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I prepared 10 exercises based on the topic “Crimes”.

These tasks suitable for

students of 10th or 11th grade. My tasks based on different purposes and develop
vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Exercise 1 is word bank.
This task will be warm-up for students to revise words. They will match words with
sentences. It will help them understand words better and see how they used in
context. They may do this task in groups and exchange with their answers. During
discussion of the task students will have choice of language to talk with partner.
Here this task emphasizes communicative purpose and information gap.
Ex.2 News in brief
Students will read different pieces of committing crimes and underline words
connected with crimes. This task includes authentic material. Here teacher should
control students work to avoid misunderstandings and promote active participation.
Ex.3 Discussion text and answering questions based on it.
Students will answer questions exchange with information gap. They will have active
communication. Teacher should control it in order to correct students and give them
following instructions.
Ex.4 Grammar time
Students will have 3 sentences with passive voice. Their task to read them and
answer the questions. They already knew these grammar constructions so this task
will help them to revise it and clears their information gaps. Some of students who
will not understand some info may ask teacher or partner. They may also discuss it
by using target language in peer teaching way.
Ex. 5 Grammar checking
Students will rewrite sentences in passive voice. Here they work be themselves and
teacher needs to check if they understand it or not. They will have authentic
sentences and see how passive form used in everyday life.
Ex.6 Bamboozle game
This task will help students to memorize words better and in entertaining way.
Teacher can also notice who are active and perceive information better. They will
also have chance to communicate and discus answers.
Ex.7 Crimes riddles
Students will have some fun and brainstorm a little. This task includes
communicative situations and purpose. They will watch video and guess who
committed crimes.
Ex.8 Idioms time.
The teacher should write meanings on the black board and students need to match
and later reproduce in the context in the hot spot. They will develop pragmatic
competence and sociocultural.
Ex.9 Watching video (speaking time)
Students will watch one-minute video and discus it in group and answer the
following questions. They will have communication situation.
Ex.10 Writing
They will write short essay and dwell on that topic. It will help them to personalize
information and open their thoughts.

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