszą trwać dokładnie w
chwili mówienia o nich, ale trwają dłuższy czas (włączając w to chwilę obecną), np.
This month Tom is studying hard for his exams.
 Jeśli coś zaplanowaliśmy, to także możemy wyrazić to w Present Continuous (100%
pewności), np. I'm having a date with Sue next week.
 Jeśli opisujemy powtarzające się irytujące zachowanie lub wyjątkowe zachowanie,
które nie jest czyjąś stałą cechą, np. She's making the same spelling mistake again.
podmiot To be Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I am cooking right now.
you are cooking right now.
he is cooking right now.
she is cooking right now.
it is cooking right now.
we are cooking right now.
you are cooking right now.
they are cooking right now.

podmiot To be not Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I am not cooking right now.
you are not cooking right now.
he is not cooking right now.
she is not cooking right now.
it is not cooking right now.
we are not cooking right now.
you are not cooking right now.
they are not cooking right now.

To be podmiot Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
am I cooking right now?
are you cooking right now?
is he cooking right now?
is she cooking right now?
is it cooking right now?
are we cooking right now?
are you cooking right now?
are they cooking right now?

Typowe wyrazy:
now, right now, at the moment, just, these days, next week, next month, tomorrow, next
winter, tomorrow morning etc., always, constantly, continually, forever, perpetually,
repeatedly, Look! Listen! Watch out!
Na początku lub na końcu zdania
Present perfect
 Do opisania przeszłej czynności (nie podając, kiedy była ona wykonana), która ma
wpływ na teraźniejszość — i najważniejszy właśnie jest ten związek z teraźniejszością.
A zatem ważna jest przyczyna i jej skutek, natomiast nie jest istotne, kiedy dana
czynność została (lub nie) wykonana, np. I’ve broken my leg
 Opisujemy stan, który trwa do chwili obecnej (ale który może się zmienić w
przyszłości), np. I've lived in Moscow for six years.
 Wyrażamy czynność, która dopiero się zakończyła, np. I have just cooked dinner.
 Present Perfect występuje też w zdaniach z It's the first/last/second, etc. time... np.
It's the second time you've been late this week.
 Present Perfect może też pojawić się w odnoszących się do przyszłości zdaniach
okolicznikowych czasu, po słowach takich jak np. when, once, as soon as.
Podkreślamy wtedy, że warunkiem wykonania jakiejś czynności jest zakończenie (i tu
Present Perfect) innej czynności, np. I'll call you as soon as I've finished my
podmiot have/has III forma czasownika lub czasownik z „-ed” Reszta zdania
I have bought a new car.
you have bought a new car.
he has bought a new car.
she has bought a new car.
it has bought a new car.
we have bought a new car.
you have bought a new car.
they have bought a new car.

podmiot have/has not III forma czasownika lub czasownik z „-ed” Reszta zdania
I have not bought a new car.
you have not bought a new car.
he has not bought a new car.
she has not bought a new car.
it has not bought a new car.
we have not bought a new car.
you have not bought a new car.
they have not bought a new car.

have/has podmiot III forma czasownika lub czasownik z „-ed” Reszta zdania
have I bought a new car?
have you bought a new car?
has he bought a new car?
has she bought a new car?
has it bought a new car?
have we bought a new car?
have you bought a new car?
have they bought a new car?

Typowe wyrazy:
before (now), it's the first time ..., so far, so far this morning, up till now, up to the
present, ever, not ... ever, never, just, recently, already, yet, still, since, for
I have never done this. I have bought a new car recently. I have known him since 2018.
Present Perfect Continuous
 czynności, które rozpoczęły się w przeszłości i trwają do teraz, np. Adam has been
learning English for two years.
 czynności rozpoczęte w przeszłości, których skutki są wciąż obecne, np. I have been
working hard since early morning. I’m really tired.
Czasu Present Perfect Continuous używamy w odniesieniu do nieokreślonego
czasu pomiędzy przeszłością i teraźniejszością. Osoba mówiąca ma na myśli coś co
rozpoczęło się w przeszłości, ale najprawdopodobniej nie zakończyło się jeszcze. Mówiący
jest zainteresowany zarówno przebiegiem, jak i rezultatem czynności, która w dalszym
ciągu może trwać lub właśnie się zakończyła.
podmiot have/has been Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I have been cooking for 2 hours.
you have been cooking for 2 hours.
he has been cooking for 2 hours.
she has been cooking for 2 hours.
it has been cooking for 2 hours.
we have been cooking for 2 hours.
you have been cooking for 2 hours.
they have been cooking for 2 hours.

podmiot have/has not been Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I have not been cooking for 2 hours.
you have not been cooking for 2 hours.
he has not been cooking for 2 hours.
she has not been cooking for 2 hours.
it has not been cooking for 2 hours.
we have not been cooking for 2 hours.
you have not been cooking for 2 hours.
they have not been cooking for 2 hours.

have/has podmiot been Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
have I been cooking for 2 hours?
have you been cooking for 2 hours?
has he been cooking for 2 hours?
has she been cooking for 2 hours?
has it been cooking for 2 hours?
have we been cooking for 2 hours?
have you been cooking for 2 hours?
have they been cooking for 2 hours?

Typowe wyrazy:
all + określenie czasu np. all day, all night etc., How long, since, for, every night, every
day etc.
How long have you been studying for? I have been cooking for 2 hours. She has been
living in NYC since 2015.
Past Simple
 Mówiąc o czynnościach, stanach i sytuacjach, które miały miejsce w przeszłości i nie
mają już żadnego związku z teraźniejszością, np. I watched TV yesterday.
 Opisując nawyki i przyzwyczajenia z przeszłości, np. I went for a walk every day when
I was younger.
 Mówiąc o sytuacjach, które miały miejsce bardzo dawno temu, bez konieczności
podawania czasu, np. Christopher Columbus discovered America.
 Pytając o czas/datę odbywania się czynności w przeszłości, np. What time did you get
podmiot Czasownik w II formie lub z „-ed” Reszta zdania
I cooked dinner.
you cooked dinner.
he cooked dinner.
she cooked dinner.
it cooked dinner.
we cooked dinner.
you cooked dinner.
they cooked dinner.

podmiot Przeczenie Czasownik w formie podstawowej Reszta zdania
I didn’t cook dinner.
you didn’t cook dinner.
he didn’t cook dinner.
she didn’t cook dinner.
it didn’t cook dinner.
we didn’t cook dinner.
you didn’t cook dinner.
they didn’t cook dinner.

Did podmiot Czasownik w formie podstawowej Reszta zdania
did I cook dinner?
did you cook dinner?
did he cook dinner?
did she cook dinner?
did it cook dinner?
did we cook dinner?
did you cook dinner?
did they cook dinner?
I was here yesterday./ I wasn’t here yesterday./ Was I here yesterday?

Typowe wyrazy:
yesterday, some time ago, in (month), last summer/fall etc., five years ago, two days ago
Na końcu zdania

Past Continuous
 Do mówienia o wydarzeniach trwających w określonym momencie w przeszłości, gdy
byliśmy w trakcie wykonywania jakiejś czynności, np. Yesterday at 5:00 I was reading
a book.
 Gdy jedna czynność przerwała drugą, np. I was watching TV when the phone rang.
 Do wyrażenia dwóch czynności, które trwały jednocześnie, np. Mark was taking a
batch when Sue was lying in bed.
 Gdy mówimy o czynności, która w sposób ciągły wypełniała jakiś okres w przeszłości
lub opis tła wydarzeń, np. I was learning all Sunday./ It was a beautiful day. The
sun was shining, birds were singing and some people were sunbathing in the park.
podmiot To be w czasie przeszłym Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I was cooking all Sunday.
you were cooking all Sunday.
he was cooking all Sunday.
she was cooking all Sunday.
it was cooking all Sunday.
we were cooking all Sunday.
you were cooking all Sunday.
they were cooking all Sunday.

podmiot To be w czasie przeszłym not Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I was not cooking all Sunday.
you were not cooking all Sunday.
he was not cooking all Sunday.
she was not cooking all Sunday.
it was not cooking all Sunday.
we were not cooking all Sunday.
you were not cooking all Sunday.
they were not cooking all Sunday.

To be w czasie przeszłym podmio Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
was I cooking all Sunday?
were you cooking all Sunday?
was he cooking all Sunday?
was she cooking all Sunday?
was it cooking all Sunday?
were we cooking all Sunday?
were you cooking all Sunday?
were they cooking all Sunday?

Typowe wyrazy:
while, when, as, all day/ all morning/ all night, etc., at (hour), yesterday / last evening,
etc., all the time

Past Perfect
 opisując czynność, która dokonała się, zanim rozpoczęła się inna czynność przeszła,
np. Mum had cooked dinner before I came.
 opisując czynność dokonaną przed określonym momentem w przeszłości, np. Had you
been to France before the last trip?
 aby wyrazić zamiar, postanowienie, które nie doszło do skutku, np. They had really
wanted to come on time.
 Zdania z wish, jeżeli życzenia dotyczą przeszłości, np. I wish I had changed mt job
podmio had III forma czasownika lub czasownik z „-ed” Reszta zdania
I had met him before.
you had met him before.
he had met him before.
she had met him before.
it had met him before.
we had met him before.
you had met him before.
they had met him before.

podmio had not III forma czasownika lub czasownik z „-ed” Reszta zdania
I had not met him before.
you had not met him before.
he had not met him before.
she had not met him before.
it had not met him before.
we had not met him before.
you had not met him before.
they had not met him before.

had podmiot III forma czasownika lub czasownik z „-ed” Reszta zdania
had I met him before?
had you met him before?
had he met him before?
had she met him before?
had it met him before?
had we met him before?
had you met him before?
had they met him before?

Typowe wyrazy:
When. As soon as, the moment, immediately, before, after, already
When she had shut the door I opened the window.
They decided to go out, after they had had breakfast.
When I rang, Chris had already left.

Past Perfect Continous

 Dla wyrażenia czynności trwającej w przeszłości przez pewien czas, aż do rozpoczęcia
się drugiej czynności przeszłej, np. We had been waiting for 30 minutes before we
decided to call him.
 Zdania bez podania, jak długo czynność trwała. W tym przypadku czynność wyrażona
przez Past Perfect Continuous została dopiero co zakończona, a czasu ciągłego
używamy dla podkreślenia jej widocznych efektów, np. She was exhausted because
she had been running.
podmiot had been Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I had been cooking for 2 hours.
you had been cooking for 2 hours.
he had been cooking for 2 hours.
she had been cooking for 2 hours.
it had been cooking for 2 hours.
we had been cooking for 2 hours.
you had been cooking for 2 hours.
they had been cooking for 2 hours.

podmiot had not been Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
I had not been cooking for 2 hours.
you had not been cooking for 2 hours.
he had not been cooking for 2 hours.
she had not been cooking for 2 hours.
it had not been cooking for 2 hours.
we had not been cooking for 2 hours.
you had not been cooking for 2 hours.
they had not been cooking for 2 hours.

had podmiot been Czasownik z końcówką „-ing” Reszta zdania
had I been cooking for 2 hours?
had you been cooking for 2 hours?
had he been cooking for 2 hours?
had she been cooking for 2 hours?
had it been cooking for 2 hours?
had we been cooking for 2 hours?
had you been cooking for 2 hours?
had they been cooking for 2 hours?

Typowe wyrazy:
for, since, when, how long, before
I had been working for Nike since 2018.
They had been watching TV when the lights went off.
How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?
They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.

Future simple
 jeśli podejmujemy decyzję (zazwyczaj jest to spontaniczna decyzja, podjęta w chwili
wypowiadania jej), np. I will call you tomorrow.
 jeśli uważamy jakieś wydarzenie za pewne lub bardzo prawdopodobne, np. Don’t
worry, he will come back to you.
 oferując pomoc, prosząc o coś, składając obietnicę, np. Will you marry me? Will you
help me?
 wyrażając subiektywne zdania; stosuje się z: hope, expect, believe, be sure, be
afraid, probably, np. I’m sure you will pass this exam.
podmiot will czasownik w formie podstawowej Reszta zdania
I will call him.
you will call him.
he will call him.
she will call him.
it will call him.
we will call him.
you will call him.
they will call him.

podmiot Will + not (won’t) czasownik w formie podstawowej Reszta zdania
I won’t call him.
you won’t call him.
he won’t call him.
she won’t call him.
it won’t call him.
we won’t call him.
you won’t call him.
they won’t call him.

will podmiot czasownik w formie podstawowej Reszta zdania
will I call him?
will you call him?
will he call him?
will she call him?
will it call him?
will we call him?
will you call him?
will they call him?

Typowe wyrazy:
probably, to expect, be sure, to think, to wonder, to don’t think, to hope

Future Continuous
 Gdy wyrażamy ciągłą czynność, która będzie (lub nie będzie) się działa w przyszłości
(w wyniku planu, ustaleń, harmonogramu), np. I’ll be preparing dinner tomorrow at 2.
 Gdy wyrażamy propozycję pomocy (lub prośbę o pomoc) z wyraźnym zaznaczeniem,
że czynność ma być wykonana „przy okazji” i nie będzie kłopotliwa (gdy pytamy o
plany drugiej osoby), np. You can go with us, we’ll be passing the station.
podmiot will be czasownik z „-ing” Reszta zdania

I will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.

you will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
he will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
she will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
it will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
we will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
you will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
they will be watching TV tomorrow at 5.

podmiot Will + not (won’t) be czasownik z „-ing” Reszta zdania

I won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.

you won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
he won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
she won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
it won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
we won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
you won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.
they won’t be watching TV tomorrow at 5.

will podmiot be czasownik z „-ing” Reszta zdania
will I be watching TV tomorrow at 5?
will you be watching TV tomorrow at 5?
will he be watching TV tomorrow at 5?
will she be watching TV tomorrow at 5?
will it be watching TV tomorrow at 5?
will we be watching TV tomorrow at 5?
will you be watching TV tomorrow at 5?
will they be watching TV tomorrow at 5?

Typowe wyrazy:
in a minute/hour, in two days/months/years, next day/week/month/year, this time
tomorrow/next week/month/year, tomorrow/tonight
We’ll be spending the summer in Australia this time next year.

Future Perfect
 gdy chcemy zapewnić albo prognozujemy, że w danym momencie w przyszłości, lub
do tego czasu, coś będzie już zrobione, wykonane, np. I will have it done by Tuesday.
 gdy prognozujemy, że w danym momencie w przyszłości jakaś czynność będzie trwała
już od pewnego określonego czasu, np. This time tomorrow she will have been driving
for 2 hours.
podmiot will have III forma Reszta zdania
czasownik z „-ed”
I will have sold the car by the time he collect enough money to buy it from me.
you will have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
he will have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
she will have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
it will have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
we will have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
you will have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
they will have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.

podmiot won’t have III forma czasownika Reszta zdania
czasownik z „-ed”
I won’t have sold the car by the time he collect enough money to buy it from me.
you won’t have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
he won’t have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
she won’t have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
it won’t have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
we won’t have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
you won’t have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.
they won’t have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him.

will podmiot have III forma czasownika Reszta zdania
czasownik z „-ed”
will I have sold the car by the time he collect enough money to buy it from me?
will you have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him?
will he have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him?
will she have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him?
will it have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him?
will we have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him?
will you have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him?
will they have sold the car by the time I collect enough money to buy it from him?

Typowe wyrazy:
by the time, by, in, before
In three hours, we will have arrived home.
My husband will have cleaned the house before the party.

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