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A Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the



I hereby declare that all the work in this thesis in my own work with the guidance of
my Academic Supervisor, Ms. Hamiza Yazmin Mohamad.

01st April 2022 Nur Aimi Binti Norazam


A deep appreciation to my Academic Supervisor, Ms. Hamiza Yazmin Mohamad for

giving the guidance and suggestion in completing my Final Year Project, Vanilla
Cream Patisserie E-Shop. The guidance I received was very helpful and I think that I
may not completing this project successfully without her guidance.

I also appreciate to an Industrial Supervisor of Vanilla Cream Patisserie for giving me

an opportunity to develop this E-Commerce Website for them.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my family, and friends for giving me so much
support and suggestion for enhancement of an E-Commerce Website.

This project is to develop an E-commerce Website that can be use by the staff of Vanilla
Cream Patisserie and their customers. This objective of this project is to develop an E-
Commerce Website for the company. Besides that, E-Commerce Website helps the
company to add, update, and delete the contents in the website. The customers can view
the contents, login, make an order and do the payment. In order to develop this an E-
Commerce Website, the developer has gathered information from the company
regarding the products, the price of the products, and also the size of products. After
that, the developer started to write the report and develop an E-Commerce Website
based on the company’s requirements. The steps to write the report consists of
conducting an interview, questionnaires, and researches on other E-Commerce
Websites. The developer designed on the database structure and interface of an E-
Commerce Website based on the Waterfall Development Methodology. Thus, the
developer improved the Website based on the ideas and suggestions from the Industrial
Supervisor, and an Academic Supervisor. An E-Commerce Website is able for the
customers to view the products information such as the name of the products, the
description of the product such as the size and weight of the products, and the price of
the products. The admins of the company are able to create, update, and delete the
admin, category of products, and the products. The company also is able to receive the
payment from the customers. The programming languages that have been used to
develop this Website are HTML, PHP, CSS, and MySQL in XAMPP server as database
platform. In conclusion, this an E-Commerce Website has been developed with the
satisfaction of majority users included the staffs of the company and there are several
future improvements need to be completed too.
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ..................................................................................................... 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................... 4

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. 5

Tables of Figures ................................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Project Background ............................................................................................... 2
1.3 Problem Statement ............................................................................................... 3
1.4 Objectives.............................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Project Scopes ....................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1 System Scopes ............................................................................................... 5 Online Food Ordering System ............................................................................ 5 Login Session ..................................................................................................... 5
1.5.2 User Scopes ................................................................................................... 6 Admin ............................................................................................................... 6 Users ................................................................................................................. 6
1.6 System/Web Specifications.................................................................................... 7
1.6.1 Hardware Requirements ................................................................................ 7 Laptop ............................................................................................................... 7 Mouse ............................................................................................................... 7 Wi-Fi.................................................................................................................. 7
1.6.2 Software Requirements ................................................................................. 8 Microsoft Word ................................................................................................. 8 Microsoft Excel .................................................................................................. 8 Netbeans ........................................................................................................... 8 XAMPP .............................................................................................................. 8
1.7 WBS Structure ....................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Gantt Chart .......................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................... 11

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 11

2.2 Research on Existing E-Commerce Website.......................................................... 11
2.1.1 Elevete Patisserie ......................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Eat Cake Today ............................................................................................ 20
2.1.3 Foret Blanc ........................................................................................................ 26
2.3 Findings on Existing E-Commerce Websites ......................................................... 29
2.3.1 Comparison on Interface Design .................................................................. 29
2.3.2 Comparison on Function of Web Applications .............................................. 30
2.3.3 Relations Between Project and Existing E-Commerce Website ..................... 31
2.3.4. Comparison on Functions .................................................................................. 32
2.4 Development Method ......................................................................................... 33
2.4.1 Agile Development Methodology ................................................................. 34
2.4.2 Spiral Methodology ...................................................................................... 36
2.4.3 Waterfall Methodology ................................................................................ 38
2.5 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 40
CHAPTER 3 DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY ..................................... 41

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 41

3.2 Methodology Chosen........................................................................................... 42
3.2.1 Requirements .............................................................................................. 42
3.2.2 Design.......................................................................................................... 43
3.2.3 Implementation ........................................................................................... 43
3.2.4 Verification .................................................................................................. 43
3.2.5 Maintenance................................................................................................ 43
3.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 44
CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM ANALYSIS ............................................................... 45

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 45

4.2 Fact-Finding Methods .......................................................................................... 45
4.2.1 Interviews .................................................................................................... 45
4.2.2 Questionnaires............................................................................................. 45
4.2.3 Observation ................................................................................................. 46
4.3 System Requirements ......................................................................................... 46
4.3.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................. 46 Admin ............................................................................................................. 46 User ................................................................................................................ 47
4.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements...................................................................... 47 User-Friendly ................................................................................................... 47 Database Storage ............................................................................................ 47
4.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 48
CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM DESIGN .................................................................... 49

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 49

5.2 Modelling ............................................................................................................ 50
5.2.1 Entity Relation Diagram ............................................................................... 50
5.2.2 Use Case Diagram ........................................................................................ 51
5.2.3 Activity Diagram (Admin) ............................................................................. 52
5.2.4 Activity Diagram (Customer) ........................................................................ 54
5.2.5 Data Flow Diagram....................................................................................... 55
5.3 Database Diagram ............................................................................................... 56
5.3.1 Database Table ................................................................................................ 56 Admin ............................................................................................................. 56 Customer......................................................................................................... 56 Product ........................................................................................................... 57
5.4 User Interface Diagram ........................................................................................ 58
5.4.1 Admin Interface .......................................................................................... 58
5.4.2 Customer Interface ..................................................................................... 58
5.5 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 59

6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 60

6.2 Module Implementation ...................................................................................... 61
6.2.1 Website Screenshots .......................................................................................... 61
6.2.2 Admin Screenshots ...................................................................................... 64
6.3 Database Implementation ................................................................................... 68
6.3.1 Admin Database ................................................................................................. 68
CHAPTER 7 TESTING & IMPLEMENTATION ......................................... 70

7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 70

7.2 Testing Level ............................................................................................................. 71
7.2.1 Unit Testing ................................................................................................. 71 Admin Site ................................................................................................... 71 User Site ...................................................................................................... 74
7.2.2 System Testing ............................................................................................. 75 Login Form ................................................................................................... 75
7.2.4 User Acceptance Testing .............................................................................. 76
CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 77

8.1 Outcome Summarisation ..................................................................................... 77

8.2 Strength & Weaknesses of Project ....................................................................... 78
8.2.1 Strength ....................................................................................................... 78
8.2.2 Weaknesses ................................................................................................. 78
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 79

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ 85
Tables of Figures
Figure 1 WBS Structure ............................................................................................. 9
Figure 2 Gantt Chart ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 3 Gantt Chart ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4 Main Page.................................................................................................. 12
Figure 5 Shop by Category ...................................................................................... 13
Figure 6 Collections................................................................................................. 13
Figure 7 Cupcakes Bar ............................................................................................. 14
Figure 8 Cake Bites Bar ........................................................................................... 14
Figure 9 Macaroons Bars ......................................................................................... 15
Figure 10 Mini Cakes .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 11 Desserts Bar ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 12 Best Sellers .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 13 Delivery Bar ............................................................................................ 17
Figure 14 Occasion Bar ........................................................................................... 17
Figure 15 Celebration Bar ........................................................................................ 18
Figure 16 Gifts Bar .................................................................................................. 18
Figure 17 Contact Bar .............................................................................................. 19
Figure 18 Login Session .......................................................................................... 19
Figure 19 Home Page .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 20 Location Bar ............................................................................................ 21
Figure 21 Shop By Bar ............................................................................................ 21
Figure 22 Delivery ................................................................................................... 22
Figure 23 Occasion Bar ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 24 Add-On Bar ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 25 Customised Bar........................................................................................ 23
Figure 26 Workshop Bar .......................................................................................... 24
Figure 27 Contact Us Bar......................................................................................... 25
Figure 28 Career Bar................................................................................................ 25
Figure 29 Home Page .............................................................................................. 26
Figure 30 Shop Bar .................................................................................................. 26
Figure 31 Cafe Delivery Bar .................................................................................... 27
Figure 32 Customised Cake ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 33 Contact Bar .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 34 Agile Software Development Methodology.............................................. 34
Figure 35 Spiral Methodology ................................................................................. 37
Figure 36 Waterfall Methodology ............................................................................ 38
Figure 37 The stages of Waterfall Methodology....................................................... 41
Figure 38 ER Diagram ............................................................................................. 50
Figure 39 Use Case Diagram ................................................................................... 51
Figure 40 Activity Diagram ..................................................................................... 52
Figure 41 Activity Diagram (Customer) ................................................................... 54
Figure 42 Data Flow Diagram .................................................................................. 55
Figure 43 Admin Interface ....................................................................................... 58
Figure 44 Customer Interface ................................................................................... 58
Figure 45 Home Page .............................................................................................. 61
Figure 46 Categories Page ....................................................................................... 61
Figure 47Product Page ............................................................................................. 62
Figure 48 Contact Us Page....................................................................................... 63
Figure 49 Login Session .......................................................................................... 64
Figure 50 Dashboard Page ....................................................................................... 64
Figure 51 Manage Admin Page ................................................................................ 65
Figure 52 Add Admin Page...................................................................................... 65
Figure 53 Update Admin.......................................................................................... 66
Figure 54 Manage Product Page............................................................................... 66
Figure 55 Add Product Page .................................................................................... 67
Figure 56 Update Product Page ................................................................................ 67
Figure 57 Admin Table ............................................................................................ 68
Figure 58 Contact Table........................................................................................... 68
Figure 59 Product Page ............................................................................................ 69
Figure 60 User Table ............................................................................................... 69


1.1 Introduction
Website development is the constructing and maintenance of websites. It is the work
that occurs in the back of the scenes to make a website appears great, functioning well,
do accessible work, and function well with a seamless user journey (Marionletendart,
2018). Website is the documents that have been saved on servers, which are computer
systems that host the website. These servers are linked to a large network known as the
Internet, or World Wide Web. Browsers are computer applications that load websites
using the Internet connection, such as Google Chrome or Internet Explorer
(, 2020).

The significance of developing a website is to set up credibility and build trust. It can
be similarly boosted via local search engine optimization service to attract a local
demographic for businesses to incline the trust and avail the offerings to the customers
(W. Sagar, 2020). Besides that, the website can assist business growth. It also can be
the centre of the business’s online presence (, 2019). Website makes
it very convenient for people to locate a business in aspects of about, what a business
sells, and the services that businesses have. Thus, people will be able to locate the
businesses when they search businesses’ names on a search engine such as Google,
Yahoo, and Microsoft Edge (, 2020).

There are a few computer languages that will be used in website development such as
HTML, and PHP. These computer languages are effortless to deploy and use the
software or application on laptops such as Netbeans (Albert Franczyk, 2020).
1.2 Project Background

Website development refers in general to the tasks associated with developing websites
for hosting via Intranet or Internet. The processes which are include website design,
website content development, client-side and server-side scripting and network
security configuration among the tasks. Website development encompasses all the
actions, updates, and operations required to build, maintain, and manage the website
to ensure its performance, user experience, and speed are optimal

Vanilla Cream Patisserie is a company chosen in this project that does not have any
actual E-commerce website since it runs the business. During COVID-19 pandemic,
this company has faced the difficulties to maintain its sales and profit. This company
have the social medias platform which are Facebook and Instagram. It also has online
food ordering application which are Lala Move, Grab, and HeyHo. Each company in
this world must have and E-commerce Website to build the customer’s trust for the
company. Thus, this company want to develop website to enhance customer’s trust and
get new customer at the same time.

Website development takes 7 months to complete the building of the entire website. It
does not cost any money since the software needed are free. Computer language will
be involved in this project since it is a universal language such as HTML, and PHP.
These computer languages can be used in 1 software which is Netbeans.
1.3 Problem Statement
Vanilla Cream Patisserie runs the business physically where it makes orders and send
orders using its own transportation. It promotes the products using Facebook Page and
Instagram named as Vanilla Cream Patisserie to attract existing and new customers to
make an order from it. However, COVID-19 pandemic has hit the global and the
business gets the impact in its reputation where Malaysian government has announced
Movement Control Order (MCO). Hence, the business wants to develop a website to
build customer’s trust and also to enhance its sales and profits. Besides that, manual
paper pen way of order taking is prone to errors and confusion. The manual orders
would take times to arrange who comes first. Thus, online ordering system helps the
business to track the orders on online.

In this project, website development will consist of two different servers which are
admin server and customer server. In admin server, an admin can add, modify, and
delete the products on the website while customer server can view the product lists,
and make order from the website.
1.4 Objectives
The objective of this project is to:
1. Develop an E-commerce website for Vanilla Cream Patisserie
2. Allows an admin to add, modify, and delete the contents on the website
3. Allows the users to view the content of the product, and make order of the product.
1.5 Project Scopes

1.5.1 System Scopes Online Food Ordering System
An online food ordering system can be referred as system that allows
the restaurant businesses to receive and manage the orders placed
virtually. This system has been provided for hungry customers to view
this pastry shop and placed an online order. After that, an admin
management interface will receive the customer’s orders. Login Session

Login session is to allows the admin to add, view, update, and delete
products in Admin Site and User Site.
1.5.2 User Scopes Admin
The system allows an admin to manage the content on the website. It
also can add the products, edit the products, and delete the products.
Besides that, an admin can view the list of admins, list of orders, and list
of feedback. Users
The customers can buy the products on the website and make the orders
through the website. The customer also can insert the details in the order
form. The customers can choose what date and time can be selected for
1.6 System/Web Specifications

1.6.1 Hardware Requirements Laptop
Acer Aspire V5-471G Notebook is being use on preparing proposal,
report, and developing a website using Netbeans, PHP, and JavaScript.
Acer Aspire V5-471G uses 64-bit operating system and it consists of
8GB RAM and Windows 10 Pro as its operating system. Mouse
Armaggeddon Mikoyan Foxbat III Wireless Gaming Mouse has been
used as an input device to control the cursor move one part to another
part easily. It easy to control and handle compared to mouse touchpad. Wi-Fi
WiFi is a networking device that allows to communicate and do the
research at home. It gains access to the Internet to get the information
about this project.
1.6.2 Software Requirements Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a software that allows the users to enter the data and
save it as a document. This is used in writing proposal and report for this
project. Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is used to create a Gantt chart. Gantt chart is important
in this proposal and project because it specifies how and when the task
should be completed. Netbeans
Netbeans is used to enter the coding of PHP, HTML and see the output
of the coding. This software will be use on developing a website. XAMPP
XAMPP is used to enter the database and connects with PHP coding.
Once the XAMPP is run, the developer will be able to see the output of
the coding parts.
1.7 WBS Structure

Figure 1 WBS Structure

WBS structure for this project. Chapter 1 is about the introduction of this project. In
this chapter, it consists of project background, problem statement, objectives, scopes,
system or web specification, project schedule or time management.
1.8 Gantt Chart

Figure 2 Gantt Chart

Figure 3 Gantt Chart


2.1 Introduction
The literature review will encompass the critical evaluation of the preceding
ecommerce websites in order to grant the theoretical framework for developing a
project. The data furnished by the reviewed method is used to provide guidance on
higher understanding for the developer on developing an e-commerce website.

2.2 Research on Existing E-Commerce Website

The e-commerce websites that have been researched were Elevete Patisserie, Eat Cake
Today, and Foret Blanc. These websites have their personal strengths and weaknesses
which gives a benchmark for the developer on developing the new mission without
repeating the weaknesses.
2.1.1 Elevete Patisserie
This is the first e-commerce website that has been taken from the developer to
review which is Elevete Patisserie. Elevete is an online ecommerce website, and
it runs the business in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. This ecommerce website
provides homemade cakes and desserts. By developing an ecommerce website,
the customers can see the advertisement, promotion, and various sorts of cakes
and desserts on Elevete Patisserie. Furthermore, the users can choose, edit the
items in add to cart, and make a fee on the same website.

Figure 4 Main Page

This figure above shows the home page of Elevete Patisserie. There are several
bars that consist of a logo, menu bars, and icon bars. The logo has been shown
in the middle of the page. It also can be as a home page button. If the users want
to go back to the home page, they can just click on the logo. Besides that, menu
bars are consisting of the home page, shop by categories page, occasion page,
and contact us page. It is also important for the users to determine which
products they want to buy and when they want the products to deliver. Icon bars
consist of user bar, search bar, and add-to-cart bar. It eases the users to log in or
log out, search the products, and see the list of the products to buy.
Figure 5 Shop by Category

The figure shows the shop of categories bar. It consists of artisan cakes,
cupcakes, cake bites, macarons, mini cakes, designer cakes, dessert tables, best
sellers, and view all the products. These buttons have their own benefits. If the
users are loyal customers, they will click the button based on what they want to
buy. If the users are the newbies, they will click the view all products button
and see what the products are could fulfil their taste.

Figure 6 Collections

The figure shows an artisanal cake which is consist of various types of cakes.
The cakes are not only one (1) flavour, but it has a lot of flavours provided in
this shop. Thus, the users can choose based on their taste.
Figure 7 Cupcakes Bar

The figure shows the cupcakes bar. There are various flavours provided. For
cupcakes, the shop provides two (2) types of size which are one (1) box of
twelve (12) pieces and one (1) box of twenty-four (24) pieces. It has an option
for add on items which are birthday candles, and firework candles.

Figure 8 Cake Bites Bar

The figure above shows the cake bites bars which consist of a variety of cake
bites. It has several flavours and sizes.
Figure 9 Macaroons Bars

The figure shows the macarons bars which are consist of various flavours. There
are 2 types of sizes which are one (1) box of twelve (12) assorted flavours, one
(1) of twenty-five (25) assorted flavours, and one (1) box of Fifty
(50) assorted flavours.

Figure 10 Mini Cakes

The figure shows the mini cakes bar which consists of several flavours. It has
one (1) size only which is 5 inches, and it consists of zero-point six (0.6)
Figure 11 Desserts Bar

The Figure shows the dessert table which has various types of desserts, sizes,
and flavours. The shop provides mix and match cake flavours for the users.

Figure 12 Best Sellers

The figure shows the best sellers of the products. It means the shop has listed
the best products that users can choose. There are consists of a variety of sizes,
weights, flavours, and tiers.
Figure 13 Delivery Bar

The figure shows the products that could be sent by sellers to customers on the
same day of order. It means customers will get the items on the same day as

Figure 14 Occasion Bar

The figure shows an occasion bar. In occasion bar, there 2 types of products
which are celebrations and gifts products.
Figure 15 Celebration Bar

The figure shows the celebrations products on this shop. It means these products
are specified as celebrations products. It consists of several types of desserts,
sizes, and flavours.

Figure 16 Gifts Bar

The figure shows a gifts bar. A gifts bar consists of chef recommendations and
best-selling products. There are various types of desserts, flavours, and sizes.
Figure 17 Contact Bar

The figure shows the contact us bar. In this bar, it shows the company
registration number, email, phone number, and address. It eases customers
nearby to get the navigation from this website. The users can ask questions
regarding the products before they buy them.

Figure 18 Login Session

The figure shows a login session. If the users had an account, they may proceed
to enter the email and password. If the users do not have an account yet, they
must create an account.
In a conclusion, Elevete Patisserie has an easily accessible ecommerce website.
It is sincerely neat in phrases of the association of the products based on the
menu. However, Elevete Patisserie does not have any customised cake
products. Elevete Patisserie have to put one (1) slot for customisation to make
its e-commerce website greater attractive.

2.1.2 Eat Cake Today

The second e-commerce website has been chosen which is Eat Cake Today.
This shop consists of three (3) branches which are KL/Selangor, Penang, and
Johor Bahru. The shop provides various types of cakes, and they are also having
a promotion to the customers.

Figure 19 Home Page

The figure shows the home page of this website. There are several functions of
bars which are location bar, shop by bar, delivery time bar, occasion bar, add on
the bar, customised cake bar, workshop bar, contact us bar, and career bar.
Besides that, it also shows the search bar and add-to-cart bar. For the users who
want to sign in, they can click on the sign-in button on the top-right of the
website. If the users are newbies, they can create an account.
Figure 20 Location Bar

The figure shows the location bar which are consists of the KL/Selangor area,
Penang area, Johor Bahru area, Miri area, and other cities area. For other cities
area, it means the users must fill in the details and then the sellers will respond
as soon as possible. They are also offering delivery to outstation. They are
ensured the cakes have been ordered will deliver in safe and clean.

Figure 21 Shop By Bar

The figure shows the shop by a bar that has been sorted into three (3) parts which
are favourites, cake-type, and flavours. In the favourites section, it displays
what’s new on the website, birthday part, delivery on the same day, and etc. In
the cake type section, there are various types of cakes for users to choose from.
Last but not least is the flavours section. Flavours section ease the users to find
which flavours they like.
Figure 22 Delivery

The figure shows the delivery time. It means delivery can make on the same
days, the next day, or any day that the customers choose to deliver. This website
provides self-collect services where the customers can pick up at Starling Mall,
and Bandar Sunway.

Figure 23 Occasion Bar

The figure shows the occasion bar which means the users can choose the cakes
based on the ages and genders. So, the users can choose the suitable cakes for
Figure 24 Add-On Bar

The figure shows the add-on bars which is consists of several sections which are
balloons, bundle packs, dessert table, flower bouquet, and gift cards.

Figure 25 Customised Bar

The figure shows the customised cake bar for the users to make the customised
cakes. For customised cakes, the sellers required at least four (4) working days
of notice to ensure smooth ordering. In this section, the users must provide the
details of location, delivery dates, theme, number of servings, tiers, flavours,
budget, and sketches to the sellers. Besides that, the users need to fulfil the
details such as name, email, phone number, delivery date and time, flavours,
and requirements. It also has a place for the users to upload the image for the
cakes they want.
Figure 26 Workshop Bar

Workshop bar means the users or bakers can apply to join the baking class with
a professional chef which is Chef Lawrence Cheong. Chef Lawrence’s
speciality may include French pastry and chocolate confectionery. It is also
having a special touch on artistic chocolate showpieces.
Figure 27 Contact Us Bar

The figure above shows the contact us bar. There are FAQ section, Customer
section, and Are You, Baker? section. For the FAQ section, it suits those who
want to know more details about the products. in the customer section, it is for
those who still need help. The users need to fill in the name, email, phone
number, message, and place to upload the images. Lat but not least, Are You
Baker? the section is for those who are interested to be part of Eat Cake Today.
The bakers who want to be part of Eat Cake Today must fill in the requirements
including the images to show their works to the sellers.

Figure 28 Career Bar

The figure shows the career in a few positions in this shop. They are offered an
open position such as Customer Service Executive (Senior/ Junior), Interns
(Logistic/Customer Service/ Marketing/ Operation/ Finance), Operation
support (Balloon Maker/Cake Preparation), Account & Finance Executive
Eat Cake Today has a nice design and e-commerce website. The colours used
were looks fancy and interested. This website has provided a customized cake
section where the customers can ask the seller to make the cakes based on what
they want. It also has a career section where the seller is providing opportunities
for those who looking for jobs.

2.1.3 Foret Blanc

Figure 29 Home Page

The figure shows the home page of Foret Blanc. There are several menu bars
and icons on the top of the website.

Figure 30 Shop Bar

Shop Bar shows a Christmas special, new arrival such as cakes, macarons,
dessert & pastries, occasion, package, add on items, and chocolate pinata.
Figure 31 Cafe Delivery Bar

The figure shows the list of the products provided by Foret Blanc. There are a
few types of products which are Bingsu Shaved Ice, Slice Cake, Whole Cake,
Beverage, and Foret Mart.

Figure 32 Customised Cake

The figure explains on how to make customise cakes. If users want to make
customise cake, they must contact the sellers via WhatsApp Messengers.
Figure 33 Contact Bar

In contact bar shows the details of the sellers headquarter office. It shows the
contact, general line, and opening hours.

Foret Blanc is such an interesting e-commerce website. However, it is a little
tricky when the users want to make an online payment, it will open a new tab.
For customised cake section, the users must contact the seller through social
media apps such as Messengers and WhatsApp. This section has not functioned
on this website.
2.3 Findings on Existing E-Commerce Websites
The existing e-commerce websites have been found which are Elevete Patisserie, Eat
Cake Today, and Foret Blanc. All the items and elements have been categorised in the
form of comparison. It also categorised of interface design, and the functionality of the

2.3.1 Comparison on Interface Design

Table 1 Comparison on Interface Design of E-commerce Website


2.3.2 Comparison on Function of Web Applications

Table 2 Comparison on Functions of E-commerce Websites


2.3.3 Relations Between Project and Existing E-Commerce Website Comparison on Interface

Table 3 Comparison of Interface of E-commerce Websites


2.3.4. Comparison on Functions

Table 4 Comparison on Functions of E-commerce Websites


2.4 Development Method

The improvement method can be described as a framework for the development of

information systems. It is generally associated with a precise set of tools, models, and
techniques that are used for the analysis, design, and implementation of information
systems, and every tends to choose a specific lifecycle model. A methodology has its
own philosophy of device development that practitioners are prompted to adopt, as well
as its own system of recording and documenting the development process (Wells,

2.4.1 Agile Development Methodology

The agile development methodology is one of the best software program

improvement tactics that is used to design a disciplined software program
administration technique which also permits some established alteration in the
improvement project. It is one conceptual framework for project more than a
few software in brief time packing containers which are referred to as iterations
that typically last for one week to one month.

Figure 34 Agile Software Development Methodology

Agile Development Methodology gives consumer pride via rapid, continuous

shipping of beneficial software. Besides that, human interaction is emphasized
as a substitute than technique and improvement tools. Developers, customers,
and testers are constantly interacting with each other. Agile methodology has
direct verbal exchange and regular remarks from patron representatives leaving
no space for any guesswork in the system. It has an adaptive approach that is
capable to respond to the changing requirements of the clients.

However, Agile methodology has its weaknesses too. First, the Agile
methodology difficult to examine the effort required at the opening of the
software program improvement existence cycle. It focuses on working software
program instead than documentation, consequently it can also result in a lack of
documentation. Agile development is solely for senior programmers who are
capable of taking the variety of selections required at some stage in the
development process. Thus, it has no region for novice programmers until
mixed with experienced resources. Last however not least, the mission can
without problems get taken off song if the consumer consultant is now not clear
about what remaining consequence they choose (Sharma, 2020).

2.4.2 Spiral Methodology

The spiral methodology is one of the most vital Software Development Life
cycles which provides support for risk handling. It appears like a spiral in many
loops in its diagrammatic representation. But, the exact range of loops of the
spiral is unknown and can range from challenge to project. Each loop of the
spiral is known as a Phase of the Software Development Process. The exact
quantity of phases wanted to boost the product can be diverse through the
venture manager depending upon the mission risks. The radius of the spiral at
any point represents the charges of the undertaking and the angular dimension
represents the growth made in the contemporary phase.

Each segment of the Spiral Model is divided into four quadrants. Firstly, goals
determination and identify choice solutions. These quadrant requirements are
gathered from the customers and the targets are identified, elaborated, and
analysed at the begin of each phase. Thus, choice solutions feasible for the phase
are proposed in this quadrant. The subsequent quadrant is identifying and
resolving risks. During the 2d quadrant, all the viable solutions are evaluated to
pick the great feasible solution. Then, the dangers associated with that answer
are recognized and the dangers are resolved the usage of the excellent possible
strategy. In the end, the prototype is built for the great viable solution. In the
0.33 quadrant, the recognized facets are developed and validated through
testing. At the cease of this quadrant, the subsequent model of the software
program is available.

Figure 35 Spiral Methodology

Because of the risk analysis and risk management at each level, the Spiral
approach is simple to follow. The Spiral Model is suitable for large and complex
projects. It provides the flexibility in requirements that allows change requests
in the following phase's requirements to be accurately implemented by using
this approach. It also provides customer pleasure because customers may
monitor the progress of the product throughout the phases of the software
development and so become familiar with the system by using it before the final
product is completed.

The spiral model, on the other hand, is not appropriate for small projects due to
its high cost. It is significantly more complicated than other SDLC models.
Because the number of phases is unknown at the outset of the project, the spiral
model has trouble managing time. Risk Analysis plays a critical role in the
project's success. Developing a project using a model without highly
experienced experts will be a failure (Kumar Pal, 2018).

2.4.3 Waterfall Methodology

Winston W. Royce developed the Waterfall approach in 1970. It features five

management phases, each of which requires a deliverable from the previous
phase to move forward. It is best suited to applications that require a great deal
of consistency, such as application development, where the ultimate outcome is
precisely defined before beginning.

Figure 36 Waterfall Methodology


Requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance are the

five steps of the Waterfall technique. First, the criteria provide a broad overview
of the project. "High-level statements that could be implemented in a variety of
ways" are what these are. The following phase is to think about ways to
construct solutions that fit the project's specifications. Choose the designs you
want to employ and put them into action using technology. This could entail
gathering information and determining whether the design can meet the criteria.
Verification involves taking the implementation generated in phase four and
determining whether it meets the requirements. Last but not least, once the
project has been verified and validated, this is not complete. The system must
still be maintained. Patching systems, upgrading systems, implementing a
software upgrade, or testing for errors and resolving them if they occur are all
tasks that are performed during maintenance.

Waterfall has the benefits of getting a set timetable and budget because the
project goals are clear and defined from the outset. Apart from specified targets
or deliverables for each step after the project's purpose is established, it does not
require frequent feedback or involvement from the client. The disadvantage of
this strategy is that dealing with unexpected issues can be complex and time-
consuming. When employing Waterfall, the best method to avoid this is to
gather as much information as possible to avoid having to restart a phase
(Hoory, 2021).

2.5 Conclusion
The tables above show the flow chart of the e-commerce websites that have been taken
as the examples on literature review. It shows that Elevete Patisserie more user-friendly
than Eat Cake Today and Foret Blanc. Besides that, the arrangements of the products
for Elevete Patisserie are better and neat. Elevete Patisserie and Eat Cake Today provide
the information needed on its website while Foret Blanc has less information. Foret
Blanc is not user-friendly and there is a button where it is not functioning such as
customised cake. The users cannot make the orders for customised cake on its website
because the sellers are preferred the orders made through WhatsApp Messengers.
Hence, it shows that Foret Blanc built the website to advertise and take the orders for
products that has been advertised on website only. These three (3) e-commerce
websites have been listed out all the strengths and weaknesses on above. The developer
plans to apply all the strengths of these e-commerce websites on developing an e-
commerce website for this project.

The developer has investigated three models for development approach. Every model
has a unique context in which it can be used, as well as distinct advantages and
disadvantages. The waterfall model will be chosen to employ in the project after the
study is completed. Waterfall development has the advantage of allowing for
departmentalization and control. A plan with deadlines for each step of development
may be created, and a product can be guided through the various phases of the
development process one by one ( 2021).


3.1 Introduction
A software development methodology is a set of rules and principles that are followed
during the investigation, planning, design, development, testing, installation, and
maintenance of a software product. The methodology also contains the project team's
basic values and the tools utilised during the planning, development, and
implementation phases. Few methods of data collection have been used for this research
approach, including surveys, observation, and research on the existing system itself.
There are a few kinds of methodology accessible in developing an e-commerce website
such as Waterfall Methodology, Agile Methodology, and Rapid Application
Development (RAD). The methodology that has been chosen is Waterfall. According
to Waterfall is the simplest way to control a project. It maps out a challenge into distinct,
sequential phases, with every new phase commencing only when the previous one has
been accomplished (, 2018). The waterfall consists of seven (7) tiers which
are requirements, analysis, design, implementation, testing, operation, and
maintenance. This model will be defined in more element in chapter three (3) which

includes the diagrams.

Figure 37 The stages of Waterfall Methodology


3.2 Methodology Chosen

3.2.1 Requirements
There are several tiers in developing an e-commerce website the use of Waterfall
methodology. First and foremost, the developer had a meeting with the
industrial supervisor. It is to decide what will involve and the developer will use
the data given to create a step-by-step plan. The data given want to surely be
documented and uses to guide the work at some point of the project. It needs to
be accurate and comprehensive. The developer and industrial supervisor have
mentioned producing an e-commerce website due to the fact that the
organisation does not have any e-commerce website. The goal of developing an
e-commerce website is to overcome the barrier on what the corporation dealing
with which are difficulties in getting sales, getting new customers, advertising
the products, and the data are not computerised. Thus, the company wants an
ecommerce website that is running in twenty-four (24) hours to promote the
products. The company requires an easy e-commerce website with useful
buttons on the website. Besides that, an e-commerce website needs to have clear
navigation with an easy format to make customers feel effortless handy.

Next, the developer wants to sketch the gadget that is going to create. It is such
a brainstorming phase. The developer has to determine how the venture are
going to entire primarily based on the product requirements. Besides that,
creating the growth ought to be wholly organized to entire the task itself. Work
together to develop the product and service the developer has been tasked to
create via requirement documentation. Furthermore, when the growth has been
completed, it moves to the verification phase. The developer be checking out
the aspects of the merchandise how it performs as a whole. It ensures that the
merchandise is not having any bugs or issues that want to be fixed. Lastly, there
will probably be issues that an industrial supervisor will discover given that it is
the completed product. The developer has to address and resolve these troubles
to achieve full purchaser pride before the assignment closed (F. Emily, 2021).

3.2.2 Design
The developer needs to design the interface of an e-commerce website and
generate the paperwork on what to do for the project which are story board,
modelling diagram such as the use case diagram, ERD, and activity diagram.
Thus, the developer must list all of the details of the project required and an
industrial supervisor’s requirement on developing on e-commerce website.
Besides that, the developer needs to decide on what type of software and
hardware will use on developing an e-commerce website. Hence, an industrial
supervisor could get the ideas on the basic features of an e-commerce website
such as themes colour, the position of the menu bars, and website content.

3.2.3 Implementation
The academic and industrial supervisors will test an e-commerce website after
the developer developed it. The further improvement needed once the
weaknesses have been occurred on the website. It will be last time for industrial
and academic supervisor to give the feedbacks. the developer will determine the
improvement can be made during an implementation.

3.2.4 Verification
The developer must ensure that the verification needs to be done and the website
has no errors and all of the requirements have been completed before release it
to an industrial supervisor.

3.2.5 Maintenance
When the developer has been sent to an industrial supervisor, the maintenance
phase begins, and the developer should check if there are the defects found on
the website. The developer will be assigned to improve the website.

3.3 Conclusion
In a nutshell, the Waterfall method is utilised to construct an e-commerce website
because developers can detect design or system mistakes that emerge during the
analysis and design stages. It assists the developer in avoiding the creation of incorrect
code during the implementation phase. This paradigm evolves through an easily
intelligible and explainable phase, and it is simple to apply. The steps are processed and
completed one at a time, with no overlap (S. Lakshay, 2021).


4.1 Introduction
The developer will provide detailed information on the system analysis of the e-
commerce website that will be created. The writer acquired an industrial supervisor
demand by a few fact-finding approaches, including a face-to-face interview with an
industrial supervisor, a questionnaire, and research on current e-commerce websites
specified by the developer in chapter two (2). The system requirements, as well as the
functional and non-functional requirements, will be detailed in this chapter.

4.2 Fact-Finding Methods

The developer used the fact-finding approach to learn about the needs that users had.
The information acquired is critical in order to build broad concepts for developing an
e-commerce website. Interviews, questionnaires, and observation are among the
methods used to gather information.

4.2.1 Interviews
To gather information on the user needs for an e-commerce website, the
interview approach was employed. The developer asks a few questions of an
industrial supervisor and documents the answers.

4.2.2 Questionnaires
The developer generated a series of questions and delivered them to the user,
who is someone who frequently uses an e-commerce website. Google Form was
used to disseminate the questionnaire. On this strategy, the developer employs
a multiple-choice question.

4.2.3 Observation
The observation is a step made by the developer to determine what type of e-
commerce website will be created. The developer conducted research on three
(3) e-commerce websites: Elevete Patisserie, Eat Cake Today, and Foret Blanc.

4.3 System Requirements

System requirements are all of the requirements at the system level that specify the
operations of the system as a whole in order to fulfil the demands and requirements of
an industrial supervisor. It is stated in a suitable blend of textual declarations, points of
view, and non-functional needs (Faisandier and Roedler, 2021). The functional
requirement specifies what the software system must perform and how it must work (J.
Ladan, 2020). Non-functional requirements serve as a useful checklist to ensure that no
crucial requirements are overlooked (R. Paula, 2020).

4.3.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements describe the functionality of an e-commerce website
and are divided into two sides: admin and customer. Admin Advertise Information
An administrator can promote the products on an e-
commerce website. An administrator has the ability to
amend and delete the product advertisement. Database Management

An e-commerce website allows an administrator to add,
amend, and remove database entries such as product
47 User Order
An e-commerce website allows the users to make an order on the
website. In order form, the users must fill in the details such as
name, contact number, email, address, delivery time and date.

4.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirement is about specification that describe system’s
operation capabilities that enhance its functionality (AltexSoft,2019). User-Friendly
An e-commerce website is user-friendly for both administrators
and customers. The elements will be properly organised by
function and category. Database Storage

Information related to the firm, such as customer personal
information, product information, and booking information, will
be retained in the database.

4.4 Conclusion
Finally, the developer used the interview, questionnaire, and observation methods to
produce ideas for the e-commerce website. The administrator could administer the user
database, market the items, and manage the booking system, whilst the user could book
the products. This website is user-friendly, and it includes database storage for user data
such as personal information, product information, and order information.


5.1 Introduction
System analysis entails critically examining systems, redesigning them, and
recommending modifications. It aids in determining if the system's general architecture
is efficient and uncovering the alternatives open to employing businesses. Entity
relationship diagrams, data flow diagrams, and use case diagrams are all used on an
ecommerce website (, 2020).

The relationship of the data recorded in the database will be determined by the entity
relationship diagram. The role of function for each entity, which include customers,
employees, and administrators, may be stated in the use case diagram. The data flow
diagram will specify how data will be stored in the system and database.

5.2 Modelling

5.2.1 Entity Relation Diagram

Figure 38 ER Diagram

This figure is about Entity Relation Diagram. Admin can manage the product.
The product has a payment and can be managed by admin. The user can make
an order of the product.

5.2.2 Use Case Diagram

Figure 39 Use Case Diagram

The admin can login and logout the session. The admin can manage the
products, manage the admins, manage view the customer information, and view
the feedback. The user can view the content of products on the website. The
users can make an order of the product, choose specific date and time for the

5.2.3 Activity Diagram (Admin)

Figure 40 Activity Diagram


In this figure, it shows that the admin can login the admin page. After that, the
admin can manage admin. In this page, admin can add admin, update the admin
details, change the admin’s password, update the admin details, and delete the
admin. The admin can manage category. In this page, the admin can add the
category, update the category’s details, and delete the category. The admin also
can manage the products. The admin can add the products, update the products’
details, and delete the products. Last but not least, the admin can view the orders.
The admin can logout from the page too.

5.2.4 Activity Diagram (Customer)

Figure 41 Activity Diagram (Customer)

The user can login and logout in this session. The user can view the products
information, and then proceed to order. Once the user proceeds to order, the user
need to fill in the order form before proceed.

5.2.5 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 42 Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram shows how the admin and the customer connect into Pastry
Ordering System. In this figure, the admin can login and logout. Besides that,
the admin can manage admin where the admin can add the new admin, update
the admin, change the password, and delete the admin. After that, the admin
also can manage products. The admin can add the new product, update and
delete the products. The admin can view the orders that have been made by the
customers in the system. The admin can view the list of feedback from the

The customer can view the products information and proceed to order. Once the
customer proceeds to order, the customer can fill in the order form and make
the payment on the delivery day.

5.3 Database Diagram

5.3.1 Database Table Admin


Field Data Type

AdminID int

username varchar (255)

password varchar (255)

Table 5 Admin Database Customer


Field Data Type

Customer_name varchar (255)

Customer_email varchar (255)

Customer_address varchar (255)

Customer_contact varchar (255)

Table 6 Customer Database
57 Product


Field Data Type

ProductID int

Product_title varchar (255)

Product_description varchar (255)

Product_price Decimal (10,2)

Image_name varchar (255

Table 7 Product Database

5.4 User Interface Diagram

5.4.1 Admin Interface

Figure 43 Admin Interface

5.4.2 Customer Interface

Figure 44 Customer Interface


5.5 Conclusion
In conclusion, designing system modelling helps a developer to have a clear
imagination on how an e-commerce website will be develop. This chapter shows the
entity has related to each other and stores in different data storage. A developer also
has a clear information on the actual functions should be performed on an e-commerce
website and data flow direction through the flow cart design. The activity diagram
stated that the access provided for admin and customer.



6.1 Introduction
This chapter will discuss on the module implementation of the website which includes
the screenshots of the website and the database structure. It discusses the features of the
website that has been achieves and how does the system work.

6.2 Module Implementation

6.2.1 Website Screenshots

Figure 45 Home Page

The figure shows the home page of Vanilla Cream Patisserie website. This is
the main page of the website. The header contains a few link that enable the
user to go the other pages which are categories page, products page, contact us
page, login, and sign-up page. The footer of the website contact the name of the
shop and it has social media links to see either this business is legally operating
or not.

Figure 46 Categories Page


The figure shows the Explores Section. In this section, the users can click on
these images and it links to the product page.

Figure 47Product Page

This figure shows the Menu List from Vanilla Cream Patisserie. In this page,
the user can view all the menu that has been added from the database. If the
users interested to buy the products, the users can directly click on Order Now
button to proceed an order.

Figure 48 Contact Us Page

This figure shows the Contact Us page of the website. In this page, the users are
able to ask anything regarding the products.

6.2.2 Admin Screenshots

Figure 49 Login Session

This figure shows login session of admin site. Admin needs to fill in the
username and password. After that, it will direct the admin into the admin site.

Figure 50 Dashboard Page

This figure shows the dashboard page. In this page, it displays the total of
products, and the total of orders made.

Figure 51 Manage Admin Page

This figure shows the list of the admin. The admin can change password, update
the full name and username, and delete the username. If there is a new admin,
the admin can create the new admin in add admin page.

Figure 52 Add Admin Page

This figure shows the add admin page. The admin can enter new account or
username for new employees to handle this page.

Figure 53 Update Admin

This figure shows the update of username and full name admin.

Figure 54 Manage Product Page

This figure shows the product page. In this page, the admin is able to view the
list of the products that have been inserted into user site.

Figure 55 Add Product Page

This figure shows the add product page where the admin can add new product
in the admin site and user site.

Figure 56 Update Product Page

This figure shows an update product page. In this page, the admin is able to
update the information on product existed.

6.3 Database Implementation

6.3.1 Admin Database

Figure 57 Admin Table

This figure shows the admin database. It consists of ID, Full Name, Username,
and Password.

Figure 58 Contact Table

This figure shows contact table. The customers can leave the messages to the
company. Thus, the company can do improvements on the Website Contents.

Figure 59 Product Page

This figure shows the list of products. The admin can view the product ID,
product Title, product Description, Image Name, Price, the category ID,
featured and active.

Figure 60 User Table

This figure shows the user table. It consists of ID, Full Name, Username, and


7.1 Introduction
The developer will carry out the different type of testing the website application
functionality. The testing level involves of the unit testing, integration testing, system
testing, and user acceptance testing.

7.2 Testing Level

7.2.1 Unit Testing Admin Site

Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

Log In Session Admin is allowed to Admin cam view It runs as expected
enter the admin site the Dashboard, result.
once they had the Admin, Category,
username and Products, and
password. Order.
Admin Admin is allowed to Admin can view the It runs as expected
view admin’s list of the admin result.
username, and full which consists of
name. Admin can add username, and full
new admin once she name. Admin can
or he click on Add add new admin once
Admin button. Admin she or he click on
also can Update and Add Admin button.
Delete another admin Admin can update
on this page. and delete the admin
in the list.
Add Admin Admin is allowed to Once it is submitted, It runs as expected
add another admin by the new admin result.
entering their Full details will display
Name, Username, and on Manage Admin
Password. page.
Change Password Admin is allowed to Once the details It runs as expected
change the password have been result.
by entering the old submitted, the
password, new password will
password and confirm automatically
new password. change.

Update Admin Admin is allowed to Once the Username It runs as expected

update their and Full Name had result.
Username, and Full edited, the details
Name in the Update will display on
Admin page. Manage Admin
Delete Admin Admin is allowed to The account deleted It runs as expected
delete the admin will be removed result.
accounts. from Manage
Admin page.
Product Admin is allowed to The details will be It runs as expected
view the list of the displayed on result.
products. Manage Product
Add Product Admin is allowed to Once the product It runs as expected
add new product. added, the product result.
will be displayed on
Manage Product
Update Product Admin is allowed to Once the product It runs as expected
update product details changed, the result.
details. details will be
displayed on
Manage Product
Delete Product Admin is allowed to The product deleted It runs as expected
delete the existing will be removed result.
product. from the Manage
Product page
Order Admin is allowed to The orders will be It runs as expected
view the orders from displayed on result.
customers. Manage Order page.

Feedback Admin is allowed to The feedback will It runs as expected

view the feedback be displayed on result.
from the customers. Feedback Page.
74 User Site

Case Description Expected Result Actual Result

Home The user is allowed to view the The website will go to It runs as
Home, Categories, Products, the page that the user expected result.
and Login page. clicks.
Products The user is allowed to view the The user can make an It runs as
list of the products on this order to the products expected result.
page. on this page.
Contact The user is allowed to contact The details will be It runs as
with admin by entering the sent to the admin site. expected result.
details of the form on this

7.2.2 System Testing

System testing is a final testing to evaluate the system’s compliance with its
specific requirements. Login Form

Input/Action Expected Output Actual Result
Login A message will be shown if It runs as expected
the user did not key in the result.
username and password

7.2.4 User Acceptance Testing

The user acceptance testing is conducted to ensure the website achieve the
user’s expectation. This website has been given to 30 online shoppers for testing
and the developer has made corrections regarding to the interface design,
content structure, and functions available.

Measure Attribute Comments

Interface Design The website design is good and it provides the
important things in for the users.
Functionality The website is functioning well.
Navigation The website used the proper navigation button. Thus,
the user can easily go to another page.
Front-end User There are a few comments from the shoppers to
Interface Design improve in aspect of layout design and font design.
Content The content sections are in the proper order.
Table 8 User Acceptance Testing


8.1 Outcome Summarisation

In conclusion, the developer has built an E-Commerce Website that allows the company
to communicate with their customer. An E-Commerce Website helps to solve the
problem that the company facing which is to develop an E-Commerce Website, and to
have admin system with the functions. All the data has been stored and it helps Vanilla
Cream Patisserie to view the all the data virtually. The developer gains a lot of
experiences in this project and made improvement of herself.

8.2 Strength & Weaknesses of Project

8.2.1 Strength

The company is allowed to store and manipulate the data in database which
allows the company to go on paperless. All the data can be store online. The
admin is allowed to manipulate the data such as admin records, and products
records. This E-Commerce Website is user-friendly. It has a good arrangement
on this E-Commerce Website. The texts on the pages are readable and

8.2.2 Weaknesses

This project has several weaknesses too. Firstly, there is no Add-To-Cart page
on this Website. This means the user can only buy a product in one time. Thus,
the user cannot buy several products in one time. Besides that, there is no login
session on User site. This is because the user details will be collected in order
form once the user want to make an order of the product. Thus, the details will
be collected based on the order form on the website. It has no purchase tracks
where the users are unable to see the history of the product purchases. In admin
page, there is no security. This means the admin can easily delete other admin
accounts without they knowing about it.

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