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Universal Human



Submitted by
Sankar Rajeev
Roll No 75
1. What does a fulfilling life mean for you? List out
the top five points that occur to you when you
think of a fulfilling life.

1. Meaningful Relationships:
• Building strong bonds with my family by regularly
communicating with them, participating in family
gatherings, and providing support to each other, even
while away at college.
• Cultivating deep friendships with my classmates or
roommates through shared experiences, studying
together, and being there for each other during
challenging times.
• Engaging with my college community by joining
clubs, participating in extracurricular activities,
and forming connections with peers who share similar
interests and goals.

2. Personal Growth and Learning:

• Enrolling in elective courses or workshops outside
of my major to explore new subjects or interests, such
as computer programming, entrepreneurship, or creative
• Reading books or articles related to emerging
technologies, advancements in electronics, or
innovations in the field of electrical engineering to
stay informed and broaden my knowledge base.
• Taking advantage of internships, research
opportunities, or hands•on projects to gain practical
experience and enhance my skills in electronics and
communication engineering.
3. Contributing to Others:
• Volunteering my time and skills to mentor younger
students or high school graduates who are interested
in pursuing a career in engineering, providing
guidance, advice, and encouragement to help them
succeed academically and professionally.
• Participating in community outreach programs or
volunteering events organized by my college or local
organizations, such as tutoring sessions, STEM
workshops, or environmental cleanup initiatives, to
give back to the community and make a positive impact.
• Supporting my classmates or groupmates in
collaborative projects or assignments, offering
assistance, sharing resources, and working together to
achieve common goals and objectives.

4. Living Authentically:
• Expressing my unique personality, values, and
beliefs in my interactions with others, whether it's
through my style of dress, choice of hobbies, or
participation in campus activities that resonate with
my interests and passions.
• Pursuing extracurricular activities or creative
endeavors that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether
it's playing a musical instrument, participating in
sports, or engaging in artistic pursuits outside of my
academic studies.
• Making decisions that align with my personal
goals and aspirations, whether it's choosing elective
courses that spark my curiosity, seeking out
internship opportunities that align with my career
interests, or pursuing graduate studies or research
projects in areas of ECE that inspire you.
5. Finding Balance and Well-being:
• Practicing mindfulness techniques or relaxation
exercises to manage stress and maintain mental
clarity, especially during busy exam periods or
project deadlines.
• Engaging in regular physical activity, such as
going for walks, jogging, or playing sports with
friends, to stay active and maintain physical health
and fitness.
• Prioritizing self-care activities, such as
getting enough sleep, maintaining a balanced diet,
and scheduling regular breaks to recharge and
rejuvenate, ensuring overall well-being and
resilience in the face of academic and personal
2. Choose any five things that you consider as human
values. Now write all the basic guidelines, and
check if you they satisfy the basic guidelines.
(Hint: Someone may say Trust is a human value. Now
check if it satisfies the basic guidelines.

1. Honesty:
• Always tell the truth.
• Be sincere and transparent in my actions and
• Honesty satisfies the basic guidelines as it
promotes truthfulness and integrity in interactions,
fostering trust and credibility.

2. Compassion:
• Show empathy and kindness towards others.
• Be considerate of others' feelings and well-
• Compassion satisfies the basic guidelines as
it encourages empathy and altruism, fostering
supportive and caring relationships within

3. Respect:
• Treat others with dignity and courtesy.
• Value diversity and appreciate differences in
perspectives and backgrounds.
• Respect satisfies the basic guidelines as it
promotes tolerance, acceptance, and mutual
understanding, fostering harmonious coexistence in
diverse societies.
4. Integrity:
• Act with honesty and moral principles.
• Uphold ethical standards and take
responsibility for my actions.
• Integrity satisfies the basic guidelines as it
promotes consistency between beliefs, words, and
actions, fostering trustworthiness and reliability in
personal and professional relationships.

5. Gratitude:
• Express appreciation and thankfulness for the
blessings and support received.
• Acknowledge the efforts and contributions of
• Gratitude satisfies the basic guidelines as it
promotes humility and appreciation, fostering
positive attitudes and fostering reciprocal acts of
kindness and generosity.

In summary, each of these human values—honesty,

compassion, respect, integrity, and gratitude—
satisfies the basic guidelines by promoting positive
behavior and attitudes that contribute to the well-
being of individuals and communities. They serve as
guiding principles for ethical conduct and
interpersonal relationships, enhancing trust,
harmony, and mutual respect in society.
3. List your activities throughout a typical day in
your life. Categorize these activities as activity
for developing right understanding, activity for
fulfillment in relationship and activity for
physical facility


Breakfast 30 min

Commute to
1 hr

Attend class
4 hrs
and studying

Talk to friends 2 hrs

Exercise 1 hr

Spend time with

2 hrs

Playing games 5 hrs

Sleep 8 hrs
Right Understanding: 4 hours
Physical Facilities: 15.5 hours
Fulfillment in Relationships: 4 hours

From this summary, we can see that the most

time is spent on physical facilities-related
activities, followed by activities related to
developing understanding and fulfillment in
4. Can you observe that when you really try, you can
refer to your natural acceptance? Note any five things
that appear naturally acceptable to you.
Now, verify for yourself that your ‘natural acceptance’
does not change with time or place. It does not depend on
your beliefs and past conditionings and that it is always
there. If not, would you still call it your natural
acceptance? And if not, what can it be termed as in place
of natural acceptance? e.g., eating sweets. It may appear
naturally acceptable. Now explore, whether it changes
with time, place and individual or not. You will see that
sometimes you like eating sweets, while sometimes; you do
not feel like eating sweets. Same thing happens with
place. And not everyone wants to eat sweets. Thus, it
does not fulfill the criterion. It is not your ‘natural
acceptance’. Then what is your natural acceptance? Find
it out

1. Listening to Music:
• Examination: I find listening to music to be a
naturally acceptable activity. It consistently brings me
joy and evokes emotional responses, regardless of the
genre or cultural background of the music. Whether I'm
alone or with others, the pleasure derived from listening
to music remains consistent and timeless. It transcends my
personal beliefs and conditionings and is inherently
pleasing to me.

2. Spending Time in Nature:

• Examination: Being in nature is something I naturally
find acceptable. It fills me with a sense of calmness,
awe, and connection with the environment. Appreciating the
beauty of nature is something I can do consistently across
different landscapes and environments, independent of my
preferences or cultural influences. It's a timeless and
universal experience that transcends geographical
boundaries and brings me inherent pleasure.
3. Laughing with Loved Ones:
• Examination: Sharing laughter with loved ones is
an activity I wholeheartedly accept. It fosters
bonding and positive emotions, and the joy of
laughter is something I can experience consistently
across various social settings and relationships.
Regardless of my personal beliefs or conditionings,
laughter is a universal language that brings people
together and transcends cultural differences.

4. Eating Nourishing Food:

• Examination: Consuming nourishing food is a
naturally acceptable activity for me. It satisfies my
hunger and provides essential nutrients for my well-
being. While my tastes may vary, the act of
nourishing my body through food is universally
accepted and necessary for my survival. It's a
consistent and timeless activity that transcends
cultural boundaries and is essential for my health.

5. Appreciating Art and Creativity:

• Examination: Appreciating art and creativity is
something I naturally enjoy. It stimulates me
intellectually and evokes emotional responses.
Whether it's visual arts, literature, or performing
arts, the appreciation of creativity is consistent
and timeless for me. It transcends my personal
preferences and cultural background, enriching my
life and fostering cultural understanding.

From this examination, it's evident that these

activities fulfill the criteria of consistency,
independence from beliefs and conditionings,
timelessness, universality, and inherentness, making
them true examples of my natural acceptance.

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