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Second Semester, Academic Year 2020 – 2021

Name: Arro , Dave Solmia

Surname First Middle Name
Course & Year: BSED-Filipino 3 Class Schedule: Wednesday Time: 3:00-4:00pm

College/Department: College of Teacher Education Email Address:

Mobile No.: 09463015951 Complete Home Address: Layog, Tago, Surigao del Sur

Parent / Guardian’s Complete Name: Elena S. Arro Address: Layog, Tago, Surigao del Sur

In case of Emergency, contact:

Name: Abel S. Arro Mobile No.: 09203380784

Chapter 6:



Lesson 1:

ICT and Assessment of Learning

Activity No. 1 A. Answer the following questions

1. Cite some advantages and disadvantages of online examination.
Answer: The online assessment system has brought a revolution in traditional examination
methods. The benefits of online exams are numerous, especially as the continuing popular
pandemic affects the global education landscape. Online exams ensure the continuity of
education and provide the option of remotely taking exams in a secure virtual environment
using the latest technology. The online examination system is evaluated in digital form, which
can evaluate students' academic knowledge and understanding of the course. It also provides
creativity to design new ideas and solutions. Generally, the assessment continues to be
based on a pen-paper method, where students are collected and handed over to question
papers to be completed within the allotted time. Students submit their answer sheets, and the
examiner discloses their scores after the assessment. An online testing system has many
advantages. Although the conventional approach is still used, instead of going to an
assessment center, students take the test online.
Online examination systems have several advantages: they are safe, scalable,
dependable, highly interactive, have a shorter processing period, and can be accessed from
a variety of devices. Online assessment is a method of evaluating individual capacities,
capabilities, attitudes, and traits in a comprehensive and analytical manner. These
evaluations are conducted over the internet using current web technology. On the other hand,
online assessment disadvantages such as Barriers to Technology Adoption, Infrastructure
Issues, Grading Long-answer Type Exams, Difficulty Transitioning to Open-Book Exams and
Susceptible to Cheating are the primarily concerns and responsibility of the teachers to make
sure the process of examination is in control and proper.

2. What is the role of technology in assessing student learning?

Answer: In several areas, technology can be used for instant measurement, such as
measuring student progress over time. However, Edtech can also be used to aid formative
appraisal, and can help to increase participation, recognize information gaps, and promote
further/deeper learning. Basically, technology not only-enabled tests provide teachers with
real-time data and digital representations of their students' results, but they also provide
students with the ability to see their success at a glance, which will help them recognize their
own learning needs, empowering both teachers and students to take responsibility for
positive outcomes. Continuously, formative, and embedded tests that are less intrusive and
more effective for optimizing learning will become more common as technology progresses.
These advancements further mean that all students have the highest possible chance
to show their abilities on standardized tests, which are being increasingly focused on real-
world experiences and nuanced displays of comprehension. Students' desire to be tested not
just in the classroom but also electronically as one of the many developments they are seeing.
By the use of online resources and tests, students of all ages will be measured and evaluated.
We are seeing a change in perspectives in the twenty-first century on how students should
be tested and judged based on their success both within and outside the classroom.
Consequently, students may also be evaluated by posting and viewing their work on social
media, YouTube, and in multimedia portfolios. Furthermore, many university courses
encourage and often require student participation in online forums and blackboards.
Regardless of the testing format, technology is becoming an increasingly important aspect of
learning and student success.

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