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Paul University Surigao

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System Surigao City,


A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Business and Technology
Saint Paul University Surigao
Surigao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree





May 2022
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City ii

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First and foremost, the researchers are grateful and fortunate to express their
gratitude to the Almighty God for the blessings, strength, courage, wisdom, and patience
he showers to complete this study successfully.

The researchers’ families, who, despite the difficulties, never ceased to

support us financially and emotionally to make this research possible. Their unwavering
support is much valued.

Mrs. Chanda Tiu, MBA, the researcher’s adviser, for the educational
guidance, valuable ideas, sustained inspirations and for giving constructive criticism in
the making this work into final form;

Dr. Erlita C. Guerra, MBA, MPA, the researcher’s instructor, for her
encouragement, intellectual advice and patience in motivating the researchers and for the
knowledge she imparted that served as useful information in conducting the study.

Mr. Rodolfo E. Ravelo, CPA, the dean of the College of Business and
Technology, for sharing his knowledge and expertise for the improvement of the study.

Atty. Leonardo L. Del Carmen Jr., CPA, a research panel member, for
providing his expertise to help improve the study.

Sr. Marie Rosanne Mallillin, SPC, the chairperson of the board, for sharing
her expertise by giving constructive comments and suggestions upon reviewing the study
and encouraging to finish this piece of work.
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City v

The researchers’ grammarian, William L. Aramas Jr., LPT, for the time and
effort in checking the grammar of the study conducted by the researchers.

Lastly, to Dr. Oriel O. Echavez the proprietor of Surigao Pet Doctors in

Surigao City who take part and support our study by providing enough amounts of
financial data that serves as the key information of this study.

Luegy Mae B. Alegado

Jay Christian L. Dahuyla

Frenzkenth B. Sudio
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City vi


Financial performance analysis and evaluation of a company have always been

proven and tested processes or indicators of a company's financial status. Several methods

and tools were used to properly determine and evaluate the viability and profitability of the

financial performance status of a company. It played a crucial role as it can create, develop,

and devise a strategic management plan and investment decisions that the company may be

able to continuously use for its advantage as to competition, success, and growth.

The data gathered were the audited financial statements of Surigao Pet Doctors in

Surigao City at Burgos Street, Corner Narciso Street, Surigao City for the years ended 2018,

2019 and 2020. Quantitative documentary analysis was used in the study and the participants

were the management and the accountant of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City. The data

were analyzed and interpreted using the comparative statements, horizontal and vertical

analysis and financial performance ratios.

Based on the findings of the study, one of the problems encountered by the firm was

that the annual revenue was insufficient to cover its cost of sales and operating expenses.

This can be addressed by increasing budget for advertising and checking whether there can

be some improvements in the company’s quality of service.

Overall, the company was performing well if it is still generating net income at the

end of the year. However, the company still could increase its earnings by creating more

revenue while cost of sales, operations, and other costs were managed and reduced.

Keywords: Financial Performance, Vertical Analysis, Horizontal Analysis, Activity Ratio

and Profitability Ratio.
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Introduction 1
Conceptual Framework of the Study 3
Statement of the Problem 5
Assumption 5
Significance of the Study 6
Scope and Limitation of the Study 7
Definition of Terms 7


Synthesis of the Review 20

Research Design 21
Participants 21
Research Instrument 21
Data Gathering Procedure 22
Ethical Consideration 22
Data Analysis 23
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Summary 33
Findings 34
Conclusions 36
Recommendations 37


A Letter to Conduct the Study 44
B Letter to the Participants 45
C Letter to the Accountant 46
D Audited Financial Statements 47

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Table 1 Horizontal Analysis on the Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors for the 25
last three (3) years of operation
Table 2 Vertical Analysis on the Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors for the last 26
three (3) years of operation
Table 3 Proposed Improvements in the entity’s Financial Performance 32


Figure 1 Schematic Diagram of the Study 4

Figure 2 Inventory Turnover Ratio of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao city 27
Figure 3 Asset Turnover Ratio of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 28
Figure 4 Gross Profit Margin of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 29
Figure 5 Operating Margin of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 30
Figure 6 Return on Equity (ROE) of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 31
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City



Every year or every day, the organizations or entities prepare and create financial

statements. This technique helps them to maintain track of or monitor the transactions

and activities of their former organization. However, the financial quantities stated or

reported on financial statements may not provide sufficient evidence that a firm or

corporation is performing properly. It is because a growing number of adjustments to a

company's assets may not be sufficient to ensure the company's existence and

profitability. Economic decision-makers, owners, and investors must also have a better

understanding of the overall efficiency of all commodities and resources used by the

companies at any one time. As a result, financial ratios and analysis are critical in

answering other important questions regarding a company's overall financial and

comparative profitability performance. Furthermore, a slew of empirical investigations

and expert studies will undoubtedly expose and support a long list of the benefits of

financial planning via financial ratios and analysis. According to Droms and Wright

(2010), adequate budgeting is essential for the success of any business. On the other

hand, a company have lack of adequate financial planning is a major cause of business

failure in many cases.

A financial ratio is a tool for analyzing a company's financial health, performance,

and position in a variety of ways. Its advantages and disadvantages are frequently

determined by the problems they are attempting to solve, their key decisions and goals,
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 2

and who is using or assessing the data. However, to collect enough data for a financial

performance review, a variety of different ratios and procedures, such as horizontal and

vertical analysis, must be used. According to Hermanson (2011), a single amount of

money may not make itself known. Computing and analyzing several related ratios for a

company can provide more insight.

Background of the Study

Surigao Pet Doctors is a sole proprietorship business owned and managed by the

proprietor Oriel O. Echavez. It operated since 2009 with six veterinarians. Its principal

business is located in Burgos Street, Corner Narciso Street, Surigao City. It engages in

selling different types of pets, caring and diagnosing pets center and egg laying operation

throughout Surigao del Norte. It also serves as a mini-hospital for different pets. Further,

it has outlets in General Luna, Surigao Del Norte, which opened in 2015, and in Claver,

Surigao del Norte, which opened on February 2021.

Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the financial performance

of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City covering its recent three years of operation. It

may enable the management to analyze and recognize significant changes in their past

performing years that bring positive impact on the business and forecasts the company's

future financial position.

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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 3

Conceptual Framework of the Study

This study was based on Weygandt's theory on financial accounting which

indicated that there are two methods to analyze a company's financial statements. First is a

horizontal analysis which was a way of evaluating a sequence of economic statements

information over a time period. Moreover, there was the vertical analysis which was a

method that expresses every economic announcement item as a percent of base amount.

Various types of ratio measurement can depict financial performance in a variety of ways.

Also, there were five ratio measurement categories to measure several aspects of financial

performance. These ratios included liquidity ratio, activity ratio, profitability ratio, debt

ratio, and market ratio (Nuhu, 2012).

Figure 1 showed the schematic diagram of the study which was an analysis

developed by the cited kinds of literature and studies. It illustrated the following data

needed, the steps or the series of actions applied used of this study.

Consideration was given to the financial statements, the statement of financial

position, and the complete revenue statement for 2018, 2019, and 2020 of Surigao Pet

Doctors in Surigao City. The processes involved were the computation and evaluation of

the data gathered from the financial performance in terms of horizontal analysis, vertical

analysis, and financial ratios.

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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 4

Financial performance of
Surigao Pet Doctors in
Surigao city in terms of:
 Horizontal Analysis
Audited Financial  Vertical Analysis Proposed Financial
Statements for the  Financial Ratios Improvement for
operational years  Activity Ratio the Surigao Pet
2018, 2019 and 2020  Inventory Turnover Doctors in Surigao
Ratio City
 Profitability Ratio
 Statement of  Gross Profit Margin;
Financial Position;  Operating Profit
and Margin;
 Statement of  Return on Asset;
Comprehensive  Return on Equity;
 Asset Turnover Ratio

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 5

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determined and evaluated the financial performance of Surigao

Pet Doctors in Surigao City of the business.

It sought answers to the following specific questions:

1. What is the Financial Health of Surigao Pet Doctors using;

1.1. Horizontal Analysis;

1.2. Vertical Analysis;

1.3.1 Financial Analysis;

1.3.2. Activity Ratio; and

1.3.3. Profitability Ratio

2. Based on the result of the study, what financial improvements may be proposed?


This study assumed that the Surigao Pet Doctors business in Surigao City did not

operate well during the year 2020 due to pandemic business restrictions implemented

during this year. The researchers of this study asserted that the outcome of the financial

performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City would help the management of the

business in determining or recognizing each loss or gain of the company while

optimizing their strengths and potentials, improve their weaknesses and lessen the

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Significance of the Study

The results of this study were beneficial to the management of Surigao Pet Doctors

in Surigao City and other stakeholders in terms of the company's financial performance.

Therefore, this study benefited or contributed to the following areas:

Surigao Pet Doctors Management. The results of this research provided greater

understanding and insights into how the business may enhance its financial performance,

viability, and profitability and improve its operations.

Investors/Owners. This enabled the proprietors or investors to maximize their profit

without sacrificing their commitment to providing excellent service to their customers.

Veterinary Business Competitors. The findings of this study gave other competitors

information allowing them to keep track of the status of the Pet Doctors that may suggest

them to whether to improve more their operations and financial performance or not.

Business Students. This study helped students enhance their knowledge regarding

the value of assessing a business's financial performance as a basis for operational


Community. This benefited the community as the business's financial performance,

and public services may improve.

Government. This enabled the government to better understand and assist small

clinics in providing better services to their communities.

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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 7

Future Researchers. This study served as a guide and reference in their future studies,

specifically regarding a company's financial performance as a basis for operational


In the Field of Financial and Economic Education. This research added information

and proof to the growing works of literature of studies about the financial performances

of a company.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This Study focused on the financial performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao

City by examining the management’s prepared financial statements of the business

requested by the researchers. This study was limited only to covering the three

operational years period of the company from 2018, 2019, and 2020

Definition of Terms

The following words were described theoretically for the benefit of all the readers

of this study:

Activity Ratio. It is used by the company to determine the efficiency with which

it can use its various operating assets, available on the balance sheet, and convert them

into a sale or cash.

Asset turn-over Ratio. It is also known as the overall asset turnover ratio,

determines how correctly a company makes use of its belongings to generate sales. The
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 8

asset turnover ratio formula is net sales divided by a corporation's overall or average

assets. whilst in comparison to competitors with a lower ratio, an agency with a high

asset turnover ratio plays more efficiently.

Finance. It is a general term applied to the management, production, and study

of money and investments. It is concerned with how a person, corporation, or

government obtains money, known as capital in the context of a business, and how that

money is spent or invested.

Financial Performance. It is a subjective indicator of a company's ability to use

assets and generate revenue from its primary mode of operation. Furthermore, the term

refers to a company's overall financial health over a specific period of time.

Financial Ratios. These are created by deriving numerical numbers from

financial documents to obtain relevant information about a business. The balance sheet,

income statement, and cash flow statement of a company are used to perform quantitative

analysis to determine a business's liquidity, rate, growth, margins, profit, profit margins,

and value, among other things.

Financial Statements. Summaries of monetary data about a company. Balance

sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement the purpose of financial statements is

to provide information about an organization's operating results so that users can make

economic decisions.
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Gross Profit Margin. It evaluates the manufacturing and distribution efficiency

of a company during the manufacturing process. It is a calculation of how much of a

company's revenue is available to cover overhead, other expenses, and profits.

Horizontal analysis. it's used to function a multi-length audit of a business

enterprise's monetary statements. it also includes expressed as a percent increase over

the equal a line object inside the previous yr. customers of monetary statements can

speedy become aware of developments and development styles using horizontal


Inventory Turnover Ratio. It evaluates a company's efficiency in converting

inventory into sales. Its purpose is to evaluate the inventory's liquidity.

Operating Profit Margin. It is used to evaluate the pricing strategy and

operational efficiency of a company. It shows how much money a company makes

(before interest and taxes) on each dollar of sales. The operating margin ratio indicates

whether fixed costs are excessively about to production or sales volume.

Profitability Ratio. It is used to assess a company's potential to create profits in

relation to its revenue, operational costs, and other expenses.

Return on Asset (ROA). When net income is compared to total assets, the return

on assets, or ROA, reveals how profitable the company is. ROA will show investors,

clients, or financial analysts how well the organization manages its finances. The return

on investment is expressed as a percentage.

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Return on Equity. Return on equity (ROE) is a financial performance metric

calculated by dividing total profit by the number of shareholders. ROE is defined as the

return on net assets because shareholders' equity equals a company's assets minus its


Statement of Comprehensive Income. It is a financial statement that summarizes

the company's revenue and expenses. Furthermore, it indicates whether or not a company

will be profitable within a certain time frame. The comprehensive income statement,

along with the balance sheet and cash flow statement, assists you in determining your

company's financial health.

Statement of Financial Position. It is described a company's assets, liabilities, and

shareholder equity. The balance sheet is one of three basic financial statements that are

used to evaluate a company. It depicts a company's financial position as of the publishing

date, including what it owns and owes.

Vertical Analysis. It is an economic statement ratio analysis wherein each line

object is expressed as a percentage of another line item. because of this on an earnings

statement, every line item is defined as a percentage of gross income, and within the

balance sheet, each line object is expressed as a percent of the entire property.
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This chapter forms and reviews the related kind literature and studies, which had a

direct bearing on the present study. This includes books, articles, and websites.

Pets are family members, so it stands to reason that we would treat them

consequently. Pets, like people, require routine veterinary care from a veterinarian. It is

critical to keep track of our pet's health to keep him or her as healthy as possible. Small

animals, livestock, avian, zoo, and laboratory animals all receive veterinary care. Small

animal veterinarians, also known as "veterinarians," spend the majority of their time

working in private clinics. Pets, such as dogs, cats, and birds, are treated here.

Veterinarians work in either their own or other people's veterinary clinics or hospitals.

Those who provide farm or large animal care must travel to their patients. Zoo

veterinarians are part of a team that conducts research and care for the facility's animals

(McKay, 2021).

Financial Performance

In a broader sense, financial performance refers to the extent to which financial goals

are or have been met; it is also an important aspect of financial risk management. It is the

process of determining the monetary value of a company's policies and operations. It is used

to assess a company's overall financial health over time and can also be used comparing

similar firms in the same industry or comparing industries or sectors in combination. Also,
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 12

Dalayeen (2017) stated that several factors influence an organization's financial

performance, including capital structure, cost, revenue, and the resulting profit margin.

Return on assets, sales, equity, and other financial variables are the best indicators of

financial performance.

According to Hartil (2021) the word "financial performance" refers to a company's

overall financial health. When you hear a company's financial performance is good, it usually

indicates it has expanding sales, manageable debt, and plenty of free cash flow. Financial

performance, on the other hand, is subjective and cannot be measured with a single statistic.

Also, monitoring financial performance regularly is one of the most important tasks that

successful business owners undertake. Management who understands where the business

stands in terms of reliability as well as where it is headed has a considerable advantage over

those who do not. Financial performance monitoring tends to increase certainty and

confidence in making both short and long-term decisions. This, in turn, leads to a healthier

business and a faster rate of growth. It also enables you to outperform and outmaneuver

competitors who fall short in this area. You have a consistent and effective platform for

making decisions by accumulating data and monitoring their performance, of the kind that

your contenders do not have. Management can then use this business intelligence to guide

the company through both the good times and the more uncertain and volatile times

(Dolfinblue, 2018).
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Financial Statement

Cameron (2020) claimed that a financial statement is a set of financial information

regarding your business. Financial statement analysis and organization can assist you in

drawing financial health conclusions for your company. Statements feature line-by-line

things as well as total quantities for what you're looking at. The three basic financial

statements are the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. also, every

business venture necessitates a physical representation of its current financial status. When

a company needs to attract potential investors, the importance of its financial statements is

most visible. These documents are also crucial in cash flow management. Financial

statements are usually produced by the services of qualified consultants and are used together

to determine the financial position of the entity in the current period (Martinez, 2020).

Way (2019) stated that a company's financial statements provide financial data that

investors, creditors, and analysts use to assess financial performance. A significant

proportion of the information presented in a financial report is legally mandated or

accounting standards. The financial statements of your company are an important tool for

senior management to communicate past successes and future prospects. Management can

communicate with interested outside parties, such as investors, the news media, and industry

analysts, about the company's accomplishments by publishing financial statements.

Statement of Financial Position

Borga (2022) stated that almost all organizations that use a double-entry accounting

system prepare a statement of financial position. These may be completed by the owner in
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small enterprises, or by a staff accountant and evaluated by an external accountant in slightly

bigger businesses. those statements are challenge to extreme scrutiny in bigger public

companies and have to be prepared consistent with generally popular accounting concepts,

or GAAP. outside auditors must then investigate them earlier than they're filed with the

Securities and alternate fee. also, one of the simple monetary statements of a non-profit

business enterprise is the statement of financial function, which may additionally offer

records approximately a company's liquidity by using both sequencing assets and liabilities

or categorizing property and liabilities as cutting-edge versus non-current. An announcement

of financial position, in addition to required notice disclosures and different facts, also are

included in the financial statements (Larkin & Di Tommaso, 2014).

Statement of Comprehensive Income

An income statement also shows comprehensive income. An income statement

shows a company's total revenue and costs (“Comprehensive Income,” 2022). It contains a

company's net income, which is made up of profits and losses incurred. A figure for

comprehensive income takes into account future investment gains as well as expected losses

from payments such as employee retirement and pension plans. Also, it stated that the

revenue and expense items that have not yet been recognized are listed on the statement of

comprehensive income. It is designed to supplement an organization's statement of

comprehensive income by presenting fuller details of the business's financial results. Within

the financial statements' details, it is usually presented after the income statement, but it can

also be on the same page as the income statement. A private firm with simpler operations
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may not have engaged in any of the transactions that would ordinarily appear on a statement

of comprehensive income (“Comprehensive Income,” 2021).

Horizontal Analysis

A horizontal or trend analysis is used to identify and evaluate trends over time. For

example, instead of creating a balance sheet or income statement for a specific period of

time, you would also create a comparative income statement or balance sheet for your

company's quarterly or annual activity. The comparative statement is then used to highlight

any will increase or decreases that occurred throughout that duration time. This lets in you

to quickly discover boom tendencies in addition to any crimson flags that want to be

addressed. Horizontal analysis compares totals the usage of a line-with the aid of-line

contrast (Girsch-Bock, 2020).

Szramiak (2017) stated that horizontal analysis, also known as time series analysis,

focuses on numerical trends and changes over time. Horizontal allows you to detect growth

patterns, cyclicality, and other factors and compare them across companies.

Vertical Analysis

Vertical analysis is a financial statement analysis method in which each line item is

listed as a percentage of the statement's base figure. The basic figure is always shown at

100% in the first line of the statement, with each subsequent item representing a percentage

of everything. For example, each line of the income statement represents a percentage of
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total sales, whereas each line of the cash flow statement represents each inflow and outflow

as a percentage of total revenue (“Comprehensive Income,” 2021).

Staff (2016) stated vertical analysis is used to showcase the relative sizes of the

numerous accounts on a financial statement. When a vertical analysis was conducted on an

income statement, for example, the top line sales number will be shown as 100 percent, and

every other account is shown as a percent of the overall sales number.

Financial Ratios

According to Hofstrand (2013) that financial estimates are used to quickly identify

potential financial problems and risks. Ratings provide a unique perspective and insight into

a company. If a budget identifies a potential problem, additional research is required to

determine whether the problem exists and how it can be resolved. Although specific

benchmarks are frequently assigned to ratios to indicate when there is cause for concern,

ratios should also be viewed as a spectrum from weak to strong, with the stronger the ratio

being the better. Ratios can identify problems not only by their size but, also by their

direction over time. Financial ratios are also essential tools that help business managers and

investors analyze and compare financial relationships between accounts on financial

statements. They are one instrument that enables financial study of a company's history,

industry, or business sector (Carlson, 2020).

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Activity Ratio

The activity ratio is used to determine the size of a company's level of effectiveness

in employing its assets. The higher the ratio of activities achieved by a firm, the better the

company's potential (Gunadi, 2020). Based on the study of Sianipar (2015), he discovered

that the activity ratio had a favorable impact on business value.

For inventory turnover ratio, Henry (2020) stated that the inventory turnover ratio

measures how quickly an item sells and is replaced over time. The cost of products sold is

divided by the average inventory during the same time period to calculate inventory turnover.

Inventory turnover is defined as the number of times inventory is sold and replaced in a

certain period of time, according to the report. For corporate performance, cost control, and

sales, understanding average inventory turnover is critical. It can be compared to other

companies in the same industry and is inversely proportional to days in sales inventory

(Callarman, 2019).

Profitability Ratio

According to Carlson (2020), profitability ratios indicate a company's overall

efficiency in asset utilization and performance at the end of each quarter or year. There are

two types of profitability ratios: margin ratios and return ratios. At various stages of

measurement, margin ratios represent a company's ability to convert sales dollars into profits.

Return ratios demonstrates a company's ability to quantify its overall efficiency in generating

returns for its shareholders.

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The gross profit margin is the percentage of a company's sales revenue that can

be converted into gross profit. Gross profit margin is used by businesses to determine how

efficiently they generate gross profit from product or service sales (Beaver, 2020). For the

operating profit margin, according to Carlson (2020), the operating profit margin ratio of a

company indicates how well the company's operations contribute to its profitability.

A company with a high-profit margin ratio earns more money per dollar of sales

than one with a low-profit margin. A good margin varies depending on the industry and size

of the company, but in general, a 10% net profit margin is considered average, a 20% margin

is considered high (or "good"), and a 5% margin is considered low It should be noted that

between 2018 and 2020, the operating profit margin will be in the range of low to average

net profit margin based on the average margin per company (Zin, 2019).

Return on assets (ROA) is a ratio that indicates how much profit a company

generates from its resources and assets (“Comprehensive Income,” 2021). This data is useful

to a company's owners, management team, and investors because it shows how well the

company uses its resources and assets to generate a profit. The asset return rate is expressed

as a percentage. Atkins, (2019) stated that return on equity is more than just a profit measure.

It's also a measure of efficiency, which is critical for creating long-term value. A rising ROE

indicates that management can generate more profit as the value of the underlying assets

rises. A higher Return on Equity also indicates how effective management is at allocating

shareholder capital to high-growth projects that generate long-term value.

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According to Staff (2022), the asset turnover ratio is one of the metrics used to

assess a company's efficiency. This ratio is frequently evaluated on an annual basis and

examines the revenues generated by a company per dollar of assets. A greater asset turnover

ratio suggests a more efficient corporation, whereas a lower asset turnover ratio could imply

inefficiencies throughout the organization, from store management to billing. This ratio

study is used by creditors and investors to evaluate a company's growth potential and

obligations. Also, Brush (2020) stated that the asset turnover ratio is a metric that measures

how effectively a corporation generates income or sales utilizing its own resources. The ratio

compares a company's gross revenue to its average total assets to determine how many sales

were generated per dollar of assets. The higher the asset ratio, the more effectively the

company's assets are utilized.

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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 20

Synthesis of the Review

The concepts from the different authors and writers from the readings above

provided the ideas related to the present study. They formed part and were the basis for the

formulation of the researcher’s topic. They were similar to the present study in the sense that

they both about the importance of financial performance in any business firm or

establishment. However, they differ from the idea that not all concepts presented in the

literature were used in the study. Only selected and applicable ratios were utilized by the

researcher. Furthermore, the readings discussed the ideas on general perspective, while the

present study focused on the local perspective, particularly in Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao

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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City



This chapter presents the ethical consideration, research design, participants

of the study, research instruments, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

This study used the quantitative approach to analyze the financial statement

using vertical, horizontal, and ratio analysis, in collecting data from Surigao Pet

Doctors in the form of financial statements.

Participant of the Study

The participants of the study were the business proprietor and the accountant

of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao city.

Research Instrument

In gathering the pertinent data relevant to the study, the researchers used

primary data which was the audited financial statement of Surigao Pet Doctors in

Surigao City covering the years 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission from the college dean to conduct the study.

Following approval, the college dean signed a letter of request and submitted it to the

Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City administration for confirmation of the entity's

documented analysis. Such documents were submitted to the researcher’s accountant for

the computations of the financial ratios.

Ethical Consideration

During the investigation, the researchers examined the following ethical


 While conducting the research, the researchers kept ethics in mind to

guarantee that the firm's privacy was protected.

 The researchers politely asked for the full consent of the management before

the study.

 Any type of communication concerning the study was done with


 The researchers ensured the firm's privacy was protected by handling all

gathered data from the firm needed for this study with utmost confidentiality and concern,

and the results of this study were handled with utmost confidentiality and concern to all

gathered data from the firm needed for this study to respect and protect their privacy.
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 23

Data Analysis

The financial statements provided by the business owner for financial performance

was used to analyze the following data:

Horizontal Analysis. This was used to analyze financial records by comparing

specific financial reports to information from previous years during a given accounting


Vertical Analysis. This was used to show the relative sizes of various accounts on a

financial statement.

Activity ratio. This was used to analyze how well a company uses its assets to

generate revenue. A well-managed organization makes the best use of receivables, inventory,

and fixed assets while generating the most revenue possible.


Inventory turnover ratio = cost of goods sold

Average inventories

The Profitability Ratio. This was used to measure a company's ability to generate

income in comparison to its expenses and other costs associated with income generation

during a given period. This ratio represented the company's ultimate result.
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Gross profit margin = Gross profit

Operating profit margin = Operation profit
Return on asset = Net Income
total asset
Return on equity = Net Income
Asset Turn-over Ratio= Net Sales
Average total assets
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This chapter presents the results and discussions of the data gathered in this study.

Horizontal Analysis

Table 1. Horizontal Analysis on the Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors for the
last three (3) years of operation

ACCOUNT Percentage change Percentage change

in 2019 to 2020 in 2018 to 2019

Revenue -19.48% 4.97%

Less: Cost of Sales -13.24% -5.01%
Gross Margin -28.58% 19.53%
Less: Operating Expenses -30.68% -5.47%
Net Income --21.14% 108.27%

Table 1 shows the horizontal analysis on the financial performance of Surigao Pet

Doctors for the recent three (3) years of operation. A 4.97% increase in revenue in 2019

indicated that there was an improvement, but in 2020, there was a decrease of 19.48%.

Whereas the cost of sales decreased by 5.01% and 13.24% in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

As a result, the gross margin in 2019 increased by 19.53%, however, there was a decrease of

28.58% in 2020 attributable to decline in sales. Like cost of sales, operating expenses

decreased by 5.47% and 30.68% in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Accordingly, net income

in 2019 increased significantly by 108.27%. Any sort of reduction in company expenditure,

in general, increased earnings, however, net income still decreased by 21.14% despite of the
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decline in cost of sales and operating expenses in 2020. It may be presumed that there is a

needed improvement to consider in increasing the company’s annual sales to earn higher net


Vertical Analysis

Table 2. Vertical Analysis on the Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors for the last
three (3) years of operation

2020 2019 2018

Sales 1,239,436.67 100% 1,615,838.00 100% 1,539,278.67 100%
Less: Cost of Sales 792,176.00 63.91% 867,300.90 53.67% 913,030.00 59.32%
Gross Margin 447,260.67 36.09% 748,537.10 46.33% 626,248.67 40.68%
Less: Operating
Expenses 338,712.60 27.33% 461,872.95 28.58% 488,607.60 31.74%

Net Income
108,548.07 8.76% 286,664.15 17.74% 137,641.07 8.94%

Based on the vertical analysis in Table 2, it can be noted that there is a fluctuation in

the company’s gross margin, cost of sales and net income. From 40.68% in 2018, gross

margin increased to 46.33% in 2019 but dropped to 36.09% in the year 2020. The company’s

profitability declined in the year 2020 due to drop in sales by ₱376,401.33 equivalent to

19.48% based on the horizontal analysis provided in Table 1. Although the company’s cost

of sales and operating expenses were continuously decreasing from year to year, it was still

insufficient to raise the company’s net income if annual sales will not improve in the next

years of operations.
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 27

Financial Ratios

Inventory Turnover Ratio

Inventory Turnover

8 3.5

201 201 202

8 9 0
Inventory Turnover

Figure 2. Inventory Turnover Ratio of Surigao Pet Doctors

Figure 2 presents the graphical illustration of the inventory turnover ratios of the

company in 2018, 2019 and 2020. It revealed that the company’s inventory turnover ratio

was declining from time to time. From 4.89 in 2018, the ratio continuously dropped to 3.88

and 3.54 in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Growing stock turnover leaded to increased sales,

that may result in elevated overall revenues. Higher inventory turnover normally has the

effect of growing a company's direct charges as the organization buys better volumes of

inventory or makes more frequent purchases. But, the growth in charges was accompanied

by way of extended overall revenues, as stated above. This was not constantly the case,

however, as purchasing and pricing decisions can have exclusive results on total sales and

profitability regardless of sales quantity. If higher stock turnover causes charges to upward
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 28

push better in percentage to sales, the end result can be a decrease in net income and a

corresponding lower in ROE.

Asset Turnover Ratio

Asset Turnover
0.45 0.45
0. 3 6
0. 0.35
3 4

201 201 202
8 9 0
Asset Turnover

Figure 3. Asset Turnover Ratio of Surigao Pet Doctors

Figure 3 shows the graph of the Asset Turnover Ratio of the company in 2018, 2019

and 2020. During the years 2018 and 2019, there was a minimal change in the asset turnover

ratio. On the other hand, the ratio dropped from .456 to .354 during the year 2020. It may be

presumed that the company was not efficient enough its capacity to its limits by properly

utilizing their assets. Companies with high asset turnover often have low profit margins,

whereas those with low turnover typically have better profit margins. However, whether a

specific ratio is useful or bad is determined by the sector in which the company operates.
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 29

Gross Profit Margin

Gross Profit Margin


40.00% 46.33%
30.00% % 36.09%



2018 2019 2020

Gross Profit Margin

Figure 4. Gross Profit Margin of Surigao Pet Doctors

The graph in Figure 4 clearly illustrates the rise and fall that happened in the company’s

gross profit for the last three (3) years of operation. In 2019, the gross profit margin increased

by 5.65% but decreased by 10.24% in the year 2020. In reference to the result of the

horizontal analysis in Figure 1, the company’s gross profit dropped to 36.09% since revenue

was not enough to rise their net income. Lower gross margin implies less money was

available to fund the business's running costs, such as marketing and administrative staff

causing the company to grow more slowly over time. Furthermore, there may be an -

insufficient funds to pursue options like acquiring a competitor or increasing its geographic

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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 30

Operating Profit Margin

Operating Profit Margin


15.00% 17.74%

8.94% 8.76%

2018 2019 2020

Operating Profit Margin

Figure 5. Operating Profit Margin of Surigao Pet Doctors

Figure 5 illustrates the fluctuations in the company’s operating profit margin in the

year 2018, 2019 and 2020. A good margin varies depending on the industry and size of the

company, but in general, a 10% net profit margin is considered average, a 20% margin is

considered high (or "good"), and a 5% margin is considered low. It should be noted that

between 2018 and 2020, the operating profit margin was in the range of low to average net

profit margin based on the average margin per company (Zin, 2019). But during the year

2019, the operating profit margin is 17.74% and considered on the range between average

and high profit margin. In reference to the previous discussions, the company has improved

their profitability in 2019 due to increase in annual sales and reduction in cost of sales and

operating expenses. It was clear that the company was able to raise their net income but did

not sustain until 2020. The company earned a net income of ₱108,548.07, however, it was
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lower than 2019 by ₱178,116.08 equivalent to 8.8%. The company was still able to produce

net income for the year 2020 due to decrease in cost of sales and operating expenses.

Return of Equity (ROE)

Return on

% 7.78
% 4.05
2.00 % 3.28
% %
% 201 201 202
8 9 0
Return on

Figure 6. Return on Equity (ROE) of Surigao Pet Doctors

Figure 6 presents the rise and fall in the graph of the company’s return on equity for

the years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Since the company did not have any current or even long-

term liabilities, total assets were equal to the owner’s equity. As a result, ROE and ROA was

also the same. From 2018, the company was able to raise its Return on equity ratio to 7.78%

in 2019. Yet in 2020, it dropped to 3.28%. It may be presumed that the company was

inefficient in using their capital to generate more sales. According to Ozyasar (n.d.), if the

company increases its advertising and promotion budgets to sell more products, it may lose

money until sales pick up. When volume reaches a certain level, advertising and promotions

can be reduced, and profits tend to improve.

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Table 3. Proposed Improvements in the entity’s Financial Management Practices

Proposed Improvements in the entity’s Financial Performance

Areas of Concern Objectives Problems Proposed Improvements

Revenue To increase Annual revenue Increase budget for
annual sales was insufficient to advertising and check
cover its cost of whether there can be some
sales and improvements in the
operating company’s quality of
expenses. service.

Return on Asset and To increase The company had Increase the profitability of
Equity firm’s a lower ratio on a company's stock by
profitability years 2018 and maximizing its capital to
2020. create more revenue.

Asset Turnover To improve The company did Invest in high-quality

ratio not efficiently use equipment to increase asset
its assets to turnover. To broaden its
generate geographic reach, the
income. company may consider
opening more clinics in
other cities.
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions, and recommendations

of the study.


This study focused on the financial performance of Surigao Pet Doctors from the

years 2018-2020 which was then used as basis to evaluate the business operations for

financial performance improvement.

The company’s statement of financial performance was used to for the analysis

and computations of ratios for the years 2018-2020. To determine results and

improvements in its financial condition, various accounting and statistical tools were

applied. Horizontal and vertical analysis, and financial performance ratios including

Return on Equity (ROE), Gross Profit and Net Profit Margin, Inventory and Asset

Turnover were employed.

The research design of this study used quantitative documentary analysis in

collecting data from Surigao Pet Doctors in the form of financial statements. The data

were analyzed and interpreted using financial statement analysis and ratios.
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 34


The findings of the study were summarized as follows:

1. Based on the horizontal analysis on the financial performance for the last three years

(2018-2020), the company's revenue increased by 4.97%, resulting in a significant

increase in gross margin and net income of 19.53% and 108.27%, respectively,

presumably as a result of decrease on the cost of sales and operating expenses by

5.01% and 5.47%. The company experienced a decrease in revenue which was lower

than the base year by 19.48%. In addition, the cost of sales decreased by 13.24%. a

significant decrease in gross margin of 28.58% and net income of 21.14%.

respectively, indicating that management was able to find a way to cut some of its


2. As to financial performance, it can be noted that there was a fluctuation in the

company’s gross margin, cost of sales and net income. In the year 2018-2019 the

gross margin increases 5.65% but dropped by 10.24% in the year 2020. The

profitability dropped in the year 2020 equivalent to 19.48%.

3. As to financial ratios in years 2018-2020, Return on Equity (ROE) of the company

was experiencing a rise and fall for three (3) periods which indicated that a company

was still struggling to generating more profits while using the capital. Due to decline

in revenue, the gross profit and operating profit margin was also experiencing a rise

and fall in ratios. As discussed previously, the lower sales had its impact to the overall

margin where it decreased. There was an increase in 2019 which the gross profit and
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Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 35

operating profit margin became 46.33% and 17.74%, respectively, compared from

the previous year which was 4.68% and 8.94%. This would mean that the firm was

able to improve their net profit margin but did not sustain until 2020.

4. There was minimal change in the asset turnover ratio in 2018 and 2019 which was

0.453 and 0.456, respectively, compared in 2020, the asset turnover was 0.354 which

meant a declining trend in asset turnover. Likewise, the company’s inventory

turnover was also experiencing a declining trend. During 2018, the company’s

inventory turnover ratio was 4.89 then it dropped continuously in 2019 and 2020 to

3.88 and 3.54, respectively.

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The following conclusions were formed based on the study's findings:

Surigao Pet Doctors raised more revenue and was expected to generate higher

revenue in the next period. The additional investment in the company’s assets like building

expansion and equipment was expected to generate more profit for a long period of time.

The company may also consider examining its personnel and other factors where there can

be improvement in the quality of services.

Although the company’s cost of sales and operating expenses were continuously

decreasing from year to year, it was still insufficient to raise the company’s net income if

annual sales will not improve in the next years of operations. The company’s overall

financial performance was still at a favorable range but needed to strategize the price of their

services or increase sales volumes to enable the company to increase its sales since this was

the main problem of the company based on the findings of this study.

Overall, the company was performing well if they are still generating net income at

the end of the year. However, the company still could increase its earnings by create more

revenue while cost of sales, operations, and other costs are managed and reduced.
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Based on the conclusions, the following were recommended:

1. Surigao Pet Doctors may use the above-stated findings and conclusions of this study

as basis for the Company’s financial improvement in order to efficiently and

effectively operate the business.

2. To improve earnings, management and financial analysis findings connected to

profitability, the company might implement decrease in expense, as well as plans for

more production techniques that allow the company to raise sales.

3. The company needs to expand its geographic reach to generate more revenue like

opening new branches in other cities near Surigao.

4. Based on the findings, the proposed improvements in the financial performance of

the company are the following: (1) in order to improve earning, management and

financial analysis outcomes in connection to profitability, the company must increase

budget for advertising and check whether there can be some improvements in the

Company’s quality of service; (2) increase firm’s profitability relative to equity by

effectively utilizing its capital to generate more revenue; (3) increase asset turnover

by investing in high quality equipment; and (4) the company may also consider

additional branches in other cities to increase its geographical reach.

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System Surigao City,

Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 38


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Letter to Conduct the Study
Cor. San Nicolas & Rizal Streets
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
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Letter to the Participant
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8400 Surigao City, Philippines
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Letter to the Accountant
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8400 Surigao City, Philippines
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System Surigao City,

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Audited Financial Statement 2018-2020
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Personal Information

Name : Luegy Mae B. Alegado

Date of Birth : November 26, 1999

Place of Birth : Cab-ilan Dinagat, Dinagat Islands Surigao Del


Address : Bernadette Village Surigao City

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Parents : Mr. Wendel T. Alegado

Mrs. Ronalyn B. Alegado

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Sucat Elementary School Sucat-Annex

Secondary : Muntinlupa Business High School Sucat-Annex

Junior High : Muntinlupa Business High School Sucat-Annex

Senior High : Lyceum of Alabang

Tertiary : St. Paul University Surigao

Km. 3, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City

Course : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in

Financial Management
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System Surigao City,

Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 66


Personal Information

Name : Jay Christian L. Dahuyla

Date of Birth : April 2, 2000

Place of Birth : P 3 San Juan San Jose Dinagat Islands

Address : BLK, 3 Lt. 15 Barangay Rizal Pepang Village Surigao Del Norte

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Parents : Mrs. Esterlita L. Doocey

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Sombrado Elementary School, Basilisa Dinagat Islands

Secondary : Ritag Glenda National High School, Basilisa Dinagat Islands

Junior High : Ritag Glenda National High School, Basilisa Dinagat Island

Senior High : Ritag Glenda National High School, Basilisa Dinagat Island

Tertiary : St. Paul University Surigao

Km. 3, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City

Course : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in

Financial Management
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System Surigao City,

Financial Performance of Surigao Pet Doctors in Surigao City 67


Personal Information

Name : Frenz Kenth B. Sudio

Date of Birth : November 02, 1999

Place of Birth : Placer, Surigao del Norte

Address : P-7, Sta. Cruz, Placer, Surigao del Norte

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Parents : Mr. Faustino Sudio

Mrs. Suzette Sudio
Educational Attainment

Elementary : Sta. Cruz, Elementary School, Sta. Cruz, Placer, Surigao del Norte
Secondary : Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School,
Sta. Cruz, Placer Surigao del Norte
Junior High : Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School,
Sta. Cruz, Placer Surigao del Norte
Senior High : Surigao State College of Technology, Narciso Street,
Magallanes Street, Surigao City, Surigao del Norte
Tertiary : St. Paul University Surigao

Km. 3, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City

Course : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in

Financial Management

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