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your nose. Expand into your lungs,

expand into your stomach, feel the floor
or the prop beneath you. If you want,
close your eyes.”

I suck a few breaths in and out, keeping

my eyes on her.

“Find your breathing.”

Her voice melts into something smooth

and calm. My heart rate slows as I count
my breaths, in for five, out for five. Her
eyes are closed, her dark hair up in a

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ponytail with a few pieces loose in the
front. She’s wearing a t-shirt that says
Don’t Touch Me and navy yoga leggings
with constellations all over them.

The deplorable, horny part of me thinks

about her telling me she doesn’t wear
panties under her leggings.

“You get to do this class the way you

want,” she adds. “You’re the boss of
your body. Be a good boss and listen to

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