NPCE Colonos

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NPCE colonoscopy

Your patient
Name: Peter Williams
Age: 64

You are a F2 in a surgical clinic. This patient was referred from the GP because of the
positive FIT test. He has been feeling fatigued for the past 3 months.
Take a focused history and discuss the next management and address patient concern.
Do NOT Perform any physical examination.

Before the colonoscopy:

IV midazolam + IV pethidine

Left recumbent with leg drawing up

After surgery:
can’t drive as it is given midazolam

Risk of colonoscopy
1. Pain
2. Bleeding (take small tissue sample from the bowel)
3. Infection
4. Small risk of perforation (hole in the bowel)
5. Tummy painful and bloated secondary to air used during the scope

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