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The purpose and importance of the Five Pillars:


The Pillars are important acts of worship that develop the Muslim character and
strengthen Islam. Muslims are commanded by Allah to carry out these duties and to
follow the example of the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) in the manner they
perform these duties. The importance of the pillars can be remembered by spelling out
the word RUSH. So the pillars:

● Remind Muslims about the teachings of Islam

● Unite Muslims and strengthen links between them as they worship only
Allah and follow the example of the Prophet
● Support the development of consciousness of Allah and taqwa (piety) of
● Help Muslims to put Allah first in everything they do

And each pillar has its own special importance:

Shahaadah: This pillar reminds the Muslims about the purpose of their life which is to
worship Allaah alone by following the teachings of His Messenger. When they declare
their faith, they are united with other Muslims as everyone tries to fulfill this purpose and
feel closer to Allaah.

Salaah: Salaah reminds Muslims of their duty to Allaah, in worshipping Him throughout
their lives, and that all Muslims are equal in front of Allaah. It brings Muslims together
and makes them feel Allaah is watching them at all times. It stops them from making
everyday life more important than serving Allaah. This is because ordinary life stops for
Zakaah: Zakaah reminds richer Muslims of their duty to the poor and strengthens the
feelings of brotherhood among Muslims. It also stops wealthy Muslims from making
money more important than Allaah.

Sawm: Sawm reminds Muslims of the teachings of the Qur’aan because the whole
Qur’aan is usually recited throughout this month. It unites them because they are all
fasting together and break the fast together. It make them focus on their faith and stops
them from making the desires of the body more important than service to Allaah.

Hajj: The Hajj reminds Muslims of Ibraaheem (alaihi salaam) and his worship and
devotion to Allaah alone – so Muslims do the same. It brings the international
community of Muslims together. It makes them focus on Allaah and teaches the
importance of sacrifice.

How important are the pillars? All the pillars are commanded by Allaah but not all of
them are duties for all Muslims, as those who are unable are excused by God. Those
who are too ill to fast, or too poor to pay Zakaah or go on Hajj, can still lead a life of total
obedience to Allaah. That leaves the Prayer – those who cannot do the movements of
the prayer because they are too sick or too old, can sit or even lie down to pray. This
shows the great mercy of Allaah in that “Allaah does not burden a soul more than it can
bear.” (Qurān)

A person does that which is obligated upon him in his capacity and in accordance to his
strength just as Allaah and the Prophet have explained in the Qur’aan and Sunnah. All
of this in order to make you a better Muslim and to do the best you can in every

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