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Section 1

 Greetings

1. Introduce yourself and make them feel comfortable

2. Find out how their first interview went and how they are feeling about today
3. Why did they apply for this internship and what do they expect from it?
4. Have them run you through their profile to check for consistency
5. Ask them about their qualification and experience gaps between jobs or academics
6. Probe deeper into their current engagement in terms of time and effort to evaluate their
commitment towards this internship

Section 2
7. Check if they visited CL page and what they understood by it… Explain about CL and its
8. People Operations Cycle
9. Explain about diversity within the organization (multicultural) and the different time zones
so patience and consideration to things may be required

Section 3
10. Internship Completion Certificate
11. APF Specialist Certification
12. Mentorship position
13. Ask if they can work well under pressure and achieve deadlines. Elaborate on an experience
14. Lastly ask again if they have a laptop and steady internet connect and how many hours they
can contribute to CL

 Questions to you
 Let them know time period to expect feedback
 END!

Culturelligence Final Interview Background

This document is to be used in conjunction with the final interview structure. This is the
information to be understood by final interviews to understand a bit better about
Culturelligence and all that it offers. This is not to be utilized word by word by instead
understood so this information can be passed onto candidate in your own words.

Section 1
 Greetings

1. Let them know who you are and what position you hold at Culturelligence and how long you
have been here so they can get to know you as well and feel a bit at ease knowing things
about you as well.
2. Check how efficient the first interview was, what they enjoyed about the first interview and
how was the interaction with the first interviewer
3. Question
4. Go through their Trello card as preparation before the interview. Ask them about their
profile again to check if it matches to the summary provided on the Trello card.
5. If there are gaps in academics or jobs try to find out the reason why and see how their time
was utilized. From here we can evaluate generally how interested they are in the things they
6. Dive deeper to find out more about them and what they are currently doing and their
current interests to understand if they will have the time and give in their 100 into this

Section 2

7. Culturelligence is an Agile transformation company founded with an intent to drive

transformation within organizations and individuals.

Agile HR is aligned by methodologies and moves away from rigidness and allows flexibility.
At Culturelligence, we hold close to us these principles and we are big on positive
organizational culture. We are very open to ideas and don’t use rigid practices such as the
top down approach but rather everyone is treated as an equal and everyone’s opinion
matters. We promote a safe work space to discuss and share any concerns without fear of
being judged. We operate as one big family towards a common goal to ensure we succeed in
whatever we do.

8. People Operations Cycle represents the various sub-areas (or functions) within People
Operations at Culturelligence. The PeopleOps Specialists (Interns) are welcome to join these
sub-functions/teams and build their skill sets and capabilities. The sub-functions include
Recruitment, Onboarding and Learning & Development, Engagement and Experience,
Research & Development, and Offboarding & Succession.

9. We are a multicultural organization as our operations span across multiple countries. With
this being mentioned show the candidate our accommodating nature and willingness to
always help. Mention we work in different time zones and we need to be accommodating to
this in order to be efficient. Communication is the key and any doubts needed to be cleared
as soon as they are encountered to eliminate confusion or incorrect assumptions.

Section 3
10. Explain about the internship completion certificate. They would only be eligible on
completion of 3 months duration with active participation.

20 days’ notice period is what will be needed in case they want to quit in between. In such a
case certificate will be provided only for the period attended.

11. In case they perform very well, then on the recommendation of their SMs/Team Leads they
will be eligible for a free APF certification programme which otherwise comes for a cost.
12. Explain them about the mentorship opportunity. Tell them about the career progression at
CL. After the completion of internship, if they are interested in continuing with us further
then they will be offered the role a “Mentor” wherein they will become SMs and will handle
teams. Minimum duration is 3 months till the time they want to continue. This role is also
Voluntary and virtual in nature.

13. Question
14. Question

 Question directed to you

 Let candidate know response time on decision
 End

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