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BSN 2 - B8



1. Which of the following behaviors demonstrated by an individual may be indicative of hearing loss?

A. Not looking at the examiner when being questioned

B. Frequently asking for the question to be repeated
C. Talking in a high-pitched voice
D. Speaking slowly with well-articulated consonants
RATIO: An 18-month-old infant who lives with an individual who smokes cigarettes is at risk of being an otitis
prone child, as passive and gestational smoke are risk factors for OM .
2. Which of the following children is at risk of recurrent otitis media?

A. An 18-month-old infant who lives with a smoker

B. A 2-year-old child who has had two ear infections in the past 6 months
C. A 6-month-old infant who has a sibling who had tubes inserted at 3 years of age
D. An 18-month-old infant who has had three episodes of ear infections in a 5-month period
RATIO: A first episode of otitis media (OM) that occurs within 3 months of life increases risk of recurrent OM.
Recurrent OM is 3 episodes in past 3 months or 4 episodes within the past year.
3. The external structure of the ear is identified as the:

A. auricle.
B. atrium.
C. aureole.
D. auriga.
RATIO: The auricle or pinna is the external structure of the ear.

4. The labyrinth of the inner ear is responsible for maintaining the body's:

A. binaural interaction.
B. air conduction.
C. equilibrium.
D. pressure equalization.
RATIO: The labyrinth of the inner ear is responsible for maintaining the body's equilibrium.
5. Which of the following tests provides a precise quantitative measure of hearing?

A. Tuning fork tests

B. Romberg test
C. Audiometer test
D. Tonometry
RATIO: gives a precise quantitative measure of hearing by assessing the person's ability to hear sounds of
varying frequency.

6. A toddler with acute otitis media (AOM) is taking amoxicillin. The nurse should instruct the parents about
which of the following?

A. If the AOM does not resolve with amoxicillin, a myringotomy will be necessary.
B. If the child is older than 24 months, a shorter course of antibiotics is sufficient.
C. If the child improves clinically, continue the entire duration of antibiotics (10 to 14 days).
D. If the child experiences ear pain, alternate acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen for pain control.
RATIO: Parents ought to continuously be urged to finish the whole course of treatment, regardless of whether
the kid begins to feel improved; Shorter courses may be sufficient for children over the age of six. Since
amoxicillin is the first-line treatment for AOM, a myringotomy would not be considered this early. Because the
risk of error is too great, acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen are only used alternately for pain management
in select circumstances where the parent is very clear about dosing schedules.
7. The part of the ear that contains the receptors for hearing is the:

A. Utricle
B. Cochlea
C. Middle ear
D. Tympanic cavity
RATIO: Because the organ of hearing is the organ of Corti, located in the cochlea, nerve deafness would most
likely accompany damage to the cochlear nerve.

8. The ear bones that transmit vibrations to the oval window of the cochlea are found in the:

A. Inner ear
B. Outer ear
C. Middle ear
D. Eustachian tube
RATIO: The dendrites of the cochlear nerve terminate on the hair cells of the organ of Corti in the cochlea.
9. A client who is complaining of tinnitus is describing a symptom that is:

A. Objective
B. Subjective
C. Functional
D. Prodromal
RATIO: A subjective symptom such as ringing in the ears can be felt only by the client.

10. Physiologically, the middle ear, containing the three ossicles, serves primarily to:

A. Maintain balance
B. Translate sound waves into nerve impulses
C. Amplify the energy of sound waves entering the ear
D. Communicate with the throat via the Eustachian tube.
RATIO: The middle ear contains the three ossicles—malleus, incus, and stapes—which, along with the
tympanic membrane and oval window, form an amplifying system.

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