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I. Answer the following:
1. What are the advantages of using animations in a PowerPoint?
ANS: Animations helps to draw the attention to the specific
content. Is also makes it easier to read the slide as the content is displayed
Ina regulated fashion.

2. What is an Animation pane? Write steps to open animation pane.

ANS: The animation pane helps you to view as well as manage all
of the animation effects that you have applied to the current slide. To see
this , click on the AnimationPane command present in the Advanced
Animation group. This will open the Animation pane on the right side of
the window.

3. What is the different kind of animation available in PowerPoint?

ANS: The animations have been listed under four categories: entry,
Emphasis, exit and motion path.

4. What is the function of Preview tool?

ANS: To see a preview, click on the slide which you want to
preview. Under the Animation tab, see the preview group. Click on
preview tool.
5. How will start MS Excel?
1. Click on the start button. The atart menu displays.
2. Point to programs and click on Microsoft office.
3. Select MS-Exceloption.

6. Define Workbook and Worksheet.

 Worksheet area contains rows and columns where data is entered.
 A workbook is a collection of individual worksheets.
7. Define Range and cell.
 A group of cell is called range.
 Each block in this grid is called a ‘Cell’.

8. What is HTML? Who developed it?

ANS: HTML stands for HyperText Text Markup Language. It is simply
a language for designing web pages using ordinary texts.
It was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991.

9. Name the various versions of HTML along with the year of launch.
Years Version
1991 HTML
1995 Html 2.0
1997 HTML 3.2
1997 HTML 4.01
2000 XHTML
2014 HTML 5

10. Describe two basic tags with examples.

Head tag.
This tag contains all the head elements and denotes the layout of
the page. It can be contain script, styles and title of the document.
<head> open tag.
</head> close tag.
<head> Computer class </head>
Title tag :
This tag denotes the title of the HTML document. It is placed between
the <head> and </ head> tag.
Eg: <html>
<head> Computer class </head>
<Title> HTML </Title>

11. Describe the function of <br> tag.

ANS: <br> tag is used to break the line and start the text from another

12. What are HTML tags? What are the attributes?

ANS: HTML tags are the hidden keywords in a web page which
define the look and the content of the page. All the HTML codes are
enclosed in angular brackets.Most of the tags have two parts – open tag and
a close tag. For example
<html> is an open tag
</html> is a close tag.
Tags come with additional information which is referred to as attributes.

13. Name any two web browsers.

ANS: Google, Firefox.

14. What are container tags? Give example.

ANS: Tags that are used in pairs are known as container tags. For
example the above example <html> </html> is a container tags.

15. Write steps required for saving and opening an HTML document.
ANS: Step 1 : Click on the File tab
Step 2: Select ‘Save as’.
Step 3 : Save the document using the .html extension. Click on Save
16. Write the steps to save a workbook.
1. Click on File.
2. Click on save as. A save As dialogue box appear.
3. Click on Browse and choose the desired location.
4. In the File name, type a suitable name for your workbook.
5. Click on Save.

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