Physics Project Report 2.2

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OR Gate: The OR gate produces a high output (switch is

on) when either or both inputs are high (switch is on).

Diodes are arranged in a parallel configura on to
implement this logic.
NOT Gate: The NOT gate (also known as an inverter)
produces a high output (switch is on) when the input is
low (switch is off), and vice versa. A diode is used in
conjunc on with a resistor to construct this logic.
Circuit Diagram/Diagram:

Truth Table:

Input1 Input2 Output Input1 Input2 Output
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1

Input Output
1 0
0 1
For high rigidity of the circuit, take an HCC
sheet(Highly Compressed Cardboard sheet)
and s ck a paper containing the circuit
diagram. Drill holes where a component is to
be present.
Now, place a ba ery on top of the ba ery
symbol on the diagram and place it between a
double-sided gum tape for be er stability. Also
s ck a switch in series.
Place all the other components and join them
using wires. Its good if you solder the
connec ons and tape the whole circuitry’s
wire network for good durability.
Cover the behind with paper for hiding the
shabbiness of the connec ons.
In this project, we successfully designed and
constructed basic logic gates (AND, OR, and NOT)
using diodes. By manipula ng the flow of current
through diodes, we were able to implement
fundamental logic opera ons. This project
enhances understanding of digital logic and
provides a hands-on experience in construc ng
simple electronic circuits.

1. Wikipedia- h ps://

2. YouTube- Unknown

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