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You will hear an interview with a psychologist about sharing houses. For questions 1- 7, choose
the best answer (A, B or C).
1 When do most people share accommodation?
A When they leave home. B When they are invited to.
C When they´re having problems.

2 According to Dr.Millington, what is an important thing to do when sharing a flat?

A to share food B to have established rules C be sociable

3 What is the most common problem with sharing accommodation?

A paying bills B meal time C being clean

4 What problem with rotas is mentioned?

A They are too obvious. B You have to pay for them. C Circumstances can

5 What does she say about having your own space?

A It´s heaven. B It´s tough. C It´s important.

6 What can be a problem with living with friends?

A You could have an argument. B You trust them too much. C It feels strange.

7 What is fundamental requirement of sharing a flat?

A being considerate B liking the same music C enjoying parties

daunting: seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating
thereof (formal): of the thing just mentioned; of that
rota: a list of things that have to be done and of the people who will do them
pay off: yield good results; succeed
frazzled: showing the effects of exhaustion or strain
You will hear 5 short extracts in which people are describing what they like most about the city of
New York in the USA. For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A – H) the reason each speaker
gives for why the city appeals to them. There are three extra letters you do not need to use.

A there are plenty of sightseeing opportunities. Speaker 1 _______

B It has a mixture of ethniticies. Speaker 2 _______
C It´s a fantastic place for shopping. Speaker 3 _______
D The local people have a great sense of humour. Speaker 4 ______
E It´s a very energetic and lively place. Speaker 5 ______
F The architecture is very impressive.
G There´s a wide choice of places to eat.
H The museums and galleries are fascinating.
LISTENING 1 Sharing Homes
1A 2B 3C 4C 5A 6A 7A
LISTENING 2 Living in New York
1C 2G 3B 4H 5D

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