S3 Chem End of Cycle Paper 1

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Uganda Lower secondary Certificate of Education

Paper 1
3 hours
 This paper consists of three sections Section A, Section B and
Section C
Answer all questions in SECTION A by circling the best alternative.
Missing out objectives will lead to loss of marks.
Answer all questions in SECTION B in the spaces provided.
Section C has three questions, you are required to attempt only two
questions in the answer sheets provided
Use precise approach and relevant illustrations and equations in your


1. Which of the following substances will give an acidic solution when
dissolved in
A. (NH4)2SO4.
B. CO2.
C. Na2O2.
D. N2O.
2. Washing soda is;
A. Anhydrous sodium carbonate
B. Hydrated Sodium Carbonate
C. Anhydrous calcium hydroxide.
D. Hydrated sodium chloride.
3. The atomic number of Calcium is 20. The electronic configuration of
its ion Ca2+
A. 2:8.
B. 2:8:8:2.
C. 2:8:8.
D. 2:8:2.
4. Diamond is used in making jewellery because;
A. It is soft.
B. It does not conduct electricity.
C. It is naturally hard.
D. of its sparkling appearance..
5. Which one of the following compounds is unsaturated?
A. C2H6
B. C3H8
C. C4H8
D. C4H10
6. Which one of the following is the major impurity in haematite during
extraction of iron?
A. Coke.
B. Sulphur dioxide.
C. Phosphorus.
D. Silicon dioxide.
7. A gas which when bubbled through Sodium hydroxide for a long time
produces a
white precipitate is
A. Ammonia.
B. Sulphur dioxide.
C. Hydrogen Chloride.
D. Carbon dioxide.
8. The atomic number of elements W and Y are 2:8:1 and 2:8:7
respectively. The
type of bond formed between W and Y is;
A. Covalent.
B. Electrovalent.
C. Dative.
C. Metallic.
9. Which one of the following catalyst is used during the preparation of
oxygen gas?
A. Manganese (IV) Oxide.
B. Reduced iron.
C. Platinised asbestas.
D. Vanadium (V) Oxide.
10. Duralunin is an alloy that consist mainly of;
A. Cu, Mn, Mg and Al.
B. Cu and Al.
C. Cu, Mg Al.
D. Cu, Al and Si.
11. Chromatography is used to separate a mixture of;
A. Iron and Sodium Chloride.
B. Potassium Chloride and Sodium Carbonate.
C. Pigments of green leaf.
D. Ammonium Chloride and sand.
12. Which one of the following salts can be prepared by direct
A. CuSO4.
B. ZnCl2.
C. CaCO3.
D. FeCl3.
13. Zinc carbonate was strongly heated in a tube, the colour of the
residue was…
A. Yellow when hot, brown when cold.
B. Brown when hot, yellow when cold.
C. Yellow when hot, white when cold.
D. Brown when hot, white when cold.
14. Which one of the following carbonates undergoes physical change
when heated?
A. Zinc Carbonate.
B. Calcium Carbonate.
C. Potassium Carbonate.
D. Ammonium Carbonate.
15. Which one of the following is NOT a property of Graphite? It;
A. is very hard.
B. conducts electricity.
C. is black.
D. burns in air forming Carbon dioxide.
16. Cobalt Chloride paper is used to test for presence of water. When
water is present,
the paper changes from….
A. pink to blue.
B. blue to pink.
C. yellow to orange.
D. Orange to yellow.
17. Which one of the following formulae represents an alkane?
A. C3H6
B. C3H4
C. C4H10
D. C4H8
18. All the following are not neutral oxides except?
A. Fe3O4. C. NO.
B. Fe2O3. D. N2O4.
19. The element that forms an oxide which react with sodium
hydroxide solution is
known as;
A. Calcium.
B. Sodium.
C. Aluminium.
D. Magnesium.
19. The air component that shows a reduction in the volume when air is
passed over
heated copper metal is;
A. Oxygen.
B. Water Vapor.
C. Nitrogen.
D. Carbon dioxide.
20. Which one of the following hydroxides would undergo atmospheric
oxidation in
the presence of moisture?
A. Fe(OH)2
B. Fe(OH)3.
C. Al(OH)3.
D. Cu(OH)2.
21. The reaction between two substances is exothermic. Which one of
the following is
most likely to slow down the rate of reaction?
A. increasing the temperature of the surrounding.
B. placing the reagents in the ice bath.
C. having excess of one of the reactants.
D. removing the products as fast as they are formed.
22. The reaction in which vegetable oil is changed to margarine is called
A. dehydration. B. hydrogenation. C. hydration. D. saponification.
23. The mass of potassium hydroxide, KOH, contained in 250cm3 of
0.01 M of potassium hydroxide solution is (K=39; H=1; O=16)
A. 0.056 g. B. 0.140 g. C. 0.280 g. D. 0.560 g.
24. Ammonia reacts with copper(II) oxide according to the following
2NH3(g) + 3CuO(s) 3H2O(l) + N2(g) + 3Cu(s)
The volume of ammonia at s.t.p that will react with 6.0 g of copper (II)
oxide is
[H = 1; N = 14; 0 = 16; One mole of gas occupies 22.4 dm3 at s.t.p]
A. 3.36 dm3
B. 2.52 dm3
C. 1.68 dm3
D. 1.12 dm3
25. Which one of the following pairs of hydrocarbons can be
represented by the same general formula?
A. Ethane and ethene
B. Ethane and propane
C. Ethene and methane
D. Ethene and butane
26. Which one of the following compounds can undergo polymerisation
A. CH4
B. C2 H4
C. C3 H8
D. C4 H10
27. The following acids are completely ionised in water except
A. hydrochloric acid.
B. nitric acid.
C. sulphuric acid.
D. carbonic acid.
28. Which one of the following metals can displace hydrogen from
dilute hydrochloric acid?
A. Copper.
B. Magnesium.
C. Lead.
D. Silver.
29. Bee stings can be neutralized using baking soda. This is because
they contain
A. mallic acid
B. formic acid.
C. acetic acid.
D. Muriatic acid.
30. When cleaning nails and removing colour a chemical used is called
A. Acetone.
B. acetic acid.
C. Lead.
D. Silver.
Answer all questions in the spaces provided
31. Figure below shows common methods of preservation of food in

a. Use your knowledge about factors affecting rate of reaction to

explain why food kept in a refrigerator takes long to get rotten.
(4 marks)
b. What factor do you think is involved in the preservation of the
fish (2 marks)
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………
c. Halite is a mineral usually found in the Himalayan mountains and is
used as Rock salt. Due to its characteristics, it is preferred for
use especially with people with hypertension.

You are cooking for a hungry patient who would need to eat in a few
minutes, Why is it advisable to use the powdery halite salt rather than
the rock salt. (3 marks)

32. The figure below shows the how people dispose of polyethene in
the united states
ates of America
a. As a student of chemistry, explain how best polyethene bags
should be recycled. (4 marks)
b. Explain how polyethene bags are manufactured in industries (3
c. Name any three other products that are manufactured in a
similar way as polyethene bags and show from which compound
they are formed. (3 marks)
product Compound

33. When Magnesium ribbon was burnt in air according to the

figure below
a. A magnesium coil was weighed, then heated strongly in a
crucible. After the magnesium had all burnt, it was allowed to
cool, then weighed. The following results were obtained.
Mass of crucible= 51.6g
Mass of crucible + Magnesium coil=56.4g
Mass of crucible+
cible+ magnesium oxide=
(i) Find the empirical formula of Magnesium oxide (3 marks)
(ii) When the oxide was placed in water, a solution was formed.
Explain the nature of the solution. (4 marks)
(iii) Explain what would happen if the solution was added to
nitric acid. (3 marks)
Answer any two questions only.
34. a. carboxyllic acids are highly used and part of many
important chemicals used in industries and also life saving. Use
the following illustration to explain how these acids are used. (12

b. Bio gas unlike petroleum can be obtained using natural

components. Explain how (8 marks)
35.Juma opened up a bottle of soda which he brought. Study the
figure below
a. How will Juma tell the nature of the gas evolved? (4 marks)
b. The nature of the gas is a reversible reaction
reaction. Explain
xplain what is
meant by a reversible reaction using Juma
Juma’s experiment. (3
c. An application of rreversible
sible reaction is observed during
durin the
contact process. Use a chart to show the contact process.(10
d. Explain any three uses of the product of the contact
process.(3 marks)

36. During the preparation of sodium sulphate. 20cm3 of

solution of 0.3M sulphuric acid required 23cm3 of sodium
hydroxide solution when Mukoti Hamisi performed the
a. Suggest why the method was favourable for Hamisi? (4
b. What concentation of sodium hydroxide in g per litre was
required to prepare a standard solution. ((12 marks)
c. Where should
hould Hamisi prepare such an experiment,and how
should he behave to avoid accidents?(4 marks)

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