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so how much does YouTube pay for 1,000

views well all of these guesses yeah

they're correct that sounds a little

crazy doesn't it and this is just the

beginning for example how much money you

make doesn't always depend on your Niche

this is a video from our Channel which

is all about YouTube education and it

has an RPM of

$3.38 this is also a video from our

Channel but it has an RPM of

$164 it's the same channel the same

month but five times rpn so how is all

of this possible in a minute I'll tell

you all of the things that affect

YouTube Revenue how much real channels

are making in different niches and how

to boost your potential YouTube income

but first and important YouTube

fundamental hang on I've already done

this RPM is not to be confused with its

close relative CPM while CPM or cost per

1,000 views refers to the cost

advertisers pay on ad Revenue RPM or

Revenue per 1,000 views includes all

money monetization sources ads Channel

membership super chats and YouTube

premium Revenue in a nutshell CPM

estimates what advertisers are paying

while RPM estimates what the Creator's

take-home pay is after YouTube's C this

typically leaves the average creator

with 55% of the ad revenue or 70% of the

fan funding Revenue whether or not you

think this is a creative extortion or a

fair deal the bottom line is YouTube's

house and YouTube's rules and personally

I believe that YouTube leads the

industry when it comes to compensating

creators so you're already on the best

platform and of course you are more than

welcome to disagree and argue with me in

the comments below but just remember you

can store an unlimited amount of video

online and have it broadcast to a

potential audience of 2 and A2 billion

people every single month for free feels

like a fair deal to me anyway RPM lesson

out of the way let's get back to the

topic at hand Big Max bear with me on

this one imagine strolling into a

McDonald's in New York Tokyo or Delhi

craving that I IC Big Mac surprisingly

you'll find the price as varied as the

cities themselves This Global price

difference isn't random it mirrors the

economic landscape cost of living and

local purchasing power of each local on

the bustling streets of the financial

capitals of the world such as New York

and London where economies are bigger

the wallets open wider and that means

advertisers are much more willing to pay

top dollar to grab a spot on your video

much like a price a Big Mac budgets

swell in markets with potential driving

your CPM and ultimately RPM contrast

this with quieter economic Landscapes

where company wallets might not be as

thick reflecting a more modest Big Mac

price and similarly your video earnings

and to be crystal clear this has

absolutely nothing to do with your

channel settings or where you publish

the video it's the location of a viewer

who's watching it that matters and as

you can see cpms the amount advertisers

are willing to pay varies greatly even

more than the price of a Big Mac another

important factor is video length did you

Spot the Difference earlier on yeah same

Niche same channel same month but a

massive difference in video length now

there is a somewhat Tricky YouTube

equation to navigate here where your

video should be as long as possible but

also as short as necessary the longer it

is the more watch time you can get

therefore the more money you can make

but longer also means it's harder to

keep viewers attention and it could even

be a turnoff from the get-go I mean how

often have you seen a time stamp in the

bottom right hand corner of a thumbnail

and said to yourself I ain't got time

for this and so this is where the magic

number eight comes into play YouTube

lets you add more ads if your video is

longer than 8 minutes if you jump into

the YouTube Studio vent and monetization

you'll see this option called mid roll

ads where you can if you wish manually

Place more ads throughout your video in

this example I placed three manual ad

spots which theoretically means I've

just increased my potential revenue from

that one video but in reality it doesn't

mean that all of these ads will be shown

to viewers and if you try to abuse the

system YouTube will just laugh in your

face when I tried it on this video

Revenue simply went down so yeah don't

do that you don't have to place these

mid roll ads manually by the way YouTube

will do it for you so there might never

be a need to visit this screen but if

you do want to specifically place and

add at a certain point in the video

because you know you have them hooked at

least you've got that option so let's

get on to RPMs and niches and yes they

do play a big part so right here in this

column is my RPM and honestly compared

to other channels from what I've seen it

looks like it's pretty low I don't

really know the reason as to why maybe

it's because I don't make Finance videos

I know those have like a pretty high RPM

Rebecca Joy is pretty much spot on here

her Niche does somewhat dictate her RPM

as a lifestyle channel it's a pretty

broad topic with a wide audience appeal

it's more likely to be a younger

demographic too which means less

disposable income all of that it's not

as bad as the couch GM over in the

sports Niche who showed an RPM of just

$264 but we can go lower still Jack

Craig has a football channel called

nutmeg that's showing an RPM of just 50

cents so are you a creator that puts

profit before passion there isn't

anything inherently wrong with this but

RPMs do become a very important metric

and that means there's a lot of niches

that you probably want to steer well

clear of cooking channels reaction

channels Fitness and music are all low

earners a prank Channel which may fall

under entertainment and comedy such as

the C Sawyer Channel reported earned

just $161 from each 1,000 views

according to the Business Insider but at

the same time there are always

exceptions within a niche gaming usually

gets a bad rap but Nifty is reporting an

RPM of $250 and then more impressive

still is Wick gaming with an RPM of just

under €5 which exchanges to just over $5

and remember we mentioned music being

Dreadful earlier on well Mary spender in

the music Niche showed a CPM of

£8.48 which is over $10 true this is CPM

and not RPM but it's still an incredible

figure from a music channel after

YouTube's cut even if you do operate in

a particular Niche the amount you earn

May differ greatly from the average so

it's not really worth complaining to

YouTube if your figure is different to

somebody else's it's to be expected

anyway back to some examples what about

the niche that's exploding on YouTube

right now faceless channels the zini

studio which is a channel that shows

viewers how to make their own faceless

channels shared an RPM of just over $6

but what about the other end of the RPM

Spectrum how much do high earners rake

in every 1,000 views Joshua Mayo one of

those fabled Finance channels has an

average RPM of over $20 that even Peaks

up to $40 on certain days this digital

marketing Channel reports at an RPM of

over $11 when you see this as 2 million

views over a year for

$22,000 you start to see why certain

creators made the decision to go into

certain niches making money and digital

marketing seem to be the most lucrative

of niches but what's this I see

educational videos with an average CPM


$989 but is this true well luckily on

this occasion we have a lot of data to

pour through cuz we can take a look at

our Channel it looks like we do well

above average for the niche with a CPM

of over $15 and yet our RPM is well

under $6 now my Mas isn't brilliant but

that feels like more than a 45% cut from

YouTube but this is where things can get

incredibly complicated incredibly

quickly I mean look at the variation

here in CPM between different videos one

about a faceless channel gets more than

double the CPM of a video it's about how

to start a gaming channel on YouTube and

look at this videos about how much

creators earn on YouTube do really high

cpms too kind of why I'm making this

video to be honest I need some more

money for my Lego

budget all right let's get down to the

real business of this video 1,000 views

C PMS RPMs is this what creators should

be focusing their attention on if they

want to make YouTube financially

sustainable you know what I think it's

time for a quick case study money Ortiz

is a self-taught photographer who used

to shoot weddings on the weekends while

working full-time as a police officer he

jumped on the YouTube bandwagon to

Showcase his work as a photographer as

it is for every Creator every month's

income is different so his an example

from September 2022 nearly

$23,000 and how much do you think came

from all of those ads I'll give you 5

Seconds barely 10% you see the smartest

creators don't just rely on YouTube to

sell their content to advertisers they

Market themselves and earn way more

because of it Manny sells an online

course and presets for coloring filters

he represents Brands he diversifies and

is a business in his own right this is a

problem you see creators get so obsessed

with the scraps cpms RPM's ad Revenue

that they fail to see the real Financial

opportunities on YouTube yes absolutely

ad revenue is the easiest way to make

money on YouTube because you just flick

a switch and YouTube takes care of a

rest but YouTube also takes a lot from

this and advertisers work within their

own budgets you are at the very end of

this financial funnel and it's getting

squeezed by everybody along the way so

stop focusing on how YouTube is going to

monetize your content that will take

care of itself you need to start

researching how to I ize your audience

and maybe your audience isn't big enough

to do that yet but when it is the

rewards will be so much greater to get

you started down this road even YouTube

offers you features on this topic before

you even get ad Revenue they will help

you directly connect with your community

Through fan funding to find out more

watch this video right now

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