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Roll No: C-121 Name: Divanshu Maheshwari

Class : C Batch : C-2
Date of Experiment: 23-02-2024 Date of Submission: 28-02-2024
Grade :

B.1 Documentation written by student:

Achieved 98% accuracy with random forest regressor and 97.9% with decision tree

B.2 Observations and learning:

During the implementation of predicting energy efficiency for residential
buildings, I observed the significance of utilizing different programming
languages such as Python or Java. Understanding machine learning
algorithms plays a crucial role in accurately predicting energy efficiency
levels. Through this experiment, I witnessed how machine learning
algorithms can be applied to optimize energy efficiency predictions for
residential buildings.
By engaging in this experiment, I have acquired practical knowledge in
implementing a multi-output linear model for prediction. I gained insights
into how to leverage linear models effectively to predict energy efficiency
levels in residential buildings. Understanding the nuances of multi-output
linear models will enhance their skills in optimizing predictions and
improving the overall energy efficiency of buildings.

B.3 Conclusion:
Upon successful completion of this experiment, I will be able to develope the ability to
optimize energy efficiency predictions for residential buildings using machine learning
algorithms and multi-output linear models. This hands-on experience will equip me
with valuable skills that can be applied to real-world scenarios, contributing to more
sustainable and energy-efficient building practices.

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