2024 5 - Worksheet - Fractions

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WORKSHEET Fractions Sub: Math Grade 5 Div ___ Date: __________

Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Roll No. ______
Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
a) When we separate an object into two parts of the same size we call each part _________________.

b) A _________________________ names a part of a whole.

c) When we separate an object into four parts of the same size we call each part __________________.

d) When the numerator and denominator are the same, it is ________________ or ________________.

e) When there are no parts that are being discussed, the numerator is ____________________.

f) There can be no fraction with zero as the ____________________.

g) If we multiply or divide both the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same number, we get its
_________________________ fraction.

h) When you add fractions with the same denominator, first add the ________________, then write the sum
over the _____________________.

i) When you subtract fractions with the same denominator, first ________________ the numerator, then write
the difference over the _____________________.

Q. 2 Write the equivalent fraction of the following proper fractions.

Q.3 Write the reduced fractions for the figure given.

Q.4 Use the number line to find equivalent fractions

Q.5 Compare the fractions.

Q.6 Solve the following word problems.

Q.7. Look at the shaded part of the figure and write the appropriate fraction in the given space.

Q.7 Match the following equivalent fractions in given boxes.

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