7th Sem Criminal - II CRPC Apr - May 2022

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I fiIlil ilfl ililt ilil ffilt illfi ilil ffir Iill llil |ilil ffi llll llll 03031205410723

Third Semester 3 Year LL.BJVII Semester 5 Year B.Com. LL.B./B.A. LL.B.

(Maj.-Min. SystemyB.A. LL.B./B.B.A. LL. B. Exami nation, Apri l/May 2O22
(Dec. 2021)
CRIMINAL LAW - ll : Criminal Procedure Gode 1973, Juvenile Justice (Care
and Protection of Children) Act, 2000 and Probation of Offenders Act, 1958
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
lnstructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining questions.
9de {,dp3:dc* daooJ:aan erDdo,:J dcdg wed{ifdd
oin$aaddo ac$ {,dozlvrl e,!80tu0.
2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
cary 16 marks each.
dd*9 {20 erodrls 6$* er09d {,Adood: d,dJ9?t 16 eroddst.
3. Answer should be written either in English or Kannada
ertc$difsdl lodBeoraafl eoflea6 cdil" d{ddo;tto udo$z3ed:.

Q. No. 1. Write the constitution and powers of criminal courts.

Marks : 16
edoaQd oaroJnelo$ri$ d?3d u3:Q udrts eQEEdilS drod: udouo.
Q. No. 2. What is bail ? And state when bailmay be granted in nonbailable
offences. Marks : 16
eroa:ed: ,rodded: ? drq ?roa)e&eo$d%d edcnfrl$e|
zro,);ed> tedud:erod iqdedilSq deqo.
Q. No. 3. Explain provisions relating appeal, reference and revision
under Criminal Procedure Code. Marks : 16
dod {,!,oJn iobdo$GobO- d:eord.), erueJ-es) abdl doqddd
Hor":oQ$d erude^.rofri$$4 ado&o.
o. No. 4. Explain the provisions to compell the production of things
before the criminal courts under Criminal Procedure Code. Marks : 16
dod {,godn iobdo$co$CI- edoaQd oarCnoo$rl* dr:od
dirrl$dtr oaxd:dGBer: ecbd eruduofil$$4 adotuo.
o. No. 5. Explain the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code relating to
maintenance of wives, children and parents.
Marks : 16
dg*o$d, drds d:8
dod acoJ:oodrt$ dBed#ri iouoQtud
dod {,!,oh iobdcb eruduofrl$$d edo&o.
o. No. 6. Briefly explain the rules in relation to release of offenders on
probation or admonition. Marks : 16
doae*do$ d:eeJ eda" aadoddoSooorl erdoaQo$q ?,3d:rtd
dndJd iouoQd Dc:dril*d1 Xof{asaR &do&. p.r.o.
0303/205410723 I lfllt Iffi flfit illll ffill lllll lllll illll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll llll

Q. No. 7. Explain the provisions relating to the transfer of criminal cases

under Criminal Procedure Code. Marks : 16
dod 6gob SotudCtac:0- edoapd {,Edead$ drCIrdd
d;osod wduofirl$dl edotu.
Q. No. B. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks: 2x8=16
d$nddil$O- ueuad addt* e#r eJ{ed z":doto :

(a) Powers of Child Welfare Committees.

d:rbDd dedr iat€o3: e6raddqb.
(b) Judgement.
3,p=rc !

(c) Probation Officer.

doAedd cQuEO.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following : Marks :2x14=20

dqjndddqje)- zJemd addd:" nGtuo :

(a) A Police Officer has recorded information regarding a

cognizable offence in his Police Station diary on the basis
of a phone call. Can it be regarded as FIR ? Decide.
?^,&I {pe)ex' erQ6}oCr t"od: drodaard ddal:anodoxr
d{ ucma Q,ooJ:O- z"oeb iodeC: edoofd dDb.3o$d}
Sdlraa,tudraoBoaod. "ae$ {,Sd: d:lbe ddO aooarb$de r

(b) A and B have jointly committed decoity at Maharashtra and

Karnataka in a span of one year. They were arrested in
Mumbai. Can they be tried jointly for offences in the Mumbai
Court - Decide.
A d>Q B aou:dd& rou3ol>R C)6ioE{ ilQ doare,'idd$-
z,od: ddrd udQo3:O- daiogJgrlsjq dndracd. erddd>
d::oe,rolroJ:O- dino d>derorbdd..qddd1 edenfrderl
ioz^: o Qtud od Cr: oz^: o1, oa, o$ae.: o3: d0- a o t oln A ezrodd

JJJ^ .-)-J^ o --)- o

dCg^J(JOo.J(J( - g(c"\rdF-^ o.la.
(c) A is accused of an offence. The court has altered the
charge without explaining it to him. A is convicted for the
said offence. Is the said conviction valid ? Decide.
'e'dJ z"od: eiloafrtauR ermodanneod. anrCne.toJ:Q;
edddo$d1 &edde erdd ad:{d e:doedd;Str udsaor:fcdd.
'e'&rt u c-ooaetsouA 9E &ede>o3:$. di AEoJ:) enodrdd t

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