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Exercises about assimilation

Exercise 1: Give 10 examples about assimilation:

- Within a word
Newspaper /nju:zpepә/  /nju:speɪp/
Handbag /ˈhændbæɡ/  /ˈhæmbæɡ/
Cupboard /ˈkʌpbɔːrd/ /ˈkʌbərd/
Washed /wɒʃd/ /wɒʃt/
Tricks /trɪks/ /trɪkz/
Pancake /ˈpæn.keɪk//ˈpæŋkeɪk/
Gunman /ˈɡʌn.mən/ /ˈɡʌmmən/
Happen /ˈhæp.ən/
Gooseberry /ˈɡʊs .bər.i/ /ˈɡʊz.bər.i/
Clipped /klɪpd//klɪpt/
- Between words (neighboring sound)
Green belt
Garden party
When the first word between two words ending with the sound /n/
and the remaining word starts with the sound /b/ or /p/,
assimilation occurs, and the sound /n/ is pronounced like the sound
Bad girl
Hard copy
With the word ending with the sound /d/ and the following word
starting with the sound /g/, /k/ the sound /d/ will turn into the sound

Bad pain
Grand master
the sound /d/ is pronounced like the sound /b/ before the sound
/p/, /m/

Basket maker
Best man
Based on the place of the sound, “basket” and “best” end with the
sound /t/ belonging to the alveolar sound, and the following words
“maker” and “man” start with the sound /m/belonging to the
bilabial sound. To speak faster, and more smoothly, the sound /t/
will be pronounced like the sound /p/.

Credit card
First class
The sound /t/ (credit, first) belongs to the alveolar sound, and the
sound /k/belongs to the velar sound. Therefore, to pronounce these
words more smoothly, the sound /t/ have to be like the sound /k/
Exercise 2: Give 10 examples about each kinds of assimilation:
- Regressive assimilation
Sun kissed /sʌn kɪs/  /sʌŋ kɪst/
This year /ðɪs jɪər/ /ðɪʃjər/
Elevating music /ˈelɪveɪtɪŋ ˈmjuːzɪk/ /ˈelɪveɪtɪm ˈmjuːzɪk/
Sad boys /sæd bɔɪ/ /sæb bɔɪz/
Nothing but /ˈnʌθɪŋ bʌt/  /ˈnʌθɪm bʌt/
Quite good /kwaɪt gʊd/ /kwaɪk gʊd/
Can barely /kæn ˈbeali/ /kæm ˈbeali/
In case /ɪn keɪs/ /ɪŋ keɪs/
Let me /let miː/  /lem miː/
In my /ɪn maɪ/  /ɪm maɪ/

- Progressive assimilation
Beginning to / bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ tuː/ /bɪˈɡɪnɪn nuː/
Kill them /kɪl ðem/  /kɪl lem/
Maintaining this /meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ ðɪs//meɪnˈteɪnɪn nɪs/
Taken to /teɪkən tu:/  /teɪkən nu:/
On the /ɒn ðə/ /ɒn nə/
Put them /pʊt ðem/  /pʊt tem/
Understand the /ʌndəˈstænd ðə/ /ʌndəˈstænd də/
Bake them /beɪk ðem/  /beɪk kəm
Get them /ɡɛt ðem/  /ɡɛt tem/
Even though /ˈiːvən ðəʊ/  /ˈiːvən nəʊ/

Exercise 3: Give 5 examples for each types of assimilation

- Complete
Sad boys /sæd bɔɪ/ /sæb bɔɪz/
Let me /let miː/  /lem miː/
In my /ɪn maɪ/  /ɪm maɪ/
On the /ɒn ðə/ /ɒn nə/
Taken to /teɪkən tu:/  /teɪkən nu:/
- Partial
light blue /laɪt bluː/ /laip blu:/
meat pie /mi:t pai/ /mi:p pai/
that person /ðaet pɛ:sn/ /ðaep pɛ:sn/
that girl /ðat gɜːl/  /ðak gɜːl/
Good pen /gʊd pen/ /gʊb pen/
- Intermediate
This year /ðɪs jɪər/ /ðɪʃjər/
Watched /wɒtʃd/ /wɒtʃt/
That girl /ðat gɜːl/  /ðak gɜːl/
Can barely /kæn ˈbeali/ /kæm ˈbeali/
Maintaining this /meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ ðɪs//meɪnˈteɪnɪn nɪs/

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