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Uganda Lower secondary Certificate of Education

Paper 1
2 hours
 This paper consists of three sections Section A ANDSection B
Answer all questions in SECTION A by circling the best alternative.
Missing out objectives will lead to loss of marks.
Answer all questions in SECTION B in the spaces provided.
Use precise approach and relevant illustrations in your explanation.





1. The life process by which energy is released from food is called;
A. Excretion B. Digestion C. Respiration D. Nutrition
2. Which of the following groups of organisms is not classified and
A. Bacteria B. Green algae
C. Protozoans D. Brown algae
3. Which of the following statements concerning the cell wall of
spirogyra is true?
A. Contains chlorophyll B. Consists of cellulose
C. Is made of chitin D. Contains nuclei
4. Which one of the following is common to both cnidarians and
A. Shell B. Muscular foot C. Soft body D. Pseudopodia
5. Which one of the following features distinguishes crusteans from
other arthropods?
A. Jointed legs B. Two pairs of antennae
C. Hard skeleton D. Bilateral symmetry
6. To which one of the following phyla do jelly fish and sea anemone
both belong?
A. Annelida B. Arthropoda C. Echinodermata D. Cnidaria
7. Which of the following is a characteristic of crustaceans?
A. Live in soil B. Have three body divisions
C. Have one pair of antennae D. Have five pairs of legs.
8. The body of a fungus is made up of thread like structures called:
A. hyphae B. hydra C. habitat D. hyacinth
9. The following classes belong to phylum platyhelminthes except:
A. Class oligochaeta B. Class Turbellaria
C. Class Trematoda D. Class cestoda
10. Which of the following phylum does not belong to kingdom Animalia?
A. Phylum cnidaria B. Phylum platyhelminthes
C. Phylum Bryophyta D. Phylum Nematoda
11. Which one of the following may not be used to classify insects
A. mouth parts
B. Feeding habits
C. structure of legs
D. Types of eyes
12. Which of the following fins provide major force of propulsion in
A. caudal
B. pectoral
C. Dorsal
D. Pelvic
13. Which of the following diseases is not transmitted by a mosquito?
A. Malaria
B. Yellow fever
c. elephantiasis
D. cholera
14. Which of the following features belong to both arachnida and
A. cuticle and two pairs of wings
B. six pairs of legs and wings
C. Six pairs of legs and antennae
D. Jointed legs and cuticle
15. Which of the following is a respiratory organ in an insect?
A. spiracle
B. trachea
C. Malphigian tubule
D. zygote
16. Which of the following is a characteristic of insects only?
A. Exoskeleton
B. jointed legs
C. two pairs of wings
D. three body divisions
17. Which of the following parts of a plant cell provide shape and
(a) Nucleus
(b) Protoplasm
(c) Cell membrane
(d) Cell wall

18. The following are structures of a cell.

(i) cell wall (ii) nucleus (iii) cell membrane (iv) chloroplast
Which of them are founding both plants and animals?
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (iii) and (iv)

19. Which of the following is correct about dividing cells at the tip of
the plant shoot:
a. have large vacuole
b. are specialized
c. have soft cell walls
d. have rigid cell walls

20. Which of the following pairs of cell do not have nuclei when
a. sieve tube cell and companion cells
b. erythrocytes and leucocytes
c. sieve tube cells and erythrocytes
d. root hairs and parenchyma cell

21. Which one of the following is a characteristic of animal cell?

a. presence of a cell wall
b. cell consists entirely of cytoplasm
c. have regular shape
d. have large centrally placed vacuole

22. Which one of the following cells is unspecialized?

a. meristematic cell
b. companion cell
c. red blood cell
d. nerve cell

23. Nerves, the spinal chord and the brain make up

a. a tissue
b. system
c. organ
d. organism

24. Which of the following structures separate the nucleus from the
a. plasma
b. plasma membrane
c. the cell wall
d. nuclear membrane

25. Which of the following parts of a cell is responsible for energy

A. Nucleus.
B. Mitochondrion.
C. Cell membrane.
D. Cytoplasm.
26. The main function of chloroplasts in a cell is to:
A. absorb sunlight energy.
B. store water for the cell.
C. remove any excretory products in the cell.
D. allow respiration to occur within the cell.
27. Which of the following is the correct hierarchy of organization of
an organism?
A. Cells, organs, tissues, systems, organism.
B. Cells, tissues, organs, systems, organism.
C. Cells, tissues, systems, organs, organism.
D. Cells, systems, tissues, organs, organism.
28. The following cells have nuclei except ....................
A. white blood cells.
B. red blood cells.
C. muscle cells.
D. palisade cells.
29. The following are organs except the............................
A. tongue.
B. stomach.
C. muscle.
D. brain.
30. Which one of the following is the order of tissue organization?
A. organism →system →organ
B. Tissue →organ→ organism
C. organ → tissue →organism
D. tissue → organ → system

31. Among the very many major challenges for health care systems is
infectious prevention and control. ( I.P.C) for infectious diseases.
Infectious diseases are caused by harmful organisms (pathogens) that
enter our bodies from the outside. The ministry of health organised a
one day workshop in your school to sensitize you about infectious
diseases. One of the posters pinned around the workshop had the
structure of a pathogen below

a. Name the pathogens whose structure is shown above. (01

b. State the kingdom to which the pathogen named in (i)
belongs. (01 mark)
c. State three general features of the pathogens whose
structure is shown above. (03 marks)
d. Name three infectious diseases caused by the pathogens
whose structure you shown above. (03 marks)
e. As a biology student who attended the infectious prevention
and control(I.P.C) workshop about the pathogens whose structure
is drawn above; suggest ways how any two of the infectious
diseases named in can be controlled in your community. (02
32. A cell is the smallest basic functional building unit of all living
organisms. While studying about the structure of cells, one group of
S.1 students obtained a piece of epidermis from a fleshy leaf of an
onion bulb and another group of students obtained cheek cell and
placed each under separate microscopic slides . They observed the
structure of the epidermal cell and cheek cell under low and medium
power objective. The cell structures observed were drawn by students
typical to cells X and Y as shown below.
Cell X cell Y

(a)Which of cells X and Y is typical to

i (i) epidermal cell of onion bulb. ( 01 mark)

i (ii) cheek cell. (01 mark)

(b)Use the parts indicated on both cells X and Cell Y and fill in
the spaces below. ( 04 marks) semi-permeable membrane enclosing cell
contents. Its function is controlling the movements in and out of the
cells. The jelly -like substance in which chemical processes are carried
out in the cells above is ................................................ an organelle where food is broken down
to release energy in the cells, a process called respiration.
.........................................controls all the activities taking place within the
(c).Name part of cell Y labelled, (02 marks)
(i).Q. ............................................................................................................
(d).State the function of parts on cell Y labelled,
(i).Q (01 mark)
(ii).R ( 01 mark)
.......................................................................... ................................................

33. Multicellular organisms are made of many kinds of special cells

called specialised cells. Below are different structures of
specialised cells found in some multicellular organisms. Use them
and answer the questions that follow.

Cell C Cell N

Cell E cell R
(a).State what is meant by “specialised cell" (01 mark)
................................................................. ............................................................
(b).Name the specialised cell labelled, (04 marks)
(i) C.........................................................................................................................
(c)State the function of cell R in man. (01 mark)

(d)Three specialised cells above are not labelled with letters. Identify
and mark the specialised cell with a letter which corresponds
ponds to its
name as given below. ( 3 marks)
• Egg cell( Ovum) -------------------------- Z
•Red blood cell....................................
•Sperm cell..........................................M
34. One S.1 student; Arafat lost a key for his suit case one day
after school visitation. His parents visited him and among
packages was a loaf of tip top sweet bread. After a week; he
broke the suit case only to find his bread appearing as in diagram
below. Use the diagram to answer the questions that follow.

(a) What name is given to the organism that developed on

Arafat's bread. (01 mark)
(b) State the kingdom to which the organism named in (a) belongs.
(01 mark)
(c) State any two general features of all organisms belonging to
the kingdom stated in (b) above. (02 marks)
(d) Draw a well labelled structure of the organism named in (a) above.
(03 marks)

(d) Name other two organisms that belong to the same kingdom as
the organism named in (a) (02 marks)
(e) State other ways how some organisms belonging to the
kingdom stated in (b) are harmful to man. (01 mark)

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