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CASE INFORMATION FORMAT — | asitct Plucerlea PLEASE TICK = S80 | Puy iP E/PETITIONER /COMPLAINANT /APPELLANT / DECREE HOLDER ETC. SE-FILL UM ALL THE RELEVANT FIELDS & (*) FIELDS ARE MANDATORY) ‘Name of Psi / conptinmae | SAN SAY SINGH : <8). Wro, o/o - | SoREnpE @ Simo nets 2 553 /k meme Re Nv Delle 4. | Aadhar Card No. = [Pincode | | SSGender -Snalia Date of Birth Ss } 0442S 30: 4 | *Aet / Section 168 Wi Dd | | | Court Fee ascertaine: | 5 6. 8. +Mobile No./*E- 8. Valuation of Sut #0 Court Fee 31. sPolice Station *FALR. No. & Year S.No DEFENDANT /ACCUSED / RESPONDENT / JUDGEMENT DEBTOR ETC. _ PLEASE FILL UP THE RELEVANT FIELDS. 1 | tame of Bote | Etirth “square “Daclepern Fale faccus “S/o, W/o, ofe | 3. | Address IVS, Php Dell | uk Shoo i Taam ofAdvocse | » | Sha hon wa] wal Bar Regn. No. | = ne, Dit be 466/207 | fa 10 ve VEL SALCCUIC Blor{G, Se, (eat | we -taoole No /E wall EBC adh ii @ tik submitted by » ACI ws tate (Plaintiti/Petitloner/Defendant/Accused/Others/Agvozdte) Page..1/2 Cranned hy CamCeanner EXTRA PARTY INFORMATION 1. | *Name of Extra Party | MOHD: stam ; BM bey NDM INSP Neel 4. | Aadhar Cord No, 5. 6. 1. "Name of Extra Party | 2. | *S/0, W/o, O/o 3. | *address | | Aadhar Card No. SGendar | 5. | Date of Birth/ *Age age | Nationality "| *Mobile No. / *E-mail E-MAIL IN CAPITAL LETTERS | ”| *Name of Extra Party | /*S/0, W/o, D/o, 3. | ‘Address | ~TAadhar Card No. | “Gender | Nationality | || Radhar Card No pate of Birth /*Age | Date of th t= ~ | SMobile No. / “E-mail INTHE COURT OF METROPOLITAN MAGISTRATE. DWARKA DISTRICT COURTS COMPLEX, NEW DELHI Case no.: /2022 IN THE MATTER OF: SANJAY SINGH VERSUS EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. Complainant Respondent No. 1 Respondent No. 2 U2 Vakalatnama MOHD. ASLAM INDEX Sr.No. | Particulars Page No. 1. ‘Memo of the Parties 4 2. The application under section 138 of negotiable | 544 instrument act along with affidavit 3. ‘Annexures A 12-2) 4. ‘Annexure B 22-27 5. | Annexure C and C(1) 23-32. 6. ‘Annexure D_Qlenqui Sion 65-B QTE Ae - - ©) INTHE CouRT oF eho Megat, Diuerl4.., DISTRICT COURTS COMPLEX, NHW DELHI Case No. _/2022 IN THE MATTER OF: SANJAY SINGH Complainant VERSUS EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. Respondent No. 1 MOHD. ASLAM. Respondent No. 2 MEMO OF PARTIES: COMPLAINANT 1. SANJAY SINGH Rio 2-55 3/U Nongal Rewer: Naw DWN versus 1. EARTH SQUARE PVT. LTD. REGISTERED OFFICE AT: 301, 3" FLOOR NDMIB, NETAJI SUBHASH PALACE, PITAMPURA, NEW DELBI-110034 RESPONDENT NO. 1 MOHD. ASLAM DIRECTOR OF EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. OFFICE AT: 301,,3™ FLOOR NDM,IB, NETAJI SUBHASH PALACE , PITAMPURA, NEW DELHI-110034 2, ‘RESPONDENT NO.2 @) INTHE CouRTOF Me ke Dutin\’a, “=, DISTRICT COURTS COMPLEX, NEW DELHI Caseno. /2022 IN THE MATTER OF: SANJAY SINGH Complainant VERSUS EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. Respondent No. 1 MOHD. ASLAM Respondent No. 2 APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 138 AND 142 OF THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT ACT 1. The Complainant is a citizen of India residing at and on the other part the Respondent is a director of the company Earth Square Developers Pvt. Ltd. Having a registered office at 20), 3*¢!-ttoov NOM 1B swelogt Subwean Palode \Prtonpurd Mew elle ~ \\oo024. 2. That the Complainant came into an Agreement with the Respondent on a Non-Judicial Paper to sell the 3 plots of Earth Square Developer project Phase IIIA a t Sohana,Gurugram Haryana w a a Q) Plot No. 3A-A17, (15 ft. x 36 ft.) Plot No. 3A - El, (19 ft. x 36 ft.) Plot No. 3A — B1, (25 ft. x 36 ft.) . In toto 236 Sq. yd. at Project Earth Square Phase IIIA (hereinafter referred as said Land) for the amount of Rs/- 16,60,000 (Ruy Fi Lakhs Seventy Thousand Only). pT . That in furtherance to purchase and execution of the Agreement on his wife’s name, Complainant paid the 30% amount Rs. 4,98,000/- as an advance payment for all three plots mentioned in the agreement through cheque 001278 DTD and 802646 vide dated(Rupees Four —_ Lakhs Ninety-Eight Thousand Rupees Only) which was also acknowledged by you the Noticee vide Receipt No. 3059. Attaching the copy of Agreement and receipt along with this application as Annexure A That thereafter the Complainant forced the Respondent No. 2 for the Registry of the said land despite making contractual promises & obligations, but Respondent No. 2 have drastically failed to stand over your own commitments and defaulted the delivery of possession to Complainant. That on 1*October, 2021 after making so many efforts and repeated requests by the Complainant to Respondent No. 2. Respondent No. 2 visited New Tehsil along with the Complainant’s wife for the Registry of the said land, and there also you raised a demand for the cash of 1,16,000/- and for that Complainant paid Rs/- 1,16,000 in Cash (Rupees One Lakh Seventeen Thousand Only). |. That Complainant being an innocent Buyer believed that the registry process has been duly completed and the papers will be handover to him soon. but after that Complainant tried to contact Respondent No. 2 multiple times but Respondent No. 2 start avoiding my calls and stop attending the calls of Complainant | That Further Complainant calls, and visited Respondent No. 2 office “no” No. of times for the recovery of the amount paid Rs. 6,14,000/- till that date as the Respondents fails to provide the possession of the property and as per the Agreement Respondent No. 2 agreed that if any discrepancies were found related to said land, then Respondent No. 2 is responsible for the same. ; 9. That after so many visits to Res] agreed to pay the hard-core mor pondents office the Respondent No. 2 back and Complainant being an ioney and life savings of Complainant innocent buyer believed in you. 10.That the Respondent No. 2 dra t . 2 draw three cheques of ICI Malibu Towne Sector 50 mentioned below: Hes OR ICICL Bank Branch 1, Cheque No. “000181 of Rs/- 2,00,000, 2. Cheque No. “000178” of Rs/- 2,14,000, 3. Cheque No. “000182” of Rs/- 2,00,000. 11.However, the Complainant deposited the cheques on the mentioned date. but with utter shock, all three cheques were returned unpaid from the bank. On 8" July 2022, as per banker of our client i.e. ICICI BANK, Jhandewalan Extension the reason cited was “insufficient balance”. aHachina Ha leopy Y Rebus mewe hurdle au AnrrexueB 12. That my Complainant visited the office of Respondent No. 2 from last so many months but your office is always vacant. The Complainant also tried to connect with Respondent No. 2 on phone but thereafter you stopped entertaining my client and despite several reminders, you did not pay my client any returns as promised under the Agreement. Which clearly shows the intention of the Respondents 13.That a legal notice was also served on 21/07/2022 for settlement of payment but due to the lock of office premises the legal notice was returned attaching the legal notice herewith as Annexure e 14.That on 03/08/2022 again a legal notice was sent to respondent for settlement of payment but then also the legal notice was returned due to the same reason lock of the office premises from long time attaching the copy of legal notice herewith as Annexure C(!) 15.That on 1.Aug.2022 legal notice was served through WhatsApp and email to the respondent and was received on the same day copy of the screenshot of WhatsApp is attached herewith as Annexure D 16.That the accused have failed to make payment against the said cee which has been done by them malafidely, intentionally and deliberately g and knowingly. That at the time of issuing the said cheques the accused were fully aware that the said cheques will not be honored on Presentation. Therefore, the accused has dishonestly induced the complainant to advance a sum of 6,14,00/- (Rupees SIX LACKS FOURTEEN THOUSAND ONLY) fully knowing that he cannot repay the said amount to the complainant. 17.That the accused is guilty offence under Section 138, Negotiable Instruments Act and is also liable to be prosecuted under Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code. 18.That in view of the facts and circumstances, the complainant has a cause of action and right to file the present complaint. The cause of actions has arisen in favour of the complainant when, on the expiry of the notice period, the Accused has not come forward to pay the amount relating to the dishonored cheques. The cause of action is still subsisting and continuing in nature. 19.That the cause of action has arisen as the cheques was issued and same was also dishonored at 8™ JULY 2022. Therefore, this Hon'ble Court has jurisdiction to try and adjudicate upon the present complaint. amd Dawe aciowt i Covmpledae ab ag Jomak purt - 20.That the complaint is well within the limitation period prescribed under the Act: 5 i. Date of dishonor ghoul yr? ii. Date of notice yt Rud LOrL iii, Date of complaint 24% Avgut 20? 2 21. That a list of documents is annexed with this complaint. PRAYER It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to: a. Summon, prosecute and punish the Accused and also direct the accused to pay the amount as double to the amount covered under the said dishonoured cheques, under the provisions of Section 138 read with Section 142 of the Negotiable Instruments Act,1881 as amended by the Negotiable Instrument laws (Amended and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2002. In accordance with Section 357 of Code of Criminal Procedure 1974, out of the penalty imposed, the Accused be ordered to compensate the Complainant to the extent of Rs.12,28,000 /- (Rupees Twelve Lakh and twenty ight thousand Only) and Order in favor of Complainant to order interim Compensation under section 143A of 20% of the cheque amount i.e. 1,22,800/- s c. Such other and further orders may be passed as may be deemed fit and proper by this Hon'ble Court. It is prayed accordingly. VERIFICATION Verified at New Delhi on this 24" of Nugunt 202 that the contents of the application are true and best of my knowledge and belief and nothing can be concealed therefrom. Anmxwue A (12) an Regd. No. U70100HR2020PTCO85S697 EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPERS PVT. LTD. © EarthSqaure 301 3rd Floor NDM-1 Netaji Subhash place Pitampura Delhi 110034 oF Se PeECe ERS Bhan? 011-40648804 Email Id: RECEIPT Name Priyanka rajawat RecelptNo 3059 Father/Husband/Soni sanjay singh Receipt Date 24-March-2021 Daughter Project/Phase EarthSquare Phase IIIA, Phone 8082780718 Plot No 3A-A17,3A-£1,3A-B1 Address. new vijay vingr colony kashi pur. moror gird gwallor murar madhy Plot Size 236 Sq Yard pardesh-474006 Dimension 15.0X36.0,36.0X19.0,36.0X25.0, Rate/Sq Yard 6500,7000,7500, Payment Type Booking Total Plot Val 1660000 We have received498,000.00 Rs/- as Cheque with regards with following payment details Amount 498,000.00 Mode of Payment ‘Cheque Bank Name ICICI Bank AND SBI Ch/DD/TransNo 001278 DTD 25-03-2021 AND 80264€ Amour Words Four Lakh Nir Thousand a Choque area rslaton, eng ou For Kanth Square Devel a PrELtd- Note: Token strictly valid for 7 days Excw\ Roary Sw (OOS r~ Authorg fra a wat ; st a ‘S 1 ste ger ger aftr ga 20% F YN’ yo? | we ‘ 2. wale Gar & afer ue awa ag A et! ey 3. aorercitar feufa 4 cate gart Paca daa cea Fy arta & 30 Rat a Sex Of fee oT waar 6 ae a aS UR aT 40 Tee UAT area ae Cane 60 a ae apa Pen sear We cole one & apt ar of era farce & am wag af cate Garr & fre anne vert A ay atts ehhh Bre ag ga as aE ait 6. Bara oy fare a apr a HEY Wy 250 viata Ar Gael Veh eraf rar srarex aft & feufer H 2500 Sr cared Sit eri em are SAT BRAT a, Hee MT wT eT Peet aft Re wali a apart Seer apaett Br apt Brett 9. Comer & vale 0 Cale gant ar Ye a 10% afeea a err 10. - Haft PBaftorar Suet & ore afta WEA 11, Bef faaret ar afters err Nuh eftaren 4 fea sre » ps ¢ H 922947 <=" HARYANA har au I aera seem ga at atenre oat frat ae fren qe are facet (meme =o ha 6758 7721) @ & wi f% 4 wf} EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS PVT.LTD. JENN. AAFCE8593G} OFFICE ADDRESS -301, 3° FLOOR,NDM-1B, NETAJI HASH PLACE PITAMPURA NEW DELHI -110034 @1 ade Sacer & wi fe EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS PVT.LTD ainsi ug Gace /erario 91/91 yéio 26 @rerio 216-0) yor 48 ster 16-15) Weal 14 Sa 15 AKC ST 1/295 AM TSX WHA 1 Sac 14 Ae T Bac /aario 94/94 Yorio 30 10 5/2/3 (0-3) 1 5/16 AM THR Wa O SNA 1 We Ha Wa vis Pi 1 Gare 15 aKa AS WaT O Gare 2 Ae § TRAE Aanlaw Aer 76 of TT i Co wrfact & | waRtect af EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS PVT.LTD a —3a% feat @ | orf vat S aE we FE-1 | war yh a UT 19 YE WT 36 Es pad aft 3 oF a ae 20 Ge oT eT am wT EN 2 a ORaT A ak ay ont gg 8 DER SM aR 20 GE Sr WET a Ta Ba es ar een a ware 4 A-17 ort 8 1 4 aR wd eaee wan ah a fao-orh oF ohteert cere 4 @ fey vias eM | Gar BF wt ace setae BF Sa Gh Pafea oer or argh ee aera @ 1 af oy Peet 7, iy Wor wr ag an wel ' For Earth square developers a i Director i ya erie aft a gafa wet a aE argh wore we sorta WA or ana B wed gouern dat ao ee Rear haa Taree — TeHfeeat SRIGE SRRTARGTA— GT only Pe ara wafer B wre ae far gar 81 Ra a we fart at yer or ag da aftad wa 21 oles ai wR fee voR a ag URE FH TEM S ode VT | Galery whe ane Sot S HA eT | aT ae Soe er aa ae fara witht Yasar g ase fereaar fee 2 fe SATTT RE WIT FE AMR 05-04-2021 wo gowect — wo seen ak t SPRECX EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS I PVT.LTD For Ea fopers pvtitd Director wood /dar — safe faer wera wie yo 4.71,000/-3e wre YoeRR FoR wa wae we TIT Seit/SaT a Vas TAT Vat SRE OT BRS ye welte feraar oF fH waT WIT faf®r 05-04-2021 wo we wreath seer adie we wrataex EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS PVT.LTD INN. AAFCE8593G} OFFICE ADDRESS -301, 38 FLOOR,NDM-1B, NETAJI SUBHASH PLACE PITAMPURA NEW DELHI -110034 a1 ace TRRR.E ot fe ‘a EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS PVT.LTD arent we ae / ara 91/91 fc 26 rerio 21(6-0) yor 40 aerrio (6-18) Loa 14 wae 18 TREY ar 34Y/ 205 AIT ware Loa 1 Dae 14 WUT T Gae/AIPIO of /04 Br 30 Siero §/2/3 0-8) & 5/16 arr aeRe war o war 1 HET BM WaT tS aft 1 are 15 weer 8G cou o wae 3 HROT 3 GME GRE ter me wer fer set arer shor arer eso AR Aen we fom TH we Y eaR va @ | wage aff EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS PVT.LTD Gu —3a8 fterr 8 1 waft vert @ agen wre HB-12 | Sar at or Ugo see TOT 36 YE e 1 beer aft 8 of @ ade core 4 B-Z ame BE oar AA Stk aoe aT eT am AYA Ba ST GAR SH she 0GE Gr WT TIT Ea gz ei Per wt six 4 A-22 ert 21 4 ache wl SRaex war APF 8 feaeh-oet aT ater Shee 8 8 fre We OT ow GR wh OMter a ono Phiea oe a orEh eo seTINIG & | BA ue fot wo wr ag aR wee | a For Earth square developers pvt. a i Director o- » {8 ee a SD ok goes eet 8 aif argh we wt #1 onder oP wr am a 5 7 —en fear wlacen dare — Aefbat CRAY PETAR GT ants fret ara waft S ener at far Bar 8) SHIT APL eh A ooR wr aE da afar TH 8) Sater GPW PA HOR aH Oe ee 7 ata ah a8 8) of ora we oR a Ue or ST aTaEIETT EMS ORT oa AY wer fit o Rew ge Va Q dea a ak eater H we a wma a oo Gael 3 aReT 3 URE yee shor 100 wf wo wT eal ar faerRAT YO 7.00,000/—aet ora wet A Sel Aor Yona yet worm Ris rare —faorr few welts awreger sts carfeere eH th 474008 (arene io 7042 9243 1746 ) & wre gown wher sa fer} | cer AY ack wal oreaex Ht we B SA/ Sat B Fo 2,10,000/—<1 aE TH Ta wa adh OR qr Gas waed ved A a ore ae fed 2 atk cord wa 3 490000-aR we 7a su WA at aed eet MT oI POT! fore aeraver a afte FAR 25-06-2021 wer org & | ale Prev FA wr Aer arr Ure rar & at eee aaa & fore arrer orl eas anor Be Ta B1 af & wt ertaer Pram Ar ae Set /Sor S ar VRC TTA GAT A TE Bad wt /awr ct Sh /sar st snare Uhr fH Fe serara A aa STeHT weet eRe waar ae ada ste Wit Ea a A wt creaee Se [eas aan arent et o ad va ah S oh tae wai aie ate och fon Prat Rr aw WORST wea aA Sel at Sar /SeHt aT ar Ta GR TIT vet arr order atx ver we SPwa at ord) Set vet Saree ge fou dete & ade wet | ag doen oht/sar d wad A veo aie Feat et att aR ore weet | fet were wr Rare sereT UM a BRT A earaTera aofFroe ze an Lad Sasa SH Vo GP OT ats wy fAIaa wear we Ra ze Lodt 7a AA GOTTA SAT APL BY eaeTEL BE, TTA FRA oT ara Sa, weer oe wet ao Rt wor BH aE TH ot a at freer ga a oF st we GoR T VaR AT eh Lae untod Bf a ext var at alg ale ug WE ar ged wed for ug ag a Shor > Gat A wa fos Teh ot A we aug ott /So SoH acre ws a ad ws aS oA aR VET! Se ae EN A RTA AT AHH AT re aT Ba RE TA wee FST aa Tig VaR T YoIG AT BIT | For Earth square developers pvtltd Director ss =~ |\% BR eatin we AE at ot or a wer ar ot oa fe A wh aoa SAG WT] Ay AY art ga Tete S oe wt | Sch A 9G ar gH oT anh the we veat Pde wy fare | A oe S TRA 8 dete S orig we | weferg Ger oft Seto foey ete | aT — Ue eee Uier wa wea Rava wlda YA-geor T wre fererar fear 8 TOT RE RIFT BAHAR 05-04-2021 eo gowwal — who srmem adie wl sataex EARTH SQUARE DEVELOPRS PVT.LTD For Earth square devel fitd wos /Sar — fale ftrrer waraa —Pector weta yp 2,10.000/—a are 11.That my client visited your office from last so matiy months but your office s alway 8 vacant. He also tried to connect with you the Noticee on phone but there after you stopped entertaining my client and despite several remit i 0 . inders client any returns as promised under the Agreement. aera 2 your ction from Past several months are evident of your fraudulent, malafide. and unscrupulous intentions and you are deliberately avoiding my client all of which are against the legal system of our nation. 13.That this is an admitted debt and is supported by a legal agreement whereby you have admitted taking Rs 6,14,000/- of my client hard earned money and have further declared the date when you would return the said amount. 14.That we, therefore, demand you to pay my client, no later than fifteen days from the date of receipt of this legal notice, a sum of Rs.6,14,000 (Rupees Six Lakhs Fourteen Thousand Qnly) with interest of 12% p.2. 15.Please be advised that failure on your part to adhere to above-mentioned demand will force my client to initiate appropriate Proceedings against you, under Criminal and civil Provision of Law, solely at your cost and risk, 16. I have strict instructions from my client to file an appropriate Legal Case against you in such events. This would include invoking provisions under the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 especially section 138 of the same Act, as well as other provisions under the Indian Penal Code and Indian Contract Act,1872 along with related legislation solely at your cost and risk We are looking forward toa favorable response in this matter. Copy retained Regards Lup ror Demand De(ePe° ood \y v Partner Demand Defence LLP ee LAITIOQKIAKTAT we, on yo Nery \e \ ankestn D) Fe Berea ater af /Retimed [Be or Portage Oe wee te san C4 Deane oan Me ve Sere fom “Otel 2 — go Bue xg Pet 10585 Rae 'Ffom the Retured Litto, Ofc at New Deh-110055 a ————_—_[_ LUtIICI8 be Rea, apag arenes ternal eo” X @ Messages and calls are Cee Ras he NOR RRR Un Cale PCa nuke er ol ue DEMAND, DEFENCE Advocates Tegal Advisors B anjay singh legal notice.pdf EPROM Men eae e cme etn format PEON OkCaIe eee amounting 6,14,000/- which you issued to Mr.Sanjay singh for sale (elie CH A) Earth Square Developers Phase 3A Please acknowledge the same we request you to reply within 15 days Demand Defence | a bing wn EG, qu SAB ity caosseezeecy rey TARE US ySeu)5 Za ee O8( S85) OF Tp 230 / SeOgp 23 Ve S25) SASI3] IN, OS 484 Tyemseveg “peggrtayry : J 'av Se THe yytoy LEACT 22RC/LB/TE'TtON sagunog CIOOBTT? 08 SRHIA NOMYIN go add SSH3749 441 NIGER T8S803

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