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The Two Stage Transistor Voltage Feedback

Amplifier Lab Report

A. Laboratory Procedures
Abstract—This paper presents a laboratory report detailing the
investigation into the effects of altering the feedback resistors, Rf For the undistorted output:
and Ru, in a voltage-feedback amplifier. The aim was to determine 1) Construct and analyze the two-stage transistor feedback
if adjusting these resistor values could optimize the open-loop gain, amplifier as shown in Fig. 1
especially when it significantly exceeds the closed-loop gain. 2) Measure the output by an input of 1 kHz sine-wave signal
Through systematic experimentation, the impact of varying Rf and with 0.5 Vpp and analyze its input and output relationship
Ru on the amplifier’s output distortion was analyzed and
relevant to feedback factor calculated.
documented. This report shows the findings and conclusions
derived from this lab study. 3) Increase the amplitude of the input from 0.1 Vpp to 1 Vpp
to characterize its input and output relationship.
Index Terms—Feedback amplifiers, gain maximization 4) Discuss the distorted output observed.
simulation-feedback amplifiers, voltage feedback, distorted output For the feedback factor optimization:
waveform. 5) Input a test signal of 1 kHz-sine wave signal with 0.5 Vpp.
6) Adjust Rf until the above amplifier realizes the largest
I. INTRODUCTION undistorted output.
7) Adjust Ru until the above amplifier realizes the largest
T HE two-stage transistor voltage feedback amplifier consists
of two BJT transistors connected in Common Emitter(CE)
configurations as in Fig. 1. We have already learnt that the
undistorted output.
8) Discuss the findings of the above closed-loop gain
controllability by feedback resistors.
closed-loop gain Af by feedback factor β if the open-loop gain
A is much greater than Af according to equation [1] B. Components and Instrumentation
𝐴 1
𝐴𝑓 = ≈ (1) • 2N3904
1+𝐴𝛽 𝛽
where Af is the desired closed-loop gain at midband. The • 100 Ώ – 1M Ώ resistors
feedback factor β is built by feedback resistors Rf and Ru. • 0.1 µF – 1000 µF capacitors
Technically, in this lab, the largest challenge involved in such a • DC power supply
design is to choose the values of Rf and Ru but the procedure • Digital multimeter
already gave the suitable value to test the various conditions. If • Function generator
the open-loop gain of the amplifier is much larger than the • Oscilloscope
desired closed-loop gain, the correct ratio of these two resistors • Prototype board
is determined to a good accuracy by the desired closed-loop
gain at midband in accordance with the equation [2]
= 𝐴𝑓 − 1 (2)
The first stage of the amplifier, known as the voltage amplifier
stage, is usually implemented using a transistor configuration
such as a common-emitter amplifier. This stage provides the
necessary voltage gain required for the overall amplifier. The
transistor in this stage operates in the active region, where small
changes in input voltage result in larger changes in output
voltage. The second stage of the amplifier incorporates a
feedback network, which is typically implemented using
resistors. The feedback network is connected between the
output and input terminals of the amplifier, creating a feedback
loop. The feedback network is responsible for determining the
closed-loop gain of the amplifier and can be adjusted by varying Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a typical two-stage voltage-
the values of the feedback resistors. feedback amplifier

II. THEORETICAL DISCUSSION From the known values of the feedback resistors Rf (1.4 kΩ)
In designing negative feedback amplifiers, one of the and Ru (2.2 kΩ), the closed-loop gain (Af) of the amplifier
primary considerations is to maximize the open-loop gain. circuit was computed to be approximately 1.636 using the
This is crucial not only to ensure the validity of certain equation (3). The observed output peak-to-peak voltage of 800
equations, but also because it unlocks the benefits of negative mV indicates successful amplification of the input signal by
feedback, particularly at midband frequencies. When the open- the amplifier circuit. This closely matches the expected
loop gain of the amplifier vastly exceeds the desired closed- closed-loop gain calculated from the feedback resistor values.
loop gain, the ratio of the feedback resistors (Rf and Ru) can be Therefore, based on the measured output and the calculated
accurately determined using the equation [3] closed-loop gain, it can be concluded that the amplifier circuit
𝑅𝑓 is functioning as expected in this configuration. The
= 𝐴𝑓 − 1 (3) observation shown in below Fig. 3.
where Af represents the desired closed-loop gain at midband.
It's essential to choose the values of Rf and Ru carefully during
the design process. If these resistors are made too small, they
can excessively load the output of the second stage, thereby
reducing the available open-loop gain. As a result, judicious
selection of resistor values is necessary to maintain the desired
amplifier performance and ensure optimal operation of the
negative feedback loop. Alternatively, if these resistors are
made excessively large, Ru will introduce excessive
degeneration in stage one, leading to a degradation in the
open-loop gain. These limiting factors indicate that there
exists an optimal value for these two resistors that maximizes
the open-loop gain, assuming all other parameters remain
constant. This paper will not seek to derive and present
expressions for the optimum values of these two feedback
resistors but we can get the values of Rf and Ru by the
simplified hybrid-𝜋 model of a bipolar transistor as in Fig. 2.
The equivalent Rf and Ru equations are below [4] and [5]
Fig. 3. Observation of the undistorted output from step 2.

(4) To discuss the undistorted output observed in the above

observation, we need to consider the following points:
Ru = Rf / (Af -1) (5) 1) Input-Output Relationship: The input sinusoidal signal
with a peak-to-peak voltage of 494 mV was successfully
amplified by the amplifier circuit. Despite the amplification,
the output waveform maintained the sinusoidal shape without
any noticeable distortion.
2) Amplification Factor: The measured output peak-to-peak
voltage of 800 mV indicates a gain provided by the amplifier
circuit. This gain is in line with the expected closed-loop gain
calculated from the feedback resistor values (Rf = 1.4 kΩ, Ru
= 2.2 kΩ), which was approximately 1.636.
3) Linearity: The undistorted output suggests that the
amplifier operated within its linear region. This indicates that
the amplifier faithfully reproduced the input signal without
introducing any nonlinear distortion, maintaining a linear
Fig. 2. AC equivalent circuit of the Amplifier relationship between the input and output voltages.
4) Frequency Response: Given that the input signal had a
III. SIMULATIONS AND OBSERVATIONS frequency of 1 kHz, the undistorted output confirms that the
A. Part I amplifier circuit has sufficient bandwidth to faithfully
reproduce signals within this frequency range. This indicates
In the initial step of the lab experiment, a sinusoidal signal that the amplifier's frequency response meets the requirements
with a peak-to-peak voltage of 0.5 V and a frequency of 1 kHz for the given input signal.
was applied as the input to the amplifier circuit. Upon 5) Signal Integrity: The absence of distortion in the output
measurement, the input waveform was observed to have a waveform implies that the amplifier circuit preserved the
peak-to-peak voltage of 494 mV. integrity of the input signal. This is crucial for applications
After passing through the amplifier circuit, the output signal
was measured, revealing a peak-to-peak voltage of 800 mV.

where accurate signal reproduction is required, such as in

audio amplification or signal processing systems.
B. Part II
To further characterize the input and output relationship of the
amplifier circuit, the experiment involved increasing the
amplitude of the input signal from 0.1 Vpp to 1 Vpp.
Interestingly, the same situation as observed with the 0.5 Vpp
input was encountered.
1) Input Signal Amplitude: Initially, a sinusoidal signal with a
peak-to-peak voltage of 0.1 V was applied as the input to the
amplifier circuit.
2) Output Signal Amplitude: Upon measurement, the output
signal was observed to have an amplified peak-to-peak
voltage, demonstrating successful amplification by the
amplifier circuit.
3) Absence of Distortion: Despite the increase in input signal
amplitude, the output waveform maintained its sinusoidal Fig. 4. Observation of the undistorted output with 0.1Vpp
shape without any noticeable distortion. This indicates that the
amplifier operated within its linear region, preserving the
integrity of the input signal.
4) Comparison with Previous Observation: The result of this
experiment mirrors the previous observation with a 0.5 Vpp
input, suggesting consistent behavior of the amplifier circuit
across different input amplitudes.
5) Verification of Amplification Factor: The closed-loop gain
of the amplifier circuit, calculated from the feedback resistor
values, was verified against the measured output peak-to-peak
voltage. The close agreement between the calculated and
measured values confirms the accuracy of the amplifier's
amplification factor.
6) Linear Response: The consistent output behavior across
different input amplitudes reaffirms the linear response of the
amplifier circuit. This is essential for maintaining signal
fidelity and ensuring accurate amplification in various
applications. Fig. 5. Observation of the undistorted output with 0.8Vpp
7) Operational Stability: The absence of distortion in the
output waveform, even with increased input amplitudes, IV. FEEDBACK FACTOR OPTIMIZATION
highlights the operational stability of the amplifier circuit.
A. Adjusting Rf
This stability is crucial for reliable performance in practical
scenarios. As a next step for the feedback factor optimization we
8) Application Flexibility: The observed behavior adjust Rf with the various values 10k, 12k and 15k until the
underscores the versatility of the amplifier circuit, capable of above amplifier realizes the largest undistorted output. Upon
accommodating a wide range of input signal amplitudes while adjusting the feedback resistor Rf to higher values of 10 kΩ,
preserving signal integrity. This flexibility enhances its 12 kΩ, and 15 kΩ, it was observed that the output waveform
suitability for diverse applications in signal processing and exhibited increasing levels of distortion. This phenomenon can
communication systems. be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the closed-loop gain
Overall, the characterization of the input and output (Af) of the amplifier circuit is directly influenced by the ratio
relationship of the amplifier circuit across different input of feedback resistors Rf and Ru, as per the equation Af =
signal amplitudes reaffirms its effectiveness and reliability in Rf/Ru + 1. Increasing Rf results in a higher closed-loop gain,
amplifying signals without introducing distortion. This which can amplify any non-linearities present in the amplifier
provides valuable insights into the performance and circuit, leading to distortion in the output waveform.
operational characteristics of the amplifier circuit, contributing Additionally, higher values of Rf introduce additional loading
to its practical utility in various electronic applications. Below on the output of the amplifier circuit, affecting its output
Fig. 4 and 5 are the results of the observation. impedance and potentially causing deviations from ideal
behavior. Moreover, the increased closed-loop gain may drive
one or more amplifier stages into saturation, particularly if the
amplifier cannot further increase its output voltage, resulting
in distortion. Furthermore, higher values of Rf may also
impact the bandwidth of the amplifier circuit, reducing its

ability to accurately reproduce higher frequency components and stability to optimize the performance of the amplifier
of the input signal, further contributing to distortion in the circuit for specific application requirements. The result is
output waveform. The results of adjusting Rf values can be shown below Fig. 8.
analyzed in the Fig. 6 and 7. Therefore, it is essential to
carefully consider the choice of feedback resistor values to
optimize amplifier performance while minimizing distortion.

Fig. 8. Result of the output waveform in Ru = 870Ω

Fig. 6. Result of the output waveform(green) in Rf =12kΩ
In conclusion, this lab experiment provided valuable insights
into the behavior and performance of a two-stage transistor
voltage amplifier with feedback resistors. Through practical
experimentation and analysis, we explored the effects of
varying feedback resistor values on amplifier gain, distortion,
and stability. We observed that higher feedback resistor values
can lead to increased distortion in the output waveform,
highlighting the importance of careful resistor selection for
optimizing amplifier performance. Additionally, adjustments
to the feedback resistor values demonstrated their impact on
the closed-loop gain and overall behavior of the amplifier
circuit. Overall, this lab enhanced our understanding of
amplifier design principles and provided practical experience
in analyzing and optimizing amplifier circuits for various

[1] Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory, 11 th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2012.
Fig. 7. Result of the output waveform(green) in R f = 15kΩ [2] A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 5th Ed., Oxford
University Press, 2004.
[3] Philip Hoff, “On Optimizing the Feedback Components in a Voltage-
B. Adjusting Ru Feedback Amplifier”, IEEE transactions on Education. VOL. 40,No.3,
Conversely, decreasing the value of Ru increases the AUGUEST 1997, pp219-221
[4] 2N3904 Data Sheet.
feedback factor, resulting in a higher closed-loop gain. This
change in closed-loop gain affects the overall amplification
provided by the circuit. Additionally, variations in Ru can
influence the input and output impedances of the amplifier
circuit, potentially affecting its stability and frequency
response. Higher values of Ru may increase input impedance
but can also introduce excessive degeneration in the first stage
of the amplifier, leading to decreased open-loop gain. On the
other hand, lower values of Ru can minimize degeneration but
may result in lower input impedance and potential loading
effects. Therefore, adjusting the values of Ru requires careful
consideration to balance trade-offs between gain, impedance,

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