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Mores, Rogelio Jr G.


Saving Lives At Birth

In Guatemala and other nations, maternal mortality and poverty are linked. Due to poor
healthcare, nutrition, and living conditions, poverty can greatly affect maternal mortality rates.
Women in disadvantaged communities suffer increased pregnancy and delivery risks.The death
rate in Guatemala is influenced by various factors,including healthcare access,infrastructure,
and public health measures. The country faced challenges related to healthcare infrastructure
and the availability of quality healthcare services, particularly in rural areas.

Guatemala has a high Latin American maternal mortality rate. Lack of access to developed
healthcare providers and cultural and economic issues might delay or deter women from
seeking medical care during pregnancy and childbirth. Guatemala's maternity and newborn
health issues include high maternal mortality and poor healthcare access, especially in rural
areas. Over the years, Guatemala has struggled to reduce. Maternal mortality is the death of a
woman during pregnancy, childbirth, or within 42 days following termination from any cause
connected to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its care. High maternal death rates in
Guatemala were a public health issue. Limited healthcare access, inadequate prenatal and
obstetric care, poverty, and sociocultural factors contribute to increased maternal mortality in the
country. The statistics vary annually. They estimated maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.
These rates were far higher in rural and indigenous populations with limited healthcare.

The International organization has improved maternity healthcare and reduced maternal
mortality. These goals include expanding prenatal, skilled birth attendant, and emergency
obstetric care. Poverty reduction, and women's empowerment are also crucial to reducing
maternal mortality. That's why PRONTO trains nurses, and midwives through simulations. This
training improves their obstetric emergency management skills, which save moms and
newborns. also educates community people and traditional birth attendants on the necessity of
skilled birth attendance and early referral to hospital facilities for problems. PRONTO helps
Guatemala reduce maternal and newborn mortality. It gives nurses/midwives the skills and
expertise to handle emergencies and deliver high-quality birthing care. PRONTO's community
engagement promotes safe delivery practices, which can save Guatemalan lives during birth.

In conclusion, saving lives at birth in Guatemala is not just a healthcare issue but a fundamental
human rights issue and a critical component of the country's social and economic development.
In other words, preserving lives at birth is a fundamental human rights issue. To the health of
pregnant women and babies, it is necessary to take an all-encompassing approach that tackles
the healthcare infrastructure, access to care, educational opportunities, and other
socioeconomic determinants of health.

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