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Adjectives order

This test comes from - the site to learn English (test n°42493)

Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together :

- My parents live in a nice new house

- A dirty old black cat is wandering the streets


Adjectives like nice and dirty are opinion adjectives.They tell us what you think about
somebody or something.

Opinion adjectives usually go before fact adjectives


Adjectives like new, old, black are fact adjectives. They give us factual information about,
age and colour.

Sometimes we use two or more fact adjectives. Very often, we put fact adjectives in this
order :

1 / SIZE : How big ? Large, small, tiny, enormous

2/ AGE : How old ? New, young, old, ancient

3/ SHAPE : What shape ? Square, round, rectangular, flat

4 / COLOUR : What colour ? Blue, pink, yellow, crimson

5 / ORIGIN : Where from ? English, American, Chinese,French

6 / MATERIAL: What it is made of ? Plastic, cardboard, glass, wooden

7 / PURPOSE : What it is used for ? Racing car, frying pan, rocking chair
Examples :

- An interesting (opinion ) old (2) book

- An ugly (opinion) pink (4 ) plastic (6) ornament

- A nice (opinion) small (1) African (5) drum

- A delicious (opinion) round (3) chocolate (6) cake

- A pair of smart( opinion) brown (4) leather (6) boots

- A beautiful (opinion) small (1) white (4) Chinese (5 ) computer

- A nice (opinion) big (1) old (2) square (3) white (4) French (5) china (6) plate *

* This last example comes from the BBC site, but we do not usually put more than three
adjectives together !

When there are two colour adjectives, we use and :

- A big green and yellow hat


1) At home there is a __________________ table in the dining room.

[ ]wooden beautiful square
[ ]beautiful wooden square
[ ]beautiful square wooden

2) I was offered __________________ ring by my husband.

[ ]an unusual gold
[ ]a gold unusual

3) My grandmother has knitted __________________ pullover for me.

[ ]a new nice woollen
[ ]a woollen new nice
[ ]a nice new woollen

4) I saw __________________ movie with friends at home.

[ ]an interesting old American
[ ]An American old interesting
[ ]An old American interesting

5) It may rain ! There are __________________ clouds floating in the air.

[ ]big black
[ ]black big

6) It was such __________________ day that we decided to go out for a walk.

[ ]a lovely sunny
[ ]a sunny lovely

7) My daughter has __________________ hair.

[ ]black long beautiful
[ ]long beautiful black
[ ]beautiful long black

8) Last week, I visited __________________ village in a remote place.

[ ]an old lovely little
[ ]a lovely little old
[ ]a little lovely old

9) The gallery exhibited mainly __________________ paintings.

[ ]old strange French
[ ]French old strange
[ ]strange old French

10) John was given __________________ kitten by his sister

[ ]an adorable little black
[ ]a black little adorable
[ ]a little black adorable

11) It started to rain so I opened __________________ umbrella

[ ]an enormous red and yellow
[ ]an enormous red yellow
[ ]a red and yellow enormous

12) I came into a __________________ house built in 1860

[ ]old picturesque
[ ]picturesque old

13) A __________________ was parked opposite my house.

[ ] shiny Italian new sports car
[ ] new Italian shiny sports car
[ ]shiny new Italian sports car

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