General Revision On Connect Plus Unit (7) - 1st Primary

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1st Primary

General Revision on Connect Plus Unit (1)

1) Supply the missing letters:

su __gl__sses s__r__ped s__ar__

jo__rnal__st sh__ __t f__ __

2) Choose the correct answers:

1. What do you (want – need – likes) on vacation?

2. Look at (this – these – those) birds up there in the tree.
3. I (need – want – hate) the teddy bear because he makes me happy.
4. My umbrella is right here. (This – These – That) is my umbrella.
5. We (need – want – live) food because it gives us energy.
6. Please come here and look at (that – these – this) picture.
7. I (drink – need – want) some candy. I love to eat it.
8. Those apples are red, but (this – these – that) apples over here are
9. Susan, is that (your – its – her) pen on the table?
10. My sister is wearing a blue (jacket – pants – shoes).
11. What is (this – that – those)? - That is a sweater.
12. These are my (scarf – gloves – hat).
13. Mariam and Jennifer like (our – her – their) new teacher.
1st Primary

14. A sheep (wants – needs - drinks) grass.

15. This book is (yours – mine – his). It has my name on it.
16. Tom is a (chef – doctor – journalist). He is wearing a white coat.
17. Her sister draws this picture. It’s (ours – hers – theirs).
18. A T-shirt is made (to - of – from) Fabric.
19. Julia is (haveing – having – has) lunch in the cafeteria.
20. Fabric is made from (plants – cotton – flour).
21. Are you (eat – eats – eating) breakfast now?
22. Bread is made (of – from – off) flour.
23. John isn’t (swim – swimming – swiming) at the beach.
24. The cat has black (fur – skin – hair).
25. (Am – Are – Is) it raining it?

3) Re-arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences:

1. needs – A – meat – lion.
2. wearing – She – pants – is – blue.
3. plants – comes – Cotton – from.
4. our - love – We – house – new.
5. from – flour – is – Bread – made.
6. curly – She – hair – has.
7. studying – What – you – are?
8. these – I – keys – think – mine – are.
1st Primary

9. plane – That – a – toy – isn’t.


10. is – A – white – wearing – chef – a – hat.


4) Read the following passage then answer the questions:

Jim is wearing blue pants. He is wearing an orange T-shirt, a blue cap
and white shoes. Mary is wearing a checked skirt and red boots. Andy
is wearing a yellow sweater and black shoes.

A) Choose the correct answers:

1. Mary is wearing (blue – purple – red) boots.

2. (Andy – Jim – Mary) is wearing blue pants.
3. Andy is wearing black (shoes – socks – gloves).

B) Put () or ():

1. Mary is wearing a spotty skirt. ( )

2. Jim is wearing an orange T-shirt. ( )
3. Andy is wearing a yellow jacket. ( )
1st Primary

5) Look at the pictures then write one sentence:

1. --------------------------------------

2. ----------------------------------------

3. -----------------------------------------

4. -----------------------------------------

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