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Significance of Arts in Humanities

Art is everywhere, it can be seen in our everyday life. Art is within ourselves,
in which it is a requirement for our skills and talents, also it makes the humans more
imaginative, creative and expressive. In addition, art is definitely important for
humanity. In which, through art, the humans could express their innate desires,
feelings, thoughts, emotions, dreams, and inspirations, wherein, these expressions
could make humans be as connected with each other.

Art is the reflection of what makes us human, human’s cultures and traditions
are mostly represented in an art, especially during in the early age. For instance, cave
paintings, petroglyphs, megalithic structures, the tools that have been crafted by the
humans in the early age. As the time and generations progresses, the art is changing
over time. For instance, around Middle Age and Renaissance Period, most medieval
arts are for decorating the churches, while renaissance arts are mostly artistically
focused on humanity and human body. In arts, not only if focuses the paintings, but
also the sculptures, music, theatres and dances. Furthermore, classical music left a
widely impact on human’s entertainment as well as theatres and traditional dances, in
which traditional dances are also been performed for religious activities. These are the
arts that has been preserved, valued, and passed down over generations.

In everyday life, humans have a desire to make their lives be better, they
tend to use their knowledge and creativeness to be more innovative and productive
for functional objects. These functional objects are the man-made objects, in which, it
is primarily made to make the human lives be easier. Moreover, this desire led humans
to introduce at the modern and technology age, especially to our generation that most
of the things are being digitalized and more developed. For instance, the digital arts,
most of the people could make arts with their own devices. It is way different to the
traditional one, in which artists had to use canvas and paint.

Art could act as a human’s medium for communicating the ideas or concepts,
it is not only as an act of expression, it also could act as a therapy especially in terms
of mental health. To conclude, art is definitely an act of appreciating all the beauty and
wonders of this world could show.

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