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#C-40, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar West, Chennai – 600 040 Page 1
+91 8939696868/69
1. The total of the ages of Amar, Akbar and Anthony is 80 years. What was the total
of their ages three years ago?
A.71 years B.72 years C.74 years D.77 years

2. An institute organized a fete and 1/5 of the girls and 1/8 of the boys participated
in the same. What fraction of the total number of students took part in the fete ?
A.2/13 B.13/40 C. Data inadequate D. None of these

3. A, B, C, D and E play a game of cards. A says to B, "If you give me three cards, you
will have as many as E has and if I give you three cards, you will have as many as
D has." A and B together have 10 cards more than what D and E together have. If
B has two cards more than what C has and the total number of cards be 133, how
many cards does B have ?
A.22 B.23 C.25 D.35

4. A girl counted in the following way on the fingers of her left hand : She started by
calling the thumb 1, the index finger 2, middle finger 3, ring finger 4, little finger
5 and then reversed direction calling the ring finger 6, middle finger 7 and so on.
She counted up to 1994. She ended counting on which finger ?
A. Thumb B. Index finger C. Middle finger D. Ring finger

5. Mac has £ 3 more than Ken, but then Ken wins on the horses and trebles his
money, so that he now has £ 2 more than the original amount of money that the
two boys had between them. How much money did Mac and Ken have between
them before Ken's win ?
A.£ 9 B.£ 11 C.£ 13 D.£ 15

6. A bird shooter was askgd how many birds he had in the bag. He replied that there
were all sparrows but six, all pigeons but six, and all ducks but six. How many
birds he had in the bag in all?
A.9 B.18 C.27 D.36

7. A certain number of horses and an equal number of men are going somewhere.
Half of the owners are on their horses' back while the remaining ones are walking
along leading their horses. If the number of legs walking on the ground is 70, how
many horses are there ?
A.10 B.12 C.14 D.16

#C-40, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar West, Chennai – 600 040 Page 2
+91 8939696868/69
8. A shepherd had 17 sheep. All but nine died. How many was he left with ?
A. Nil B.8 C.9 D.17

9. In a family, the father took 1/4 of the cake and he had 3 times as much as each of
the other members had. The total number of family members is
A.3 B.7 C.10 D.12

10. Aruna cut a cake into two halves and cuts one half into smaller pieces of equal
size. Each of the small pieces is twenty grams in weight. If she has seven pieces of
the cake in all with her, how heavy was the original cake ?
A.120 grams B.140 grams C.240 grams D.280 grams

11. At the end of a business conference the ten people present all shake hands with
each other once. How many handshakes will there be altogether ?
A.20 B.45 C.55 D.90

12. A group of 1200 persons consisting of captains and soldiers is travelling in a train.
For every 15 soldiers there is one captain. The number of captains in the group
A.85 B.80 C.75 D.70

13. In a race, a competitor has to collect 6 apples which are kept in a straight line on
a track and a bucket is placed at the beginning of the track which is a starting
point. The condition is that the competitor can pick only one apple at a time, run
back with it and drop it in the bucket. If he has to drop all the apples in the bucket,
how much total distance he has to run if the bucket is 5 meters from the first apple
and all other apples are placed 3 meters apart ?
A. 40 m B. 50 m C. 150 m D. 75 m

14. In aid of charity, every student in a class contributes as many rupees as the
number of students in that class. With the additional contribution of Rs.2 by one
student only, the total collection is Rs. 443. Then how many students are there in
the class?
A. 12 B. 21 C. 43 D. 45

15. Four friends A, B, C and D need to cross a bridge. A maximum of two persons can
cross it at a time. It is night and they just have one lamp. Persons that cross the
bridge must carry the lamp to find the way. A pair must walk together at the speed
of slower person. After crossing the bridge, the person having faster speed in the
pair will return with the lamp each time to accompany another person in the
group. Finally, the lamp has to be returned at the original place and the person
who returns the lamp has to cross the bridge again without lamp. To cross the
bridge, the time taken by them is as follows : A : 1 minute, B : 2 minutes, C : 7
#C-40, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar West, Chennai – 600 040 Page 3
+91 8939696868/69
minutes and D : 10 minutes. What is the total minimum time required by all the
friends to cross the bridge?
A. 23 minutes B. 22 minutes C. 21 minutes D. 20 minutes

16. There are 35 steps to reach a temple. Ram takes 2 steps down at same time and
Lakshman ascending 1 step. If it start to work simultaneously , at which step will
they meet ?
A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15

17. A man invited some boys and girls in his birthday. The number of girls was more
than that of boys by 5. He gave Rs. 15 to each boy and Rs. 30 to each girl. If total
amount is Rs. 465. Find the total number of students?
A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. NONE of the Above

18. A boy said that number of his sister is 3 times the number of his brothers. His one
sister said that number of her brothers and sisters are equal. How many brothers
and sisters are there?
A. 2 b 2s B. 2b 4s C. 2b 3s D. 2b 1s

19. How many 7’s are there in the following series which are not immediately
followed by 3 but immediately preceded by 8? (L.I.C. 1994)
A. 10 B. 3 C. 2 D. 0

20. Satish remembers that his brother’s birthday is after fifteenth but before
eighteenth of February whereas his sister Payal remembers that her brother’s
birthday is after sixteenth but before nineteenth of February. On which day in
February is Satish’s brother’s birthday? (Bank P.O. 1998)
A. 16th B. 17th C. 18th D. 19th

21. There are four routes to travel from city A to city B and six routes from city B to
city C. How many routes are possible to travel from the city A to city C?
A. 24 B. 12 C. 10 D. 8

22. A monkey climbs 30 feet at the beginning of each hour and rests for a while when
he slips back 20 feet before he again starts climbing in the beginning of the next
hour. If he begins his ascent at 8.00 a.m., at what will he first touch a flag at 120
feet from the ground?
A. 4 p.m B. 5 p.m. C. 6 p.m. D. 8 p.m

#C-40, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar West, Chennai – 600 040 Page 4
+91 8939696868/69
23. A tailor had a number of shirt pieces to cut from a roll of fabric. He cut each roll of
equal length into 10 pieces. He cut at the rate of 45 cuts a minute. How many rolls
would be cut in 24 minutes?
A. 30 rolls B. 58 rolls C. 120 rolls D. 150 rolls

24. Usha runs faster than Kamala, Priti runs slower than Swati, Swati runs slower
than Kamala. Who is the slowest runner?
A. Kamala B. Priti C. Swati D. Usha

#C-40, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar West, Chennai – 600 040 Page 5
+91 8939696868/69

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