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ab Global Economics Research

Latin America
UBS Investment Research
New York
Latin American Economic Comment

Venezuela After Chávez

Hugo Chavez’s passing after almost fifteen years in power naturally raises
more questions than clear answers. Beyond the next steps that the government 5 March 2013
will take regarding the likely call for new elections, the absence of Chavez’s
leadership will reshuffle the scenarios in Venezuela and have market
Gustavo Arteta
New elections sooner rather than later Strategist
The Constitution is very clear regarding the steps that follow. Elections must +1-203-719 5863
be held within 30 days upon the “absolute absence” of the president. When Rafael De La Fuente
these elections would be held is less clear because the “absolute absence” must
be declared. Only the Supreme Court can alter this schedule, which we expect +1-203-719 7127
to be done according to the needs and electoral benefit of chavismo.
Reasonable grounds could be found to justify any change, if need be.

We expect that Nicolás Maduro will run as the chavista candidate, as he was
appointed by Chávez himself as his successor and the chavista party seemed to
have aligned behind him at least, while the leader was alive. Since being in
charge of the executive the past few weeks, many of Maduro’s public
appearances seemed to have a campaigning connotation. But all this doesn’t
mean undercurrents of dissent could surface. It was widely commented in local
press reports early in the year that Diosdado Cabello, the National Assembly’s
president could also provide a leadership challenge. Others are likely to try.
But they are likely to be put back in their place in our base-case scenario where
we see Maduro as the leading candidate. However, we doubt that he can fully
fill Chavez’s shoes and hence some power or some leadership will likely have
to be shared. A first test of this could surface during possible primary elections
of the governing PSUV (United Socialist Party of Venezuela).

We think that Maduro has most to gain from the elections being held sooner
rather than later. The economy could risk further deterioration. The loose
opposition would have more time to effectively coagulate. Maduro could better
capitalize from people’s grief immediately after the leader’s death. Any
unreasonable postponement of the elections could risk causing rifts within
chavismo as internal struggles for power could arise.

From the opposition, Hernique Capriles appears to be the leader even after his
second place finish to Chavez in last October’s vote. However since the
election, his (too) heterogeneous support base has become somewhat scattered
and in need of being reenergized. Today’s event should do that. Still opposition
forces will have to coalesce again behind Capriles and reorganize its campaign
apparatus. All the while, we expect the chavismo to try its best to hinder the
process. In fact, in the last few weeks, corruption charges have been brought
against high-profile non-chavista leaders, which we interpret as intensification
in political persecution to further weaken the opposition.

This report has been prepared by UBS Securities LLC

Latin American Economic Comment 5 March 2013

We have not had access to many reliable polls so far, but there is some evidence
that Maduro could be on a stronger footing if competing against Capriles. This
notwithstanding, we think we are in uncharted political territory and would need
new polls to reflect it. Even imagining Capriles as the next president, we wonder
whether –with chavismo in control of a large majority of governorships (20 out
of 23) and key institutions like the military- he would be able to effectively
govern the country and not run the risk of becoming a lame-duck president.

Back in October Capriles lost against Chávez by a considerable 11-percentage-

point margin and though Maduro seems to lack Hugo Chavez's charisma, we
would not be surprised to see a surge in his popularity based on the effect of the
death of a popular leader whose political project needs to reincarnate in another
figure. If history is of any guide, we can resort to Cristina Kirchner’s sky-
rocketing popularity after her husband’s death just at a time when her approval
rate was rather depressed. In last December’s election, Capriles obtained the
governorship of Miranda with a 4-percentage-point lead over the chavista
candidate, though not a huge margin, still better than the 0.4 pp gap he obtained
over Chávez in Miranda in the presidential elections of October.

More questions than answers on the horizon

What should we expect if Maduro were to be elected president? First, we can
say that Hugo Chávez chose him under the belief that he will be the person
capable of dealing with the different power groups within chavismo and,
ultimately, the leader avoiding its falling apart. Viewed purely in chavista terms,
he seems to belong to the more pragmatic wing.

Recent measures implemented by Maduro were a reform of the oil windfall tax
and the devaluation of the VEF, both of which aim at increasing the Treasury’s
revenues (some estimations put it at a net increase of 3.0-4.0% of GDP). Beyond
this, much remains unknown. He has given no hints of market-friendly
inclinations. It’s possible to envision that what we had under Hugo Chávez will
be basically what we would get under Nicolas Maduro’s presidency. But that’s
extrapolating. With Chavez, the market has had a predictable debt payment track
record. Can we expect this to continue or can more radical branches of the
revolution lead to change here, changes that could be deemed as more consistent
with other anti-market policies? Fiscal accounts are a mess and oil prices stable
but with downside risks. If conditions deteriorate where will the adjustments
come from? Will the public debt policy continue as it has? Will international
commitments such as PetroCaribe be curtailed with important potential
consequences in the Region (see LatAmFocus: CenAm and Caribbean Relieved
by Chavez Win, Oct 11)?

Judging from recent trends in Venezuela’s bonds, we can infer that the market
has built in an expectation that Chavez' passing will be positive from the market
standpoint. This may be valid to ascertain in as much as it moves us closer to an
end of chavismo. But chavismo under Chavez, for all its idiosyncrasies and
revolutionary antics was a known entity, at least in regards to a 15-year track
record of honoring the country's debt. Chavismo without Chavez, however, is an
unknown entity, even if ultimately led by VP Maduro. This should be factored
into any consideration of risk involved with Venezuela at present.

Latin American Economic Comment 5 March 2013

Chavez’s leadership skills allowed him to align everyone to his government

policies, from the Central Bank to PDVSA and to the military. Will the
chavismo’s new leader be able to align everyone to march to the beat of a single
drum? It’s a question to which we still don’t have an answer but which concerns
us because we think the likelihood of an affirmative response may be rather low.
As things unfold, we project a noticeably slowing, high-inflation economy, with
inconsistent and volatile monetary, fiscal and FX policies.

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Latin American Economic Comment 5 March 2013

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