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i What is the pathophysiology of frequent thirst, frequent hunger, and

frequent urination? ( bagaimana patofisiologi sering haus, sering lapar, dan
sering buang air kecil) Answer Risk factor- insulin resistance-hyperglycemia-
cells need glucose-lipolysis and glycolysis-glucose cannot enter cells- often
hungry- then glucose absorbs more water in the kidneys-frequent urination-
often thirsty- (Price and Wilson, 2016). Source: Price and Wilson. 2016.
Patofisiologi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit. Jakarta: EGC.

2b.What is the meaning of Mrs. C has never been to a doctor to have her
complaints checked?
Answer :

The meaning is a factor in the progression of the disease experienced. These complaints will
get worse because they are not controlled and are not immediately managed properly (Price
& Wilson, 2012).
It means Mrs. C has never monitored his health condition continuously regarding his illness.
As a result, the diabetes experienced by Mrs. C got out of control. Going to the doctor is not
only done when you are sick, but a medical check-up also needs to be done to monitor the
conditionbody health, early detection of a particular disease or health disorder, and
determining further treatment steps (Gallagher, 2011).
Source :
Price SA and Wilson LM 2012. Pathophysiology of clinical concepts of disease processes,
6th. Jakarta: EGC.
Gallagher EJ, Leroith D, Karnieli E. 2011. Metabolic syndrome – from insulin resistance to
obesity and diabetes. Med Clin North Am. 2011; 95 (5): 855–873. [ PubMed ])

2f. Rarely exercise (jarang berolahraga) When the muscles and skeleton of the body move, the heart rate will
increase increased so that the blood along with the oxygen and nutrients it carries will be distributed properly.
This mechanism does not occur if the body does not exercise. Disruption of oxygen distribution affects the
muscles the most, causing aches throughout the body. Not moving all day will cause certain parts of the body to
experience constant pressure, so that it will lead to nervous disorders and trigger various minor complaints. Not
exercising also has an impact on the distribution of spleen fluid. Unlike blood which has the heart as a pump, the
spleen is highly dependent on muscle movement to be distributed to various body tissues (Prasetyo, 2011).
People who have never exercised have several traits in common. The physical characteristics of people who
have never exercised are as follows: a. Fat accumulation occurs in several areas of the body, especially in the
abdomen, arms and thighs b. The body does not look tight, but flabby or flabby c. The face looks lethargic and
less enthusiastic d. Often complains of sleepiness in the morning e. Easily tired or short of breath when you
have to walk long distances or go up and down the stairs f. Often experience muscle disorders such as cramps or
stiffness (Prasetyo, 2014).

Prasetyo, Y. (2014) 'Sport for Busy People in the Office', WUNY Scientific Journal, 16(4).

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