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Slide 1(Blank Slide)Our body is our home.

Good afternoon everyone, I guess you've already know my

name na. I would get straight to the point and ask you a question,

Slide 2: why is exercise important to our body?(Response) Yes! It does enhance our bodily attributes! It
strengthens and develops our muscles and helps us function effectively. In the same way, it contributes
to our health and lessens the risk of diseases such as cancer, heart failure, and according to research,
helps in losing weight. So sa mga nagpapayat jan, alam na(fake laugh). And that is why I am here today
to talk about some effective exercises, once again I am Arnel Pagatpatan and together with me is my
partner, Nathaniel Sacamos to demonstrate the following exercises.

Slide 3: For this seminar or summit, we will be mainly focusing on health related fitness, which are:
cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, and body composition.

Slide 4: The first bodily workout is about cardiovascular endurance. For one minute, watch my partner,
Nathaniel do jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are proven to improve our heart's endurance and capacity to
pump blood faster to provide our body oxygen as our body undergo continuous motion. You can
increase the exercise intensity by jumping higher or faster. You can also reduce intensity by performing
slower or smaller jumping jacks.

(magworkout si Nathaniel)

Slide 5: The second work out is not really a work out but a stretching. Stretching actually improves
flexibility and helps our joints, bones, and especially the hamstrings to develop.

(magstretching si Nathaniel)

Slide 6: The third one is for muscular strength. One example of muscular strength exercise is the well-
known push-ups. For 45 seconds, let us watch Nathaniel do push-ups. Push-ups are done by a
conditioning exercise performed in a prone position by raising and lowering the body with the
straightening and bending of the arms while keeping the back straight and supporting the body on the
hands and toes.

(push-ups si Nathaniel)

Slide 7: And lastly, the body composition. Body composition is the comparative body fat percentage. Is
anyone familiar with BMI? (Response) okay so BMI is body mass index the formula is weight in kilograms
divided by height in meter if the result is Below 18.5 meaning you are underweight. If it is 18.5-24.9 it
means that your bmi is normal. If it is 25.0-29.9 this means you are overweight, while If it is 30.0 above
these means that you are obese.

Slide 8: If your result is overweight or obese. There are things you can do like Calorie deficit wherein you
lessen your calorie intake or use calorie counter apps, so that you can monitor your calorie intake and
manage it, if it is over your limit. Another thing to do is Exercise, one of the exercises you can do is
burpees. Burpees are done by standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands by your
sides. In one motion, squat down and place your palms on the floor in front of your feet. Lean forward
so your weight is on your hands while jumping your legs out behind you until your toes are on the floor.

(burpees si Nathaniel)
Slide 9: There are actually many more types of exercises. All which are to contribute to our overall body
performance, structure, and health. But I chose only these to give examples and differentiate the health
related fitness exercise. Let us all be reminded that apart from eating healthy, our body also needs
locomotive movement to maintain balance. And now, I would want every one of you to stretch up, rise,
and let us all join our zumba instructors as they perform a zumba exercise.


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