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Lesson plan


Students are able to scan and find the specific information.

Rationale for lesson:

Ss should know how to use scanning on reading to make it easier for them to find what they
need. This basic skill will help Ss deal with the future education and the real life situation.

Anticipated problems Solutions

Ss have less vocabulary. T should cover all the vocabulary/ the special
SS might be unfamiliar with the references

45 minutes lesson.

Analysis of target language / sub skills:

Target language: to know how to find specific information from the text.

Sub skills: reading and writing.

Tim Procedure Notes


3 T eliciting by questioning the students about Introduction and explain the

specific information. From the picture. material (T as model)

First slide.
Where is it in the picture?
Is there any boat in the picture?
How many bicycles in the picture?
Do you often go to the park close to your place?
Is it in a daylight?

Second slide
How old is Billy?
Who told Billy, that his father was a fireman?
What did Billy do to meet his father?
What word that Billy was yelling?

10 T gives and explains the material. Introduction and explain the

material (T as model)

12 Ss do the task. Discussion in 2 big group (2

T observes the Ss. questions to discuss)

15 T gives task to Ss Practice and discuss it together

T leads the discussion.

5 T asks Ss randomly. Checking S understanding

5 T is giving the conclusion of the subject. Feedback

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