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I, Janvier Ngiruwonsanga student at, izina ryikigo cyanyu, hereby declare that the work
presented in this dissertation entitled “ONLINE REGISTRATION RWANDA NATIONAL
POLICE” is my own work and it has never been offered anywhere in the other school for any
academic qualification. This is my own research and whereby other people’s works have been
used, references have been provided and in some cases quotations are through.


Student signature
Janvier Ngiruwonsanga

I certify that the work in this research paper was carried by the candidate under my supervision.


Mr. izina rya supervisor wawe



This work is dedicated to the Almighty God, to my parents, for their care, encouragement, their
vital support in my education. Also be dedicated to my Supervisor izina rya supervisor wawe,
lecturers, for their encouragement. It is also dedicated to brother and sisters for their crucial
assistance during my long education, finally this book is dedicated to all my friends and
classmates and all relatives for their help to achieve this work.


Firstly we give thanks to our God who helped us till today. I do thank our lecturers and leaders in
this institution. I do also acknowledge my parents, relatives and friends.

This system will be dealing with the online registration a case study Rwanda National Police

The information used in designing this system were collected through data collection techniques
precisily interview, observation and documentation.

This system will be having two side, one which is back side and the other is front side. Back side
or database will store system data and front side or interface also called webpages will interact
with system users

HTML, PHP were used to develop webpages and SQL were used to generate database whereby
CSS were used to sytle webpage.

XAMPP was used as web hosting and database server. Notepad then used as web page
development tool. Browsers were used to run and test designed system


 ORS: Online Registration System

 RNP: Rwanda Nation Police
 FMS: File Management System
 DBMS: Data Base Management System
 SQL: Structure Query Language
 URL: Universal Resource Locator
 HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language
 HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
 CSS: Cascading Style Sheet
 PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
 ASP: Active Server Pages
 ADMIN: Administration
 WWW: World Wide Web

Table 1 comment Table to keeps information where the all comment saved................................13
Table 2 Admin Table to keeps the username and password of the adminstrator .........................13
Table 3 register Table to keeps all information of person registration .........................................14


Figure 1 This is the home page that will appear after browsing the ORS.....................................17
Figure 2 The contact us page appear when you want to send message of the police....................18
Figure 3 This is page where the person will fulfill the information about him and all the
requerement asked by police such as him/her living.....................................................................19
Figure 4 this page when you want to have the access of seeing the people who have been
registered or deleting someone again............................................................................................20
Figure 5 Display all comment of people........................................................................................21
Figure 6 Display all comment confirms of people........................................................................22
Figure 7 Display all registration of people....................................................................................23
Figure 8 Display all register confirmed of people.........................................................................24







LIST OF ABRAVIATION...........................................................................................................vi

LIST OF TABLE.........................................................................................................................vii

LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................viii
1.2. Problem statement...............................................................................................................11
1.4. Hypothesis...........................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER2: LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................14

2.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................14
2.2 theoretical concepts based on our dissertation:....................................................................14
2.3 Database concepts................................................................................................................14
2.3.1 Database........................................................................................................................14
2.3.2 Data...............................................................................................................................14
2.3.3 Entity or table................................................................................................................14
2.3.4 Relationship...................................................................................................................14
2.4 Web concepts.......................................................................................................................16


3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................18
3.2. Techniques used for collecting information........................................................................18
Database description and structure............................................................................................23
Database structure..................................................................................................................26

Requirements Specifications......................................................................................................26
Server side Software...............................................................................................................26
the client-side software...........................................................................................................27

CHAPTER IV: RECOMMANDATIONS AND CONCLUSION...........................................29


1.1 Introduction

According to the development of technology in the world and its benefits, I have developed a
system which will help people from different corners to be registered and get responses online.
This system will be developed aiming to cut off transport charges, reduce time spending and data
security by developing web based system with a database.

1.2. Problem statement

The existing manually police recruitment system works well but the below problems still exist:

 Time wasting heading to the police

 Transport related Problems
 Hard to fetch information from stored papers
 Hard to update information and hard to spray information
 Limited time (up to 17h00) of police officers to serve people
 Data on papers are not safe :
o They can catch fire
o Floods
o Theft
o Occupy a lot physical space

1.3 Scopes of the dissertation

 According to the resources needed to accomplish this research and time constraint, I focused
only on applying (registering) online and police officers to confirm or reject the application.
 This system will not cover online complains, online SMS sending as feedback to applicants
and online examination for entrance.

1.4. Hypothesis
Manually police recruitment system leads to fewer new beginners’ entrance.

1.5. Objectives

1.5.1 General objective

To provide online system replacing File management registration system (FMS) to Database
Management registration System (DBMS).

1.5.2 Specific objective

With this system:

- Service will be granted online

- Secure Time
- Secure data
- Cut off transport fees
- Application will be received and treated online
- Hinder corruption
1.6 Methodology

To collect data to be used in research and then develop web based system I will be using these
research methods documentation, observation and interview.

1.7 Interest of the study

1.7.1 Person interest
 Increase research skills
 Test my level in web and database developments
 Solving related problems for other companies
1.7.2 Academic interest
 To fulfill school plans to deploying skilled workers
 The research report will be used by coming researchers

1.8 Organization of the study

This document report is subdivided into four different chapters Listed as:

1. The first chapter it is the general introduction that describes the background of the
dissertation, objectives of the problem statement that shows different problem that
involves the use to develop the topic, objectives of the dissertation limitation of the
dissertation and how our dissertation is organized.
2. The second chapter explains literature review whereby technical terms are discussed and
3. The third chapter is concerned with the system.
4. The four Chapters will concern with the conclusions and recommendations.

This chapter explains the technical terms we have used, and some tools that we have used when
designing this system.

2.2 theoretical concepts based on our dissertation:

2.2.1 Registration: is the process of getting subscribed in any organization, institution or any
other groups of people where you be allowed to do same things as those included in that
organizations before.

2.2.2 Client: is someone who consumes products or service of any company or any other things
such restaurants, pharmacy, and so on, by our side the client is every people who wants to be
registered in this police.

2.3 Database concepts

2.3.1 Database

Database is collection of tables used for storing information so that can be easy accessed,
updated and managed.

2.3.2 Data

Data is unprocessed information that doesn’t have meaning while Information is data that has
been processed in a way that it makes it meaningful.

2.3.3 Entity or table

Entity is conceptual or physical thing that can be identified in the user’s work environment,
something about which the organization wants to hold information. In the case of the project,
entity may physical thing such as student, or conceptual thing like saving.

2.3.4 Relationship

A relationship works by matching data in key field-usually a field with the same name in both
tables. In most cases, these matching fields are the primary key from one table, which provide a
unique identifier for each record, and a foreign key in the other table. A foreign key is a column
or combination of columns used to establish and enforce a link between the data in two tables.

This occurs when there is exactly one record in the first table that correspond exactly one record
in the related table.

Occurs when each record in the table may link record in table B may have only one
corresponding record in table.

Occurs when each record in the record in the first table corresponds to one or more records in the
second table and each record in the second table corresponds to or more records in the first table.

2.3.5 A primary key

A primary key consists of a column or columns whose value uniquely identifies a row. There can
only be one primary key per table. When you define a primary key for a table, you create a
constraint on data in the table, which ensure that any row in the table can be uniquely identified
by its key columns

2.3.6 A foreign key

A foreign key consists of one or more columns in a table whose value in one row uniquely
identifies another row in the same or another table.

2.3.7 MYSQL

MySQL is a database. The data in MySQL is stored in database objects called tables.

A table is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows.

Database is useful when storing information categorically. A company may have a database with
the following tables: ”registration”, ”comment”, and “admin”.

2.4 Web concepts

2.4.1 Web page

A website is a block of data available on the world-wide web, identified by an URL.

2.4.2 Website

A website is a set of interconnected web pages, usually including a homepage, generally located
on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person,
group, or organization.

2.4.3 Static website

A Static website is a web page that is delivered to the user exactly as store, in contrast to
dynamic web page which is generated by a web application. A static web page displays the same
information for all users from all contexts, subject to modern capabilities of a web server to
negotiate content-type or language of the document where such versions are available and the
server is configured to do so. Static web pages are often HTML documents stored as files in the
file system and made available by the web server over HTTP.

2.4.4 Dynamic website

A dynamic website is one that changes or customizes itself frequently and automatically, based
on certain criteria. Dynamic websites can have two type of dynamic activity: Code and content.

Dynamic code is invisible or behind the scenes and dynamic content is visible or fully displayed.

2.5 Tools and languages used

2.5.1 CSS

CSS stand for Cascading Style Sheet is the styles define how to display HTML elements

2.5.2 HTML

HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is a language for describing web pages.

It is not a programming language, but it is a markup language where markup languages is a set of
markup tags, uses markup tags to describe web pages

2.5.3 PHP

PHP stand for pre hyper text processor; it is one of server side scripting languages used to
develop dynamic web site. There are many server sides scripting language ASP, CGI, Cold
Fusion, and so on.

2.5.4 Macromedia Dreamweaver

Macromedia Dreamweaver is an internet-ready 32-bit text, HTML, and code editor for windows.
It offers many features for Web page authors and programmers, including syntax highlighting for
HTML, CSS, and PHP….

2.5.5 Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a graphic editing program developed and published by Adobe system
incorporated for creating and modifying images for the web.


A browser is software that access and display pages and files on the web, browse require a
connection to the internet with wire or wirelessly.

The most popular browses are

 Mozilla Firefox
 Internet explorer
 Google chrome
 Safari
 Netscape navigator


3.1 Introduction

This chapter explain the techniques that we have used for collecting information required for
developing this system, analyzing how the system will work, the description of the existing
system, the new system and how it will help the applicants to be registered online . This chapter
also explains the whole processes of registering on line that will help the staff of RNP to retrieve
the data of registered peoples.

3.2. Techniques used for collecting information

3.2.1. Interview

An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and interviewee) where
questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee. This is the
necessary technique for collecting information gathering before implementing software, and it
requires interviewee to have enough knowledge about the question asked by interviewer so that
he/she has all information about what she/he wants to know.

At the beginning of this project we asked some police officers about how they get applicants, the
system they use to communicate with them, and how they manage information that they receive
from them.

3.2.2. Documentation

This technique is also necessary for getting information and help the researcher also to increase
his/her knowledge so that he can easily solve the problem practically, it permits the researcher to
consult books, other previous researcher , class notes, and internet to find in dept the actually
meaning of the problem and some good ideas on how to go through problem solving.

Here we have read many handouts; consult different books from the school even outside the
school so that we can easily solve the problem said in the previous lines.

3.3 Analyzing the system

To jump to the development of new system it is recommended to analyze some aspects to ensure
the system can be practically developed while some systems are theoretical possible and
practical impossible due to budget, skills, availability of required raw material,etc.this analysis is
named feasibility study.

According to the activities that are needed after system development the feasibility to have new
running system is approved. While buying domain name and web hosting are at affordable price
and they are two main activities to be done after designing so as the system is available and
running online.

The below is list of price by imaginet.rw

1 Buy domain name 15,000
2 Web hosting 35,000
Total 50,000

3.4. Description of existing system

The old system which is file management system has be found with the following limitations that
leads to development of new system.limitations are Data recording and retrieving are done
manually and paper records occupy large physical space and they can be at high risk.

3.5 The new system

This will be actually the solution for the above listed limitations of the current system. The
following explain the details about the system functionality and different links and how they
should be used.

1. Home: This link is the main page of the system and it welcomes users to the system, it
links to others pages like application page, login page and page for checking registration
and acceptance.

2. Login: This page is reserved for police officers and contains the login form, it is where to
put the username and password, if both are right the user gets permission of viewing
applicants, approving or deleting them, see the sent message, to approve or delete sent

3. Registration: This page is reserved for the new applicants to be registered online in

4. Comment: this page gives chance the users to sent comments to the police officers.

5. List of applicants: this page shows all applicants who are not yet approved or not even

6. Abemerewe: this page shows all applicants who are approved.

7. ADMIN: this page is reached after loging successful into the system, from this page
user(police officer) can view applicants approve or delete them or one by one, also s/he
can view comments and approve or delete them.

Database description and structure

This system has a database made of 3 tables

3.6.1 Data dictionary

Data dictionary is an organized listing of all data elements pertinent to the system, with
precise, rigorous and definitions.

Table is created based on column names, data type and data size which detailed table by table

Comment table

Table 1: Comment table to keeps comment information

Admin table

Table 2: Admin table used to keeps the username and password for the Administrator

Registration table

Table 3: registration table used to keeps all information of new and accepted applicants

Database structure

Requirements Specifications
3.7.1 Software and hardware requirements for the proposed system
Server side Software
 Windows operating system
 Hosting facilities it must include Apache and MySQL 5.1.30, php version 4 or 5
 Phpmyadmin version 3.1.1 for database management

The client-side software

 browser

3.7 Conclusion

This web based system will help the applicants to be registed online in RNP; also it will help
the staff of this police to save the time used to register the people in the database. We are
encouraging you to use this application because of its great importance especially to the people
and all staff of RNP

3.8 Recommendation

I recommend Rwandan Government to adopt this system as in its Goal of promoting made in
Rwanda products.

I also recommend our beloved clients to contact as for the improvement of this system while it
can be given the power of sending SMS to applicants after registration and after approval even
when the application is rejected . some other improvement can be done in picture uploading of
the applicant, also it has to display list based on current year not all years, it has to be given
ability of not accepting application when it is the beyond the set date.

During the execution of this application, we have used different notebooks and websites for
getting more information and over knowledge.

 handouts

There is some website we use:

 www.W3schools.com
 www.wikipedia.com
 www.allhtml.com
 www.google.com
 http://www.answers.com
 http://www.database.com/sql/structured_query_language.html
 En.wikipedia.org/wiki/information _system
 www.commoncraft.com/video/computer-software,
 http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com
 http://www.webopedia.com/gsearch/results?
 http://searchsqlserver.techtarget.com


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