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SESI 2023/2024


No. Matric No. Student’s Name


a. Table of content
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : History of Boycott
History of Boycott Internationally
Boycott is collective and organized isolation applied in labour , economic , politicial
or social relations to protest practices that are considered unfair . The practice of
boycott was popularized by Charles Stewart Parnell during the Irish land unrest of
1880 to protest high rents and land evictions . The definition of boycott was created
after the Irish tenants adhered to a code of conduct proposed by Parnell and
effectively disaffected the British estate manager , Charles Cunningham Boycott . The
practice boycott most often carried out by labour organizations as a tactic to win
improved wages and working conditions and environment from management .
United State (U.S) law distinguishes between primary and secondary labour
boycotts , A primary boycott is the refusal of employees to purchase the goods or
services of their employers and a secondary boycott involves an attempt to induce
third parties to refuse to patronize the employer . In most U.S. states , primary
boycotts are legal if they do not involve physical violence , coercion or intimidation
but federal law prohibits secondary boycotts .

According Historian Liam `O Raghallaigh notes that Captain Boycott was an English
land agent for Lord Erne , the owner of 40,000 acres . He was responsible for
collecting rents from tenants and evicting those who couldn’t pay . This boycott
happened during the Ireland’s Land War of 1879-1882 .War is a misleading term for
this period of popular unrest , although it did often turn violent . It was a time of
economic crisis caught by four years of crop failures , the precariousness conditions
for the rural poor , and rising nationalism of the Home Rule Movement . In 1879 the
Irish National Land League was formed , campaigning for fair rents in its effort to
better conditions . They also interfered the fox hunts and shunned them because
they saw these nobles as agents of opression . Several incidents of rebellion occurred
which killed the landlords , their agents and bailiffs . Famine conditions in western
Ireland , combined with evictions high rents , as if the tenant was on a torture rack
meant tensions were running high , and boycott was unlikely to find friends in the
local populations .

A History of Boycott : Economic Nationalism in Russian Poland , 1880-1914

The Polish enjoyed a significant degree autonomy under the Russian imperial
regime . It launched an industrial development campaign , providing incentives for
the migrations of ethnic German textile entrepreneurs from Prussian , Silesian and
Bohemian lands . Lodz a village rich in natural resources ,was designed as a
government-sponsored factory settlement . It was created as a leader of cotton
textile production . Jews joined ethnic Germans as indutrialists in Lodz . The working
population was mainly Polish in large industrial plants and Jewish and German hand-
weavers in smaller workshops . The community will be divided according to class ,
the speaker stated that are more divided were the worked in terms of their
respective languages and religions . The financial and cultural influence of ethnic
Germans in Lodz troubled Moscow industrialists . They appealed to the Russian
Finance Ministry to take action against the Lodz’s foreign industrialists and warned
of german influence and argued that the city enjoyed better industrials conditions
and environment Russian center . the discussion at stake is the central question of
Russian modernization . Russia’s relationship with the West is a questions of Russian
national identity and the role of the Ministry of Finance in actively promoting the
interests of Russian industry .

Operating without a national state and the limitations imposed by Russification .

Polish patriots accepted positivistic notions of organic national growth that is social
cooperation and economic development . They viewed Jewish social integration as
intrinsic to this larger goal . When the first Polish-language newspaper was founded
in Lodz in the 1890s , it supported German integration into Polish cultural life .
Funded by the German industrialist elite and it celebrated the financial contribution
of German-speaking industrialists in Lodz to the greater Russian economy .
Contemporary events that took place in the divided territories of the German
empire’s directly affected ethnic relations in Russian Poland . Polish nationalists
protested opressive German policy against the Polish populations and the issue of
Polish-language education became a major forum for activism . In the Russian
empire , the regime was forced to allow the use of Polish as the language of
instruction in schools after protests during the Revolution of 1905-1907 . Soon after ,
it extended the same national primary education rights to ethnic Germans .

Meanwhile , events in the German empire again had directly impacted on ethnic
relations in Russian Poland and Lodz . In response to German’s anti-Polish policies ,
Polish nationalists announced an economic boycott of German goods . The
discussion of Polish-German relations could not ignore the question of Jewish
national identity which ultimately created the politicial and cultural divisions
between the three groups that existed during World War II . In 1912 , Polish
nationalist leaders in Warsaw declared an economic boycott of Jews and ended
hopes for Jewish social integration .

History of Boycott Locally

Human rights violations are being committed by certain Malaysian airlines. The
influence and strength of airline labor unions is declining. The employer of re-
unionized airline employees is threatening to fire them. We wish more people were
aware of the true situation these airline employees are in—that is, their terror of the
management. They have endured harassment and threats nonstop. We want labor
organizations and travelers to be aware of the ongoing issue of airlines engaging in
union busting. In the last two years, 6,000 airline employees lost their jobs. A
number of Union officials received threats and firings. Malindo Airlines recently let
go of thirty airline crew members in a 24-hour period for no apparent cause. They
have grown incredibly repressive as they keep breaking the law and fundamental
human rights. We hope that this anti-airline campaign. We are hoping that by taking
this sort of action against airlines that have a history of bullying airline employees,
travelers will become very aware of the issue. We wish to put an end to these
airlines' ongoing bullying.
As far as you are aware, airline employees are just going about their business
professionally. They frequently prioritize their life over others'. When something
goes wrong during a flight, you can only rely on them. Since they are the only safety
officers on every aircraft you take, you are dependent upon them. The terrible issue
is that the airlines still underpay their employees while ignoring their concerns and
bullying them. As a result, unions are their only line of defense, yet airlines are
spending big money to dismantle unions. They want complete autonomy over crew
matters; they do not want Unions to assist or get involved. Female crew members
are often forced to work late shifts and are exploited for doing men's tasks. The
unions are still putting pressure on airlines to stop paying low wages and to give its
workers greater insurance and benefits. The unions demand that these workers have
greater protection. The only airline that exclusively employs female cabin crew
members is Malindo Air. The Union has always encouraged the hiring of male crew
members for safety concerns. Recently, as a result of persistent pressure from NGOs
and unions, the airline hired male cabin workers.

However, the airline let go of every single male cabin crew member in a matter of
weeks, all on a single day. The airline asserted that the male crew members were no
longer required for their fleet. Currently, thirty or more of these crew members are
unemployed. They are supported by their families and have nowhere to go. Although
the number may be tiny, thousands of airline crew members have endured years of
unrelenting bullying and nightmares due to relentless pressure and termination.

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