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Exercise 1: Give 10 examples for each kind of the elision

- Word-internal
Police /pəˈliːs/
Preferable /ˈpref.ər.ə.bəl/
Library /ˈlaɪ.brər.i/
History /ˈhɪs.tər.i/
Handsome /hans ∂ m /
Secretary /ˈsek.rə.tər.i/
Tonight /təˈnaɪt/
particularly / p∂tikjul∂li/
because /bɪˈkəz/
probably /ˈprɒb.ə.bli/
- At word boundaries
I think he will have told her /aɪ θɪŋk hiː wɪl əv təʊld ər/
Round to /raʊnd tə/
You mustn't over eat it. / ju m ∂ sn ouv ∂ r i: it /
kept quiet /kɛpt kwaɪət/
licked two /lɪkt tu/
lagged tank /lægd tæŋk/
mobbed team /mɒbd tim/
could have /kʊd əv̥ /
might have /maɪt əv̥ /
would have /wʊd əv̥ /
Exercise 2: Give 10 examples for each types of the liaison
- Consonant into vowel
Come out
As a matter of fact
Think about
Dream of
Turn off
Pick it up
For instance
A number of
Far away
- Linking vowel with vowel
You are
Go on
Too often
Throw away
Who else
Do it
She is
We agree
Stay up
May I

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