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BCH315 Practice questions

1. Discuss the application of artificial membranes with emphasis on hemodialysis

2. Illustrating with the fluid mosaic model of biological membranes, describe/explain the structure and
molecular composition of biological membranes with their functions.
3. Biological membranes play diverse roles in the maintenance of biological systems. Discuss 6 of these
4. With emphasis on Year of Experiment, Description of Experiment and Summary of
Finding/Conclusion, explain the roles of the following Scientists to the current understanding of the
membrane structure:
i. Charlse Overton
ii. Langmuir
iii. Gorter and Grendel
iv. Jim Danielli and Hugh Davson
v. David Robertson
5. Mention three specific aquaporins with their physiological roles.
6. Using Tables and citing a specific example for each, Differentiate between the following

i. Passive Diffusion and Facilitated Transport

ii. Facilitated Transport and Active Transport
iii. Primary Active Transport and Secondary Active Transport
iv. Cotransport Transport System and Antiport Transport System

7. Give a detailed outline of the mechanisms by which sugar molecules are transported across biological

8. Membranes grow by expansion of pre-existing membrane, discuss.

9. State six (6) functions of the biological membrane
10. List the structural composition of the biological membrane with their functions
11. List three (3) applications of artificial membranes
12. Define membrane potential and describe its significance to the transport of molecules across biological
13. “Despite the diversity of biological membranes, the barriers by which they are surrounded have
certain features in common” --Buttress this statement with five points (5 Marks).
14. “The Membranes are as important to cells as the cells are to multicellular organisms” justify this
statement with five (5) convincing points (8 Marks).
15. Give a chronological account of the events leading to the current understanding of the
membrane structure (23 Marks).
16. What merits do scientists benefit from the design and development model membranes?
(8 Marks)
17. Complete the table below about models towards the understanding of the
membrane structure:
Name of Scientist Year of Experiment Description of Summary of
Experiment Finding

Charlse Overton


Gorter and Grendel

Jim Danielli and

Hugh Davson

David Robertson

18. Describe the membrane model upon which the current understanding of the molecular
structure of membrane is based.

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