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Performance Task

RESEARCH I Science, Technology,
Engineering &
Research Title
Formulate research title on the qualitative research topic that the group has chosen to work on. The topic must
reflect the characteristics of qualitative research and must have significance in real life in relation to your track
and strand. This research title must be clear and reflective of the topic so that the readers will gain an initial
insight into the topic upon reading the title.

Task Context
Every research paper, may it be qualitative or quantitative, starts with a topic proposal, and one of its major parts
is the research title. The research title is important because this is the identity of the topic that the learners will
research on. It is from the research title that the readers get an initial impression of the topic under study. For
these reasons, the research title must be clear and reflective of the topic.

Task Instructions:
1. Form a group of five or more people with the same interests.
2. Think of a qualitative research topic which you wish to pursue as a group. You may consult library materials
or online references.
Answer the questions below:
a. How does the topic relate to your track and strand?
b. How does the topic fall under qualitative research based on at least two characteristics of
qualitative research?
c. What is the significance of studying the topic in relation to your track and strand?
3. Formulate your research title based on the topic that the group has decided to work on.
4. Prepare for a five-minute oral presentation of your topic through power point presentation.
Performance Task
RESEARCH I Science, Technology,
Engineering &

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