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A Micro Project Report On

Prepare A Chart Showing Causes Of Road Accidents.

Semester 5-I


S.M.D.R. Government Polytechnic, Dhule

Under The Guidance Of


Shikshan Maharshi Dadasaheb Rawal

Government Polytechnic, Dhule.


This is certify that Roll No: 255. 5th semester of Diploma in Civil Engineering
of institute S.M.D.R Government Polytechnic, Dhule (0017) has completed the
Micro Project satisfactorily in the Subject Traffic Engineering (22507) for the
Academic Year 2023-2024 as prescribed in the curriculum.


DATE: / /2023 EXAM SEAT NO: ………………..



Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

( Academic Year:- 2023-24)

Semester:- 5CEI


Course Code:- 22507
Name Of Faculty:- Prof. A.A.ANSARI
Title Of the Project:- Prepare A Chart Showing Causes Of Road Accidents.

Roll Student Names Exam Enrollment No Mark Out Of 06 for Mark out of 04 for Total
Seat No Performance In group performance
No. out of
Activity in oral/presentation

355 Bachhav Dhiraj 2200170321


Name & Sign of Faculty


Report on Causes of Road Accidents
Road accidents are a major concern for public safety and infrastructure maintenance. Civil engineers
play a vital role in designing and maintaining road networks to ensure the safety of all road users.
Understanding the causes of road accidents is crucial for engineers to implement effective preventive
measures. This report explores the primary causes of road accidents and presents a chart
summarizing these causes.

Causes of Road Accidents

. Human Factors
a. Distracted Driving

• Use of mobile phones

• Eating and drinking while driving
• Conversations with passengers
• In-vehicle entertainment systems

b. Speeding

• Excessive speed reduces reaction time

• Increases the severity of accidents

c. Impaired Driving

• Alcohol and drug impairment

• Fatigue
• Prescription medications

d. Reckless Driving

• Aggressive behavior
• Overtaking without caution
• Running red lights and stop signs

2. Environmental Factors
a. Weather Conditions

• Rain, snow, ice

• Reduced visibility
• Slippery road surfaces

b. Road Conditions

• Poorly maintained roads

• Potholes and cracks
• Lack of proper signage

3. Vehicle-Related Factors
a. Mechanical Failures

• Brake failures
• Tire blowouts
• Engine malfunctions

b. Lack of Maintenance

• Worn-out brakes and tires

• Inadequate lighting

c. Vehicle Overload

• Exceeding weight limits

• Affects braking and stability

4. Infrastructure Issues
a. Inadequate Road Design

• Poorly designed intersections

• Lack of proper turning lanes
• Insufficient road width

b. Absence of Safety Features

• No guardrails
• Insufficient lighting
• Lack of pedestrian crossings

• Chart: Causes of Road Accidents
• The chart above visually represents the causes of road accidents. It is evident that human
factors such as distracted driving, speeding, impaired driving, and reckless driving contribute
significantly to accidents. Environmental factors, including adverse weather and road
conditions, also play a crucial role. Vehicle-related factors and infrastructure issues are
important contributors as well.

• detailed information on each of the causes of road accidents mentioned in the report:

• 1. Human Factors
• a. Distracted Driving
• Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents. It involves any activity that diverts
attention from driving. Common distractions include texting, using a smartphone, eating,
drinking, and engaging in conversations with passengers. In-vehicle entertainment systems
can also contribute to distractions.

• b. Speeding
• Excessive speed reduces a driver's reaction time and increases the severity of accidents.
Speed limits are established to maximize safety, and exceeding them significantly raises the
risk of accidents.

• c. Impaired Driving
• Impaired driving is often linked to accidents. It can result from alcohol and drug impairment,
fatigue, or the use of prescription medications that affect a driver's ability to operate a vehicle

• d. Reckless Driving
• Reckless driving involves aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, weaving in and out of
traffic, overtaking without caution, and ignoring traffic signals like red lights and stop signs.
These actions significantly increase the likelihood of accidents.

• 2. Environmental Factors
• a. Weather Conditions
• Weather-related accidents are more common in adverse conditions, including rain, snow, and
ice. These conditions reduce visibility and create slippery road surfaces, making it
challenging for drivers to maintain control.

• b. Road Conditions
• Poorly maintained roads with potholes, cracks, and inadequate signage contribute to
accidents. Drivers may lose control when roads are in disrepair, and insufficient signage can
lead to confusion and dangerous situations.

• 3. Vehicle-Related Factors
• a. Mechanical Failures
• Mechanical failures, such as brake failures, tire blowouts, and engine malfunctions, can lead
to accidents. Regular vehicle maintenance is essential to prevent these issues.

• b. Lack of Maintenance
• Failure to maintain a vehicle properly, including worn-out brakes and tires or inadequate
lighting, can increase the risk of accidents. Basic maintenance checks can help identify and
rectify these issues.

• Exceeding a vehicle's weight limits affects braking, stability, and overall control. Overloaded
vehicles are more challenging to maneuver and can lead to accidents, especially when
stopping distances are extended.

• 4. Infrastructure Issues
• a. Inadequate Road Design
• Poorly designed roads can contribute to accidents. This includes poorly planned
intersections, lack of proper turning lanes, and roads that are too narrow to accommodate
traffic safely.

• b. Absence of Safety Features

• Lack of safety features, such as guardrails, proper lighting, and pedestrian crossings, can
create hazardous conditions on the road. These features are essential for the safety of both
drivers and pedestrians.

• By addressing these specific factors and considering them in the planning, design, and
maintenance of road systems, civil engineers can play a critical role in reducing the
occurrence and severity of road accidents. Additionally, public awareness campaigns and
strict enforcement of traffic laws are essential components of road safety initiatives.
• causes of road accidents and provide more comprehensive information:

• 1. Human Factors
• a. Distracted Driving
• Distracted driving is a multifaceted problem. It includes activities like texting, browsing the
internet, adjusting the radio, eating, and talking to passengers. These distractions divert a
driver's attention from the road and increase the risk of accidents. Texting while driving, in
particular, is a significant concern, as it combines visual, manual, and cognitive distractions

• b. Speeding
• Speeding is a major contributor to accidents for several reasons. First, higher speeds reduce a
driver's reaction time. Second, it increases the distance needed to stop a vehicle. Finally,
collisions at higher speeds result in more severe injuries and greater damage.

• c. Impaired Driving
• Impaired driving is often associated with alcohol and illicit drugs, but it also includes
prescription medications that can affect a driver's cognitive and motor skills. Fatigue is
another form of impairment that significantly increases the risk of accidents, as tired drivers
may have slower reaction times and impaired judgment.

• d. Reckless Driving
• Reckless driving encompasses a range of dangerous behaviors, including tailgating,
aggressive lane changes, and running red lights. Such actions disregard traffic laws and
increase the likelihood of accidents, especially in congested urban areas.

• 2. Environmental Factors
• a. Weather Conditions
• Weather-related accidents are more common in adverse conditions. Rain, snow, and ice
reduce tire traction and visibility. This can lead to skidding, hydroplaning, and difficulty
stopping, all of which contribute to accidents.

• b. Road Conditions
• Poorly maintained roads are a significant concern. Potholes, cracks, and uneven surfaces can
cause loss of control and accidents. Insufficient road signage and faded road markings can
also lead to confusion and dangerous situations, especially in unfamiliar areas.

• 3. Vehicle-Related Factors
• a. Mechanical Failures
• Mechanical failures, such as brake or tire failures, can result from poor maintenance or
manufacturing defects. Brake failures can prevent a driver from stopping in time, while tire
blowouts can lead to loss of control.

• b. Lack of Maintenance
• Proper vehicle maintenance is crucial for road safety. Worn-out brakes and tires reduce a
vehicle's ability to stop quickly, and inadequate lighting can make it difficult for other drivers
to see the vehicle, especially at night.

• c. Vehicle Overload
• Overloading a vehicle can affect its stability, steering, and braking performance. An
overloaded vehicle is more likely to tip over or skid, increasing the risk of accidents,
especially on curves or steep slopes.

• 4. Infrastructure Issues
• a. Inadequate Road Design
• Poor road design can contribute to accidents. For instance, poorly planned intersections
without clear signage and traffic control measures can result in confusion and collisions.
Narrow roads may not accommodate traffic safely, especially when vehicles are trying to
pass each other.

• b. Absence of Safety Features

• Lack of safety features like guardrails, proper lighting, and pedestrian crossings can create
hazardous conditions. Guardrails are essential to prevent vehicles from leaving the road and
provide protection in case of accidents. Adequate lighting is crucial for visibility, especially
in areas with high pedestrian traffic.

• By understanding the intricate details of these factors, civil engineers can design and
maintain roads that mitigate these risks. Additionally, public education campaigns and law
enforcement efforts are essential to discourage dangerous behaviors and enforce traffic
regulations, ultimately reducing the incidence of road accidents and enhancing overall road

Strategies to Reduce Road Accidents
1. Public Awareness Campaigns
• Increase public awareness of the dangers of distracted driving, speeding, and impaired
• Promote responsible and defensive driving behaviors through multimedia campaigns and
school programs.

2. Stricter Law Enforcement

• Implement stricter enforcement of traffic laws with a focus on speeding, impaired driving,
and reckless behavior.
• Use technology such as traffic cameras for better monitoring and enforcement.

3. Improved Road Design and Maintenance

• Invest in road infrastructure development and maintenance to address inadequate road design
and poor road conditions.
• Prioritize repairs of potholes and cracks, and enhance road signage and markings.

4. Vehicle Safety Regulations

• Strengthen vehicle safety regulations to reduce mechanical failures and lack of maintenance.
• Promote regular vehicle maintenance through awareness campaigns and incentives.

5. Weather-Responsive Driving Education

• Educate drivers on safe driving practices during adverse weather conditions.
• Develop weather-responsive road maintenance strategies to prevent accidents during
inclement weather.

6. Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety

• Create safer pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure, including dedicated lanes and crosswalks.
• Educate drivers on sharing the road responsibly with pedestrians and cyclists.

7. Community Involvement
• Encourage community involvement in road safety initiatives, including neighborhood watch
• Foster partnerships between local government, law enforcement, and community

8. Technological Solutions
• Implement advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in vehicles to mitigate accidents
caused by human error.
• Develop smart traffic management systems to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow.
Reduce Road Accidents

1. Education and Awareness:

• Driver Education: Implement comprehensive driver education programs that
emphasize safe driving practices, defensive driving, and the dangers of distracted
driving, speeding, and impaired driving.
• Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch ongoing public awareness campaigns
through various media channels to educate the general population about road safety
and responsible driving.
2. Enforcement:
• Strict Law Enforcement: Enforce traffic laws rigorously, particularly those related
to speeding, impaired driving, reckless driving, and seatbelt use. Use technology like
traffic cameras to monitor and deter violations.
• Penalties: Impose substantial fines and penalties for traffic violations to discourage
dangerous behavior on the road.
3. Infrastructure Improvements:
• Road Design: Continuously improve road design to minimize hazards, including
well-planned intersections, clear signage, and proper lighting.
• Maintenance: Regularly maintain roads and bridges to address issues like potholes,
cracks, and other defects.
• Safety Features: Install safety features such as guardrails, rumble strips, and
pedestrian crosswalks at appropriate locations.
4. Vehicle Safety:
• Regulations: Enforce and strengthen vehicle safety regulations to reduce mechanical
failures. Regularly inspect vehicles to ensure they are roadworthy.
• Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): Promote the adoption of ADAS
technology in vehicles to assist drivers and prevent accidents.
5. Weather Preparedness:
• Weather Education: Educate drivers on how to drive safely in adverse weather
conditions, such as rain, snow, ice, and fog.
• Weather-Responsive Road Maintenance: Develop weather-responsive road
maintenance strategies to prevent accidents during inclement weather.
6. Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety:
• Infrastructure: Create dedicated lanes and crosswalks for pedestrians and cyclists.
Install safety features like speed bumps and traffic-calming measures in areas with
high pedestrian and cyclist traffic.
• Education: Educate both drivers and pedestrians about their responsibilities and safe
interactions on the road.
7. Community Involvement:
• Community Programs: Encourage community involvement in road safety
initiatives. Establish neighborhood watch programs and involve local communities in
road safety planning.
8. Technological Solutions:
• Traffic Management Systems: Implement smart traffic management systems that
optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and minimize the likelihood of accidents.
• Connected Vehicles: Promote the development and use of connected vehicle
technology to improve communication between vehicles and infrastructure.
9. Research and Data Analysis:

• Data Collection: Collect and analyze data on road accidents to identify trends,
hotspots, and emerging issues.
• Research: Invest in research to develop innovative solutions for road safety,
including new technologies and materials for safer road infrastructure.
10. Collaboration:
• Multi-Agency Collaboration: Foster collaboration between government agencies,
law enforcement, civil engineers, healthcare professionals, and community
organizations to tackle road safety comprehensively.
Chart Showing Causes Of Road Accidents causes of road

Causes of Road Accidents Description Consequences

Inattention due to mobile phones, Reduced reaction time, higher likelihood of

Distracted Driving eating, etc. collisions.

Reduced reaction time, increased severity of

Speeding Excessive driving speed. accidents.

Alcohol, drugs, or fatigue affecting Impaired judgment and coordination, higher

Impaired Driving driving. crash risk.

Aggressive and dangerous driving High likelihood of collisions and serious

Reckless Driving behaviors. injuries.

Reduced grip, poor visibility, and slippery

Weather Conditions Rain, snow, ice, reduced visibility, etc. roads.

Vehicle damage, loss of control, and

Poor Road Conditions Potholes, cracks, lack of signage, etc. accidents.

Causes of Road Accidents Description Consequences

Sudden loss of control and potential for

Mechanical Failures Brake, tire, or engine failures. accidents.

Lack of Vehicle Worn-out brakes, tires, lighting issues, Reduced vehicle performance, potential
Maintenance etc. breakdowns.

Exceeding weight limits affecting Longer stopping distances, increased

Vehicle Overload stability. rollover risk.

Poorly designed intersections, narrow Congestion, difficulty merging, and

Inadequate Road Design roads. increased risk.

Increased likelihood of accidents and severe

Absence of Safety Features Lack of guardrails, proper lighting, etc. injuries.

Running Red Lights and Intersection collisions, side-impact

Stop Signs Disobeying traffic signals and signs. accidents.

Tired or drowsy driving impairing

Fatigue reaction time. Increased risk of drowsy driving accidents.

Following the vehicle in front too

Tailgating closely. Higher risk of rear-end collisions.

Causes of Road Accidents Description Consequences

Lack of experience and poor decision- Increased likelihood of accidents, especially

Inexperienced Drivers making. among teens.

Reduced visibility due to fog, rain, or Limited sight distance, difficulty spotting
Poor Visibility darkness. hazards.

Unsafe and abrupt lane changes Potential for sideswipe and collision
Sudden Lane Changes without signaling. accidents.

Wildlife Crossings Collisions with animals on the road. Vehicle damage and potential for injuries.

Blinding glare from the sun affecting

Sun Glare vision. Reduced visibility, potential for accidents.

Aggressive and confrontational driving Risk of dangerous confrontations and

Road Rage behaviors. accidents.

Health issues causing sudden loss of Risk of accidents if driver loses

Medical Emergencies control. consciousness.

Vehicles leaving the roadway Risk of rollovers and collisions with

Running Off the Road unintentionally. obstacles.

Unsecured Loads

Items falling from improperly secured Hazardous road debris and potential
Causes of Road Accidents Description Consequences

loads. accidents.

Driving Under the Influence Use of alcohol or drugs impairing Impaired coordination, judgment, and crash
(DUI) driving. risk.

Malfunctioning or missing traffic Intersection confusion and potential

Defective Traffic Signals signals. accidents.

Inexperience and risk-taking behavior Higher likelihood of accidents among

Teenage Drivers in teens. young drivers.

Illegal and dangerous high-speed races

Street Racing on roads. Increased risk of accidents and fatalities.

Certainly, let's provide more detailed information on each cause of road accidents and discuss
strategies to prevent or mitigate them:

1. Distracted Driving:
• Description: Distracted driving involves any activity that diverts attention from
driving. It can include texting, using a smartphone, eating, or talking to passengers.
• Consequences: Reduced reaction time, increased risk of collisions.
• Prevention: Raise awareness through campaigns, enforce strict penalties for phone
use while driving, and encourage hands-free systems.
2. Speeding:
• Description: Speeding refers to driving at speeds higher than the posted limits or too
fast for road conditions.
• Consequences: Reduced reaction time, more severe accidents.
• Prevention: Stricter law enforcement, speed limit enforcement technology, public
awareness campaigns.
3. Impaired Driving:
• Description: Impaired driving involves operating a vehicle under the influence of
alcohol, drugs, or while fatigued.
• Consequences: Impaired judgment, coordination, and increased crash risk.
• Prevention: Strict DUI laws, sobriety checkpoints, public education on the dangers
of impaired driving.
4. Reckless Driving:
• Description: Reckless driving includes aggressive behaviors like tailgating, weaving
between lanes, and ignoring traffic signals.
• Consequences: High likelihood of accidents and serious injuries.
• Prevention: Stricter law enforcement, traffic education programs, and penalties for
reckless driving.
5. Weather Conditions:
• Description: Weather-related accidents occur during adverse conditions like rain,
snow, or ice.
• Consequences: Reduced grip, poor visibility, and slippery roads.
• Prevention: Educate drivers on safe driving in adverse weather, maintain road
infrastructure for weather resilience.
6. Poor Road Conditions:
• Description: This includes issues like potholes, cracks, and inadequate signage.
• Consequences: Vehicle damage, loss of control, and accidents.
• Prevention: Routine road maintenance, prompt pothole repairs, and proper signage.
7. Mechanical Failures:
• Description: Mechanical failures result from issues like brake, tire, or engine
• Consequences: Sudden loss of control and potential accidents.
• Prevention: Regular vehicle maintenance, inspections, and prompt repair of issues.
8. Lack of Vehicle Maintenance:
• Description: Lack of maintenance includes worn-out brakes, tires, and lighting
• Consequences: Reduced vehicle performance and potential breakdowns.
• Prevention: Promote vehicle maintenance awareness and provide incentives for
regular check-ups.
9. Vehicle Overload:
• Description: Vehicle overload happens when weight limits are exceeded, affecting
stability and braking.
• Consequences: Longer stopping distances, increased risk of rollovers.
• Prevention: Enforce weight limits, educate on proper loading, and monitor
commercial vehicles.
10. Inadequate Road Design:
• Description: Poorly designed roads can lead to congestion, poor visibility, and
merging difficulties.
• Consequences: Increased risk of accidents.
• Prevention: Invest in road infrastructure planning and design, improve intersections,
and address congestion.
11. Absence of Safety Features:
• Description: Lack of safety features includes the absence of guardrails, proper
lighting, and pedestrian crossings.
• Consequences: Increased likelihood of accidents and severe injuries.
• Prevention: Install safety features where needed, prioritize pedestrian safety, and
maintain lighting.
12. Running Red Lights and Stop Signs:
• Description: Disobeying traffic signals and signs at intersections.
• Consequences: Intersection collisions, side-impact accidents.
• Prevention: Stricter enforcement, traffic cameras, and public awareness campaigns
on intersection safety.

Prevent Road Accidents:
• Education and Awareness: Publicize the dangers of distracted driving, speeding, and
impaired driving through campaigns and school programs.
• Stricter Law Enforcement: Enforce traffic laws rigorously, especially regarding speeding,
impaired driving, and reckless behavior. Use technology for monitoring.
• Improved Road Design and Maintenance: Invest in road infrastructure development,
addressing inadequate design and maintenance issues.
• Vehicle Safety Regulations: Strengthen vehicle safety regulations to reduce mechanical
failures and lack of maintenance.
• Weather-Responsive Driving Education: Educate drivers on safe practices during adverse
weather conditions.
• Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety: Create safer pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure and educate
drivers on sharing the road.
• Community Involvement: Encourage community involvement in road safety programs and
• Technological Solutions: Implement advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and smart
traffic management systems.
• Research and Data Analysis: Collect and analyze data on accidents to identify trends and
develop innovative solutions.
• Collaboration: Foster collaboration between government agencies, law enforcement, civil
engineers, healthcare professionals, and community organizations for comprehensive road
safety efforts.

Combining these strategies can significantly reduce road accidents and improve overall road safety.
Road safety is an ongoing effort that requires commitment at individual, community, and
government levels.

Strategies to Reduce Road Accidents

1. Public Awareness Campaigns
• Increase public awareness of the dangers of distracted driving, speeding, and impaired
driving through multimedia campaigns and school programs.

2. Stricter Law Enforcement

• Implement stricter enforcement of traffic laws, especially focusing on speeding, impaired
driving, and reckless behavior. Utilize technology for monitoring and enforcement.

3. Improved Road Design and Maintenance

• Invest in road infrastructure development and maintenance to address inadequate road design
and poor road conditions. Prioritize repairs of potholes, cracks, and road signage.

4. Vehicle Safety Regulations

• Strengthen vehicle safety regulations to reduce mechanical failures and the lack of
maintenance. Promote regular vehicle maintenance through awareness campaigns and
5. Weather-Responsive Driving Education
• Educate drivers on safe driving practices during adverse weather conditions, including rain,
snow, ice, and fog.

6. Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety

• Create safer pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure, including dedicated lanes and crosswalks.
Educate drivers on sharing the road responsibly.

7. Community Involvement
• Encourage community involvement in road safety initiatives, including neighborhood watch
programs. Foster partnerships between local government, law enforcement, and community

8. Technological Solutions
• Implement advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in vehicles to mitigate accidents
caused by human error. Develop smart traffic management systems to reduce congestion and
improve traffic flow.

• Conclusion
Civil engineers have a significant role to play in addressing road accidents by designing safer
roads, implementing traffic management strategies, and improving road infrastructure. By
understanding and addressing the primary causes of road accidents, engineers can contribute
to reducing the number of accidents and improving road safety for all. It is essential to
continue research and development efforts to create safer road systems and educate the
public about responsible driving practices.


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